Tag Archives: conspiracies

Dzhokhar's boat 'confession' the most unbelievable part yet of Boston bombing psyop

Martial law 1

Who benefits? This was the result of the Boston bombing: a martial law precedent.

By Craig McKee                       
Remember the notes that accompanied the anthrax deliveries right after 9/11? They said things like, “Allah is great!” “Death to Israel,” “Death to America!” and “9-11-01: This is next.”
In other words, THE MUSLIMS DID IT: the same ones who had so handily defeated the world’s greatest military machine on Sept. 11, 2001. And they did it because they hate us and our freedoms … the usual. They apparently really wanted to rub salt in the wounds of a traumatized America after the largest supposed terrorist attack ever on U.S. soil. And it worked; people were suitably freaked out.
The problem was that the Muslims didn’t carry out the anthrax attacks, which was later proven by the fact that the anthrax was highly weaponized and was manufactured at a U.S. military facility. The whole thing was later pinned on American scientist Bruce Edward Ivins after he had allegedly committed suicide. We also learned that Bush, Cheney and other key administration officials were put on the anthrax-preventing antibiotic Cipro in early September 2001, long before Continue reading

False flag theater: Boston bombing involves clearly staged carnage

Everyone ignores the man who just lost his legs.

*After you’ve read Sheila Casey’s excellent article below, check out another on the Boston bombing from Truth and Shadows, titled “Justice Denied: Examining the evidence that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a patsy in Boston bombing”:  – Craig McKee

(Updated in 2017)

“Does a compelling description of a terrorist attack, replete with ‘eyewitness accounts’ of the terrifying scene, and official pronouncements, constitute an actual event?” – Florida Atlantic University professor James Tracy.

By Sheila Casey (Special to Truth and Shadows)

The mainstream media story of the Boston Marathon bombing is of Chechen terrorists who unleashed weapons of mass destruction, killing four and wounding 264 in an unthinkable scene of “bodies flying into the street”, “so many people without legs” and “blood everywhere.”
For the vast majority of the American population, this is the truth and they feel no need to look further. Yet those who are willing to question the narrative we’ve been sold and take a hard look behind the curtain may be in for a surprise.  Continue reading

False Flags Part 1 – secrecy, cover-ups, and crafted perceptions

aerial 911 collapse - NYPD lightened 1

Darwin saw what everyone saw, but thought what nobody thought. – Author unknown1

False flags revisedThis is the first part in Barrie Zwicker’s series on false flag operations. The next installment is Maximum Illusion Time.
Part 1: An Introduction
Everyone has seen a False Flag Operation, but few have recognized one. The classic example is 9/11, seen by millions on TV but not recognized for what it really was – a treasonous inside job.
Unlike 9/11 and the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin “attack” (that never took place) and the 1933 torching of the Reichstag, the German parliament building, by Hitler (but which he blamed on “the communists”) not all False Flags are both large and brazen. In this series I will try to give some idea of the dizzying array of forms that False Flags take: false flag events, false flag pseudo-events, false flag front organizations and false flag operators. You can barely open a newspaper without seeing the telltale markings of a False Flag – if you know what these markings are.
What all False Flags have in common is that they are deceptions, a category of phenomena too Continue reading

Truth and Shadows launches exclusive Barrie Zwicker series on false flags, the most destructive of deceptions

By Craig McKee
It was suggested to me some months ago by a reader that the name of the 9/11 Truth movement should be changed to the False Flag Awareness movement.
While I didn’t think the suggestion was very practical (how do you go about changing the name of a movement?), the idea of putting 9/11 in the larger context of false flags stayed with me. Not only would it help people to understand what the event was really all about, but it also would show how 9/11 is not unique but instead part of a continuum that goes back centuries.
It makes sense to me that we should work to raise awareness that events like 9/11 are not isolated or outside of the normal pattern of manipulation and control by the powerful over the powerless, they are business as Continue reading

‘Gatekeeper’ documentary fails 9/11 litmus test, hides deeper media crimes

This is a review of the documentary film Shadows of Liberty; 93 minutes; PG; Jean-Philippe Tremblay, United Kingdom, director; 2012; distributed by KinoSmith Inc.

 By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
I’m hard-pressed not to see Shadows of Liberty as other than a bait-and-switch job, a false flag op that seeks to marshal audience confidence if not admiration by blowing the whistle on a handful of media crimes not widely known to the general public, but that in the end distracts audiences from much larger media crimes, particularly media complicity in the cover-up of the truth about 9/11.
Because so few documentaries take on the corpstream media energetically, for the “average viewer” this one might rate Continue reading

9/11 conference is canceled: Pentagon proposal has to wait

We would have shown this to be the scene of a faked plane crash.

February 19, 2013

By Craig McKee

An international conference on 9/11 being organized in France by a little known quantity within the 9/11 Truth movement, literature professor William Schnabel, has been cancelled for unknown reasons.
The conference was scheduled for Sept. 11-13 at the University of Lorraine in the city of Nancy. Schnabel, who teaches at the university, issued a “call for papers” last fall – with a Dec. 25 deadline for submission. Those wishing to make presentations to the conference were required to submit a 300-word abstract stating what their presentation would be about. Those selected would be informed by Feb. 1. Before that date arrived, however, we got the news that there would be no conference. Participants were informed in a brief email. No explanation was Continue reading

Explosion of interest in Sandy Hook anomalies polarizes, prompts nasty media backlash

An aerial shot of the school parking lot and the black Honda allegedly driven by Adam Lanza.

The school parking lot and the black Honda allegedly driven by Adam Lanza.

January 23, 2013

By Craig McKee

It’s like a conspiracy theory on steroids.
Everything about the Sandy Hook shooting is more emotional, more perplexing, and more polarizing than any single “conspiracy” event in recent memory. Questions, theories, and challenges to what we’ve been told by authorities and the media are coming up faster and more frequently than we’ve seen in just about any other similar circumstance.
Confirmed facts are in short supply while emotion rules the day. Children are involved, so convincing people to question the facts is even more difficult than it would otherwise be. It seems that questioning potential conspiracies is something you can do as long as you keep your doubts in good taste. It’s hard to meet that standard when you’re questioning whether the mass shooting of children was actually a staged event (or at Continue reading

Multiple suspects, a profusion of weapons, and arrests suppressed in Sandy Hook shooting story

Robbie Parker smiles right before getting into character at briefing.

December 31, 2012

By Craig McKee

It’s a story we’ve been fed before.
A horrific and violent mass shooting takes place. Innocent people die, a community mourns, and the world feels even less safe than before. People struggle to make sense of what appears to be a random event, the work of a disturbed lone killer.
The mainstream media present us with a narrative that leans heavily on emotion and the need for “healing.” In the early going, facts that don’t fit this story may be floating around, but they are soon trimmed as if they never existed. And once the narrative is set, it almost certainly stays that way.
Whether it’s bogus “terrorist attacks” like 9/11 or mass killings pinned on “lone gunmen” like we just saw at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the mainstream media fail to – or refuse to – point out the gaping holes in the official story. Often, they appear to Continue reading

Exploring the ‘darker mechanisms of reality’: prologue to new 9/11 book hits home

the Matrix

By Craig McKee

There is a reason why so many conspiracy “enthusiasts” connect with the concept behind The Matrix.
It shows us a world that most accept as being real. People have jobs, have friends, have lives, and they don’t ask questions. But Thomas Anderson/Neo has a different future ahead of him. We follow him as he takes the red pill, and we all find out “just how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
I’m currently reading a provocative new book that looks at 9/11 from a vantage point in the deepest recesses of the rabbit hole. The book is called The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual by S.K. Bain. I’ve got an interview lined up with the author as soon as I have finished; reading the book.
But in the meantime, I was particularly struck by the prologue of the book, entitled “Knock, knock” and written by Peter Levenda, author of Sinister Forces. Levenda offers more than just an introduction to Bain’s book, Continue reading

Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot, and how false flags have shaped history

A portrait of Guy Fawkes, who was executed for ‘the gunpowder plot.’

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
-Old English folk rhyme (anonymous)

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

Today, November 5th, is Guy Fawkes Day, also known as Gunpowder Day. In 2012 it’s the 407th anniversary of The Gunpowder Plot or Gunpowder Treason, as it was first called.
It also happens to be my 78th birthday. So I’ve been more aware of Guy Fawkes Day than most. I’m especially happy about how ubiquitous the Guy Fawkes mask has become. Continue reading