Category Archives: War on terror

If the world ‘knows’ bin Laden did 9/11, why isn’t there any evidence?

The media continues to show no interest in the lack of evidence against bin Laden.

Saudi ‘monster’ pronounced guilty by government decree

“A lie told once is lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”—German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels
July 14, 2018

By Geoffrey O’Neill (Special to Truth and Shadows)

He is arguably the most notorious person in the 21st century.
The world takes for granted that Osama bin Laden was the architect of the “terror attacks” of Sept. 11, 2001. But why was this man singled out for this horrific crime? How did we learn of his alleged guilt? And what is the evidence used to support his guilt?
These questions are critical because the allegation against bin Laden led, less than a month later (on Oct. 7, 2001), to the launching of the Global War on Terror with the invasion of Continue reading

The American exceptionalism myth and the selling of U.S. domination

I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being. – Barack Obama, 2015.
America is a nation with a mission. Our aim is a democratic peace—a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman on this earth. – George W. Bush, 2001
America remains the indispensable nation, and there are times when America and only America, can make a difference between war and peace, between freedom and oppression. – Bill Clinton, 1996
May 27, 2018

By Geoffrey O’Neill (Special to Truth and Shadows)

Americans are expected from birth to believe in the notion of U.S. superiority over other peoples in other nations. The daily school ritual of pledging allegiance to the flag and playing the national anthem at sporting events—whether the Super Bowl or a neighborhood swim meet—is a given. Americans are taught that they are intellectually, socially, economically, and morally superior to Continue reading

10 irrefutable, devastating 9/11 facts

The U.S. has utterly failed to provide hard evidence to substantiate its version of events.

April 20, 2018

By Elias Davidsson and Craig McKee

Scholars who attempt to elucidate the crime perpetrated on 9/11 – who are commonly referred to as 9/11 truthers – are often criticized for relying on conjecture and speculation in support of their claims. Such criticism may at times be justified, though often made in bad faith. There is actually no need to resort to speculative arguments that the official account of 9/11 is a fraud since there are hard facts that support this conclusion. Here are 10 such undisputed facts:
1. U.S. authorities have failed to trace, arrest, try (prosecute), and punish anyone responsible for the crime against humanity committed on 9/11.
The mass murder committed on September 11, 2001 represents, under international law, a crime against humanity. Continue reading

Demos and other unreleased tracks from the Truth & Shadows vault

Truthers gathered in Montreal at the World Social Forum in 2016. From left to right: Niels Harrit, Sean Sweeney, Elizabeth Woodworth, and Graeme MacQueen. (Photo: Craig McKee)

Broadcast council says yes to hate, Dawson’s disinfo about AE911Truth, Omar Khadr, and CIA in the movies

April 8, 2018

By Craig McKee

Since I began writing this blog in 2010, I’ve started dozens of articles that, for one reason or another, I never finished.
From time to time, I’ll get an idea and start writing it but then put it aside “just for the moment.” Perhaps I question whether I have enough substance for an entire piece. Sometimes I don’t push hard enough through any obstacles I’m encountering. Perfectionism can really slow things down. Or I’ll get distracted by something else – perhaps the sudden and unexpected appearance of a squirrel…
Some were false starts that deserved oblivion, and you won’t see anything of them here. Some are, I think, worth sharing, however Continue reading

Manufactured migrants are tools in U.S. Empire’s ‘grand chessboard’

Chaos from the mass migration is a deliberate strategy. (Photo: Janossy Gergely, Shutterstock)

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

The refugee crisis in Europe, the largest seen since World War 2, is no accident.
Former U.S. State Department official J. Michael Springmann addresses this verboten subject in his just-released second book Goodbye Europe? Hello, Chaos?: Merkel’s Migrant Bomb. He argues that these refugees and migrants were deliberately created by the American Empire to be used as political weapons.
The misery of asylees, Springmann writes, is one of the planned outcomes of horrendous and unlawful military Continue reading

Operation Northwoods: Generals approved domestic terror ‘false flag’ that was a blueprint for 9/11

Kennedy: The man who said no to an attack by the U.S. government against its own citizens.

‘The most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government’James Bamford in Body of Secrets

February 4, 2017

By Craig McKee

A massive and spectacular terrorist attack.
Civilians killed on American soil. Explosives planted to simulate an assault from an external enemy. American cities attacked, including Washington, D.C. Military targets hit. Civil aircraft hijacked. Wreckage planted. Evidence manufactured.
You might assume I’m talking about 9/11, the most devastating false flag “terror attack” in history. But I’m not. I’m talking about Operation Northwoods, which you will hear barely anything about in the mainstream media.
The plan was approved by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and presented to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962 in a top secret memorandum. The idea of the plan was to launch a campaign of terror against American citizens to trick them into supporting an invasion of Cuba. The goal Continue reading

Being a truther means ridicule, insults, and polite dismissals from those who grabbed the blue pill

January 24, 2017

By Craig McKee

Being a truther is not for the faint of heart.
Fighting for the truth in a sea of caution, comfortable complacency, and condescension can get to one eventually. It has been getting to me lately. I’ve become cranky and impatient with the childish level of political understanding around me. I think I will scream if I see one more Facebook post about how wonderful and classy Barack Obama and his family are. And watching the freak-out over Trump just makes me feel contempt for those who have not said a peep in eight years but who are now suddenly “political.” Of course, it is fair game to attack Trump for Continue reading

Mainstream newspaper prints op-ed questioning 2014 Ottawa shootings

Soldiers on the scene of Parliament Hill shooting in 2014.

Soldiers on the scene of Parliament Hill shooting in 2014.

Oct. 25, 2016

By Barrie Zwicker

For 15 years I was paid to mainly find fault with the media, while on occasion celebrating well-crafted reporting, excellent think pieces, and the advent of independent journalism. A recent opinion piece that is worth celebrating is Prof. Graeme MacQueen’s op-ed in the Hamilton Spectator published on October 21st.
In the article (reproduced in its entirety below), MacQueen raises a series of questions rarely posed in the media concerning the Parliament Hill shootings in Ottawa in October 2014. What is truly impressive is not just the considerable depth of research that went into compiling the questions Continue reading

B’nai Brith smear campaign against Anthony Hall reflects worsening threat to academic freedom


Hall on the campus of the University of Lethbridge shortly after learning of his suspension.

October 12, 2016

By Craig McKee

Over his long and impressive academic career, Professor Anthony Hall has helped us all better understand how crises can be manufactured to manipulate public perception of narratives that serve the interests of established power.
Now, he is the victim of one of those contrived crises.
In the latest of a growing list of glaring assaults on academic freedom, Hall has been suspended without pay from his tenured teaching position at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada where he has taught for 26 years. As the result of an obviously faked and planted Facebook post, he has become the focus of a Continue reading

Barrett anthology thumbs nose at contradictory Orlando narratives

Laughing cop Orlando

Orlando officer winks and grins through police press conference on “shooting.” (See video at the bottom of this article.)

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

The speed is admirable. Barely seven weeks after the murky events of June 12th in Florida’s Pulse gay nightclub, Kevin Barrett’s latest instant false flag exposé is already providing valuable insights and perspectives. In fact, Orlando False Flag: The Clash of Histories has just gone up for sale at and is also available at createspace.
The speed is important because the urgency is great. False flag operations remain the prime drivers of the maximum illusion “war on terror” and ongoing aggressive actions against Russia, China, Syria and others by the imperial American Empire, its allies and vassals—all masked as “the West.” World War III is not out of the Continue reading