Tag Archives: media

Is Trump a fascist? It's much worse. Followers are morphing into Nazis in the still-emerging fourth reich

False flags revised
This is Part 3 of Barrie Zwicker’s series on false flag operations. You can also read Part 1: An Introduction (April 14, 2013) and Part 2: Maximum Illusion Time. (June 10, 2013)
December 20, 2015

Part 3: Trump Is Heralding Nazism

the general public is being reduced to a state where people not only are unable to find out about the truth but also become unable to search for the truth because they are satisfied with deception and trickery that have determined their convictions, satisfied with a fictitious reality created by design… – Josef Pieper
Those who worry that Donald Trump is a fascist are behind two curves. One
is that there are valid grounds for calling him a Nazi. Too far? No, not far enough.
The second curve is the worry—now being expressed even in some mainstream media—that the USA and maybe Europe are going fascist. Again, this fear falls short. There are valid grounds for describing the direction of the USA and Europe as moving toward the worst manifestation of fascism: resurgent Nazism. Yes that far.
These valid grounds lie in evidence: accepted definitions, disturbing poll Continue reading

U.S. imperialism and the wanton destruction of cultures: an open letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei

“The real aim of the invaders in the 9/11 wars is not to fight Islamic terror. It is rather to continue the process of toppling governments and whole societies slated for destruction by those vying for monopolistic domination. Those pushing forward the new incarnations of the Global War on Terror often project onto those they say they are fighting the very qualities that they themselves epitomize.”—Anthony James Hall
December 12, 2015
Above is an online conference on false flags and Islamaphobia held yesterday, Dec. 13, in Paris. It featured a number of guests and was hosted by the author of the letter below, Anthony James Hall, and Arabist/Islamologist and radio host Kevin Barrett. Below is an open letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei from Hall that was written originally for an Iranian audience. The letter, which is reproduced here in agreement with the author, is a response to the second letter written by Iran’s Supreme Leader to the youth of the West (Dated Nov. 29, 2015). The first was released in January of 2015 and was prompted by the Charlie Hebdo event in Paris. As well as being a 9/11 truth activist, Hall is professor of globalization studies at the University of Lethbridge in Calgary, Alberta, and is the author of two critically acclaimed books: The American Empire and the Fourth World (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003) and Earth Into Property: Colonization, Decolonization and Capitalism (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010).—Craig McKee
By Anthony James Hall (Special to Truth and Shadows)
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Dear Supreme Leader;
Thank you for your second letter addressed To the Youth of Western Continue reading

How Hitler's 'big lie' led to 9/11 and the war on terror: Shure's part 19


Reichstag fire a game changer: Hitler was the supreme practitioner of the false flag operation.

November 23, 2015

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

9/11, Big Lies, Government Manipulation, Good People, and Silence. These are the key words and phrases in the 19th installment of psychotherapist Fran Shure’s insightful series of essays entitled “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?”
Truth and Shadows is critiquing this installment of the series for now and will review the entire series when it is published in book form by AE911Truth in mid-2016. The relevancy of Part 19 for this site and the increasingly unstable and dangerous state of the world are the reasons for posting this now.
Out of the gate on page 2 Shure boldly taunts the meme “The first person who mentions Hitler loses.” This is also known as the reductio ad Hitlerum rule.1 She wades fearlessly into Hitler and his Nazi regime, citing many chilling Continue reading

Harper's election failure creates cracks in the global war on terror


Trudeau’s victory showed failure of Harper’s Muslim bashing. (CBC photo)

November 12, 2015

By Anthony James Hall (Special to Truth and Shadows)

After taking his vow of office, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced his new cabinet. Canada’s triumphant leader rightfully boasted that the new face of his government authentically reflects Canada’s multicultural population.  Moreover half of his appointees are women. One of them, Jody Wilson-Raybould, is a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nation as well as Canada’s first Aboriginal Minister of Justice.
Another striking appointment is that of Maryam Monsef. Age 30, Ms. Monsef is the youngest Minister as well as the first Muslim ever to hold a cabinet position in Canada’s executive branch. Monsef emigrated from Afghanistan when she was 11 years old. Trudeau assigned to the youthful Continue reading

V for Vendetta: truly revolutionary or just designed to look that way?

On Nov. 5, 2012, Guy Fawkes Day, Truth and Shadows published an article by Barrie Zwicker about Fawkes and the Gunpowder Treason and its relation to false flag events throughout history. That article mentioned the film V for Vendetta and the proliferation of the famous Guy Fawkes mask that followed the success of the movie. Zwicker’s piece quoted an earlier one by Veterans Today’s Kevin Barrett, which sang the praises of the film. I appreciate both of these excellent articles, but I have a somewhat different take on the film as this article explains.– CM
November 5, 2015

By Craig McKee

It is crafted to be one of the most satisfying moments in all of film history.
In the climax of the Wachowski sibling’s V for Vendetta (spoiler alert), an underground train filled with explosives is detonated as the train passes beneath the British Parliament buildings. The buildings are blown to bits to the tune of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture while thousands in Guy Fawkes masks look on in awe. Fireworks add to the celebration and to the theatricality of the event.
The crowd removes their masks to reveal they are just ordinary people (even those who were killed during the story reappear). The population is apparently freed from the iron-fisted rule of a Nazi-like regime. Comic book villains get their just desserts, and a new world is born.
The film, based on a graphic novel of the same name, has been branded as revolutionary by some. And to be sure, it does some very remarkable things rarely seen in Hollywood films. Most notably it lays Continue reading

Media will misdirect with emotion while 9/11 anniversary events explore actual evidence

911 memorial at night
September 8, 2015
By Craig McKee
It’s that time of year once again, when the public’s interest in 9/11 propaganda is resuscitated for a few days and the volume of lies is ramped up to meet the demand.
The members of the general public who pay any attention to the 14th anniversary will sit in front of their TVs watching mainstream coverage that tells them to “Remember 9/11” but deceives them about what they should remember. One thing the media will never do is encourage viewers to question what they’ve been told about what actually happened and who was really responsible. There may be some mention of the effort to declassify the famous 28 pages that allegedly point to Saudi involvement in 9/11, but only because that does not challenge the Continue reading

We Are Not Charlie Hebdo: Deep State fraud triggers phony outpouring

Kevin Barrett

Barrett says victims of the Paris shooting were not killed by Muslim extremists but by agents of the Deep State. (Image, Press TV)

July 1, 2015
By Barrie Zwicker and Graeme MacQueen (Special to Truth and Shadows)
Despite his being an international outlaw, Kevin Barrett of Wisconsin has been able to turn out a prodigious number of truth-oriented radio programs, articles and published books, including his latest, the anthology We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo! Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11.
Oh, right, that’s why he’s an international outlaw. His status was confirmed, at least north of the Canada-U.S. border, by Canada’s hard right Harper government. At the end of May the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) turned Barrett back at the border in a hostile manner, preventing him from fulfilling a Toronto speaking engagement.
Barrett might not have had much more luck entering France or Israel, considering that We are not Charlie Hebdomany of the 22 contributors to We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo! provide evidence that those massacred in Paris did NOT die at the hands of jihadist Muslims but under orders from the Deep State, in a false flag operation with heavy Israeli involvement.
One can only hope that Barrett’s mistreatment at the hands of the politicized CBSA will spur sales of this important book.
Why is the book important? In part, because it’s a successful experiment—a rapidly-produced substantial response to a lethal state propaganda action.
Vincent Salandria, one of the first critics of the official narrative of the JFK assassination, wrote: Continue reading

Whistle blower reveals secret U.S. program to recruit, train, and provide visas to 'terrorists'

June 19, 2015
By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)Springmann cover
IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW how sausages are made, don’t start reading Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World by Michael Springmann. The sausages in this case: the string of too-easily-swallowed accounts of bloody events in the “global war on terror,” served up daily with relish by the mainstream media. In reality these sausages are filled with tainted meat that’s making everyone sick.
Springmann is a brave whistle blower living in Washington, D.C. He’s written an accessible book, safe to digest, highlighting details of the corruption of the American Empire (and its accomplices, including Canada) as he experienced them from the inside during his years with the U.S. State Department.
While he served as a visa officer in the U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for instance, he was obliged under threat of dismissal to issue Continue reading

Win converts using these ‘plane-hit-the-Pentagon’ talking points: just keep repeating, ‘It’s so divisive!’

If someone says they think this is an actual aerial photograph, don’t correct them. This way you retain plausible deniability.

If someone says they think this is an actual aerial photograph, don’t correct them. This way you retain plausible deniability.

Is this satire? If you aren’t sure, we have a lot of work to do

June 10, 2015

By Craig McKee

You feel your eyes getting heavy … your breathing is becoming slow and regular … you are becoming sleepy, so sleepy … you will accept what I am about to tell you without question … you will repeat this to others over and over and over until everyone assumes it must be true.
Now that you’re feeling relaxed, we are ready to begin looking at the best ways to steer the 9/11 Truth Movement away from the strongest evidence that the event was an inside job – what happened at the Pentagon. The first thing is to adopt this basic list of talking points. The fact that the points are untrue should not deter you.
Slip these into 9/11 conversations whenever possible:

  • “The Pentagon is so divisive.”
  • “Discussing it always causes infighting.”
  • “It is tearing the 9/11 Truth Movement apart!”
  • “Science tells us that a plane hit the Pentagon.”
  • “Yes, this part of the official story is true.”
  • “We’ll never know because the government has all the evidence.”

The key is to get the overwhelming evidence that no plane hit the Pentagon off the table while seeming like you really Continue reading

New docs probe elaborate cons behind the war on terror 'mirage'

(T) ERROR shows how FBI creates 'terror plots' then 'twarts' them.

(T) ERROR shows how FBI creates ‘terror plots’ then ‘thwarts’ them.

War of Lies, 89 minutes, directed by Matthias Bittner; North American premiere at Toronto’s Hot Docs film festival April 29th, 2015
(T)ERROR, 84 minutes, directed by Lyric Cabral and David Felix Sutcliffe; 84 minutes; international premiere at Toronto’s Hot Docs film festival May 3rd 2015
By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
Before the screening of War of Lies, the film’s German director, Matthias Bittner, was called to the stage and introduced. He said very little, mainly cryptically that “in Germany this film will never be broadcast in a festival – even a student festival – or in a cinema.”
Someone in the audience asked: “Why?”
Bittner didn’t answer. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and quickly left the stage, pointedly looking at the audience, as if to say: “You decide – after you see the film.”
What the audience saw is that War of Lies exposes, from the inside, that the war on Iraq was Continue reading