Tag Archives: 9/11

Media will misdirect with emotion while 9/11 anniversary events explore actual evidence

911 memorial at night
September 8, 2015
By Craig McKee
It’s that time of year once again, when the public’s interest in 9/11 propaganda is resuscitated for a few days and the volume of lies is ramped up to meet the demand.
The members of the general public who pay any attention to the 14th anniversary will sit in front of their TVs watching mainstream coverage that tells them to “Remember 9/11” but deceives them about what they should remember. One thing the media will never do is encourage viewers to question what they’ve been told about what actually happened and who was really responsible. There may be some mention of the effort to declassify the famous 28 pages that allegedly point to Saudi involvement in 9/11, but only because that does not challenge the Continue reading

MacQueen book exposes failure of 2001 false flag ‘Anthrax attacks’

Nov. 27, 2014

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

The “anthrax attacks” that followed on the heels of the “9/11 attacks” have receded into memory for most people, even including those of us who were extremely skeptical about alleged al-Qaeda biowarfare at the time.
Prof. Graeme MacQueen, in his latest book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy, [1] sheds light on why most of us have all but forgotten the sensational “anthrax attacks.” They’ve been dropped down the memory hole as a touchstone to justify the “war on terror” because the “anthrax attacks” fraud fell apart.
In his tight (just 214 pages) but definitive account, MacQueen proves beyond doubt that the “anthrax attacks” were a false flag operation. Those who need to be persuaded need look no further than this overdue book.
The “anthrax attacks” were intended as a powerful evil twin of the 9/11 terror fraud. Taken together these ops were to be a one-two punch that would launch the “war on terror,” while simultaneously justifying the illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The invasion of Continue reading

Lie becomes truth: Palestinians blamed for being oppressed, killed, and robbed of their land

Gaza smoke
By Craig McKee
That’s how I can best describe in a single word the perpetual propaganda war that accompanies the oppression and repeated slaughters of Palestinian civilians by Israel. The victims are painted as terrorists; the oppressors are painted as victims who are just defending themselves.
Yes, I get it: Hamas is firing homemade rockets into Israel. This practice has killed 28 Israeli civilians since 2001. But how many Palestinians have the Israeli armed forces killed over those 13 years? How about the past 13 days?
Each Israeli death is a tragedy for those killed and their families. And I feel for those who are traumatized by the rocket attacks – however unlikely it is that they’ll actually be hurt by them. But stress felt by Israelis over these rockets is hardly comparable to massacres unleashed on the Palestinians in Gaza three times in the past five years not to mention the theft of land and denial of basic rights they have endured for the Continue reading

The science of mind control and loving our own slavery: Richard Grove on State of Mind

Richard Grove in State of Mind

Richard Grove: powerful elites seek to control us us by extinguishing free thought.

By Craig McKee
It’s one thing to be controlled through force. Force is visible and its implications are evident: go against those in power and you could be ostracized, imprisoned, or killed.
But according to filmmaker and forensic historian Richard Grove, a co-writer of the recently released documentary State of Mind: The Psychology of Control, there is a more insidious form of control at work in our society, one that powerful elites have employed throughout history without most of us even realizing it. The target of this form of control is our minds. And what is under siege is our ability and willingness to think critically, to challenge what we Continue reading

The alleged faking of the Zapruder film and the 'magic bullet' theory

JFK and Jackie
By Craig McKee
Josiah “Tink” Thompson, the author of Six Seconds in Dallas and a believer that Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shot that killed John F. Kennedy, says that the key evidence in the assassination is the photographic record, because “it authenticates itself.” 
You know, because you can see it; that means it has to be real. Just like we know that Sam Neill and Laura Dern have almost been eaten by dinosaurs on several occasions.
But wait. Is it possible that sometimes visual evidence is not authentic? Can we question what our own eyes have seen?
Veteran JFK researcher Jim Fetzer, in a Truth and Shadows interview, says this is absolutely what we must do to get Continue reading

Only months remain to stop global surveillance machine: conference of civil libertarians


Attempts to rein in the power of the NSA will have to originate outside the U.S.A.: Ben Wizner.

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
We know massive surveillance has nothing to do with actual terrorism – that it is all about control and eliminating dissent.We know that the surveillance state knows more about us than we ourselves know.
But do we know how long may be the window of opportunity to achieve some real curbs on runaway surveillance, before a New Dark Ages is entrenched beyond all resistance?
It could be only “a few months” in the opinion of Professor Andrew Clement of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information.
“If we don’t do something now,” Clement warns, “the opportunity will be missed, and we’ll regret it for a long Continue reading

Dzhokhar's boat 'confession' the most unbelievable part yet of Boston bombing psyop

Martial law 1

Who benefits? This was the result of the Boston bombing: a martial law precedent.

By Craig McKee                       
Remember the notes that accompanied the anthrax deliveries right after 9/11? They said things like, “Allah is great!” “Death to Israel,” “Death to America!” and “9-11-01: This is next.”
In other words, THE MUSLIMS DID IT: the same ones who had so handily defeated the world’s greatest military machine on Sept. 11, 2001. And they did it because they hate us and our freedoms … the usual. They apparently really wanted to rub salt in the wounds of a traumatized America after the largest supposed terrorist attack ever on U.S. soil. And it worked; people were suitably freaked out.
The problem was that the Muslims didn’t carry out the anthrax attacks, which was later proven by the fact that the anthrax was highly weaponized and was manufactured at a U.S. military facility. The whole thing was later pinned on American scientist Bruce Edward Ivins after he had allegedly committed suicide. We also learned that Bush, Cheney and other key administration officials were put on the anthrax-preventing antibiotic Cipro in early September 2001, long before Continue reading

Truth and Shadows launches exclusive Barrie Zwicker series on false flags, the most destructive of deceptions

By Craig McKee
It was suggested to me some months ago by a reader that the name of the 9/11 Truth movement should be changed to the False Flag Awareness movement.
While I didn’t think the suggestion was very practical (how do you go about changing the name of a movement?), the idea of putting 9/11 in the larger context of false flags stayed with me. Not only would it help people to understand what the event was really all about, but it also would show how 9/11 is not unique but instead part of a continuum that goes back centuries.
It makes sense to me that we should work to raise awareness that events like 9/11 are not isolated or outside of the normal pattern of manipulation and control by the powerful over the powerless, they are business as Continue reading

Multiple suspects, a profusion of weapons, and arrests suppressed in Sandy Hook shooting story

Robbie Parker smiles right before getting into character at briefing.

December 31, 2012

By Craig McKee

It’s a story we’ve been fed before.
A horrific and violent mass shooting takes place. Innocent people die, a community mourns, and the world feels even less safe than before. People struggle to make sense of what appears to be a random event, the work of a disturbed lone killer.
The mainstream media present us with a narrative that leans heavily on emotion and the need for “healing.” In the early going, facts that don’t fit this story may be floating around, but they are soon trimmed as if they never existed. And once the narrative is set, it almost certainly stays that way.
Whether it’s bogus “terrorist attacks” like 9/11 or mass killings pinned on “lone gunmen” like we just saw at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the mainstream media fail to – or refuse to – point out the gaping holes in the official story. Often, they appear to Continue reading

Power and the illusion of freedom: simple truth from George Carlin

The limits of debate are established in this country before the debate even begins. Everybody else is marginalized, made to seem like Communists or some other disloyal person. Kook, there’s a word! Now it’s conspiracy. They’ve made that something that can’t even be entertained for a minute – that powerful people might get together and have a plan? Doesn’t happen! You’re a kook, you’re a conspiracy buff! – George Carlin

By Craig McKee

George Carlin made it so clear and so simple. That was his genius.
With humour that we could all relate to, he told us the truth about how our world works and how most of us are cattle for the super rich. How we are conned into believing in the very people who enslave us, how we are conned into believing in the illusion of freedom.
He knew and he told us. We laughed, but did we really listen?
Carlin passed away in 2008. At the time I thought it was sad – just like it’s sad when any beloved entertainer dies. But looking back on it, we lost something unique and irreplaceable when Carlin left us. Continue reading