Leary (left) hangs out in the dressing room with my longtime friend Fred Serre.
“… what you need is an event, an event that gets everyone’s heads turned around the right way. What you need is a new Pearl Harbor. That’s what they said they needed… and that is sure as shit what they got.” —Daniel Sunjata as Franco Rivera in a scene from Rescue Me, created by Denis Leary
“War is show business. That’s why we’re here.” — Robert DeNiro as Conrad Brean in Wag the Dog, which features Leary
“I’m an asshole.” —Leary in his satirical song Asshole
October 26, 2019
By Craig McKee
It was a short interview.
Okay, technically it was more of a refusal to give an interview. But why split hairs? I got a quote.
“Nah, I’m not gettin’ involved in that… 9/11 conspiracy theories… nah,” 62-year-old actor Denis Leary said as he walked briskly to his car outside a Montreal ball hockey rink last Saturday afternoon. He was responding to my request to do an interview with him about the efforts of firefighters in the New York area to get a new investigation into 9/11.
Leary may have been trying to pull away from me, but I do have deceptive speed when pursuing famous people holding hockey sticks. Especially when 9/11 is involved.
I know. You have questions. Like what is a mid-level Hollywood actor and former stand-up comedian doing at a ball Continue reading →