Tag Archives: Elias Davidsson

10 irrefutable, devastating 9/11 facts

The U.S. has utterly failed to provide hard evidence to substantiate its version of events.

April 20, 2018

By Elias Davidsson and Craig McKee

Scholars who attempt to elucidate the crime perpetrated on 9/11 – who are commonly referred to as 9/11 truthers – are often criticized for relying on conjecture and speculation in support of their claims. Such criticism may at times be justified, though often made in bad faith. There is actually no need to resort to speculative arguments that the official account of 9/11 is a fraud since there are hard facts that support this conclusion. Here are 10 such undisputed facts:
1. U.S. authorities have failed to trace, arrest, try (prosecute), and punish anyone responsible for the crime against humanity committed on 9/11.
The mass murder committed on September 11, 2001 represents, under international law, a crime against humanity. Continue reading

Stand with us: add your name to the ‘No 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11’ list!

While this graphic, including a composite image of the damaged Pentagon wall, isn’t precise, it does convey just how unbelievable it is that a 757 with a 124-foot wingspan could have entered the building without leaving some large pieces of wreckage outside.

December 11, 2017

There are now more than 1,100 from 54 countries and six continents stating that no 757 impact happened

(The list, which is regularly updated, appears below this article)

Those adding their names to the list below do so because they support a simple statement: No 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn’t matter which theory or theories they support, just that they can stand behind this fundamental position. They are not being asked to endorse anything in my article, which is simply an introduction to the list. The article reflects my personal views and no one else’s.–CM

By Craig McKee

It has been more than 16 years since 9/11, and no issue has done more to slow progress and inhibit unity in the fight to spread the truth than the Pentagon. Some think this is a reason to run from it. A few have written papers assuring us that the government’s impact scenario is essentially correct. While others have remained true to the conviction that there is one statement that best describes both the evidence and the position of the vast majority of truth activists:
“No 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11.”
We generally agree, and yet we have appeared divided for all Continue reading

Not a shred of evidence that any 9/11 ‘hijackers’ boarded any planes

Atta and al-Omari in Portland: note two different time stamps.

Atta and al-Omari in Portland: note two different time stamps.

March 19, 2015

By Craig McKee

To believe the official story of 9/11 you have to swallow an awful lot. You have to believe the laws of physics can be suspended for a day, that planes can disappear after crashing, and that Muslims accused of being suicide hijackers can still be alive after the deed is done.
About that last one. Essential to the deception was the premise that 19 Muslim extremists hijacked four domestic flights on the morning of September 11, 2001 with the intention of flying them into predetermined targets.
But do we really know who these alleged hijackers were? Do we know they carried out any hijackings? Do we know they were even at the scenes of the crimes? In fact, as researcher Elias Davidsson demonstrates in his recent book Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11: Counterfeiting Evidence, there is not one shred of authenticated evidence that any of the 19 men Continue reading