Category Archives: 9/11 blogs

Can largest 9/11 Facebook forum rise above ridicule, insults, and contrived controversies?

January 25, 2015

By Craig McKee

Under the right conditions, a 9/11 forum can be a great place to share information, test hypotheses, and learn from other truthers. But under the wrong conditions, it can provoke divisions, spread disinformation, and suppress essential evidence.
The 9/11 Facebook group “9/11 Truth Movement” – the largest of its kind with nearly 40,000 members – can be both. It has some great people posting there on a regular basis, and it has some sincere and hard-working truthers helping to moderate the discussion. But at times it can also operate like a cliquish “club” that applies astounding double standards to enforcing its own rules.
My expression of concern about this, outlined below, is not for the purpose of rehashing past arguments or responding to past slights, nor is it my wish to reduce Continue reading

The 'war on terror' isn't real, but the illusion is: False flags part 2


In The Truman Show, Truman discovers that an illusion is the only reality he has ever known.

This is Part 2 of Barrie Zwicker’s exclusive Truth and Shadows series on false flag operations. False flags revised

Part 2: Maximum Illusion Time
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.  Charles MacKay in the1852 preface [1] to his book Extraordinary Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds 

Where madness is concerned there’s always been a contagion effect, as Charles MacKay suggested in 1852. But in recent times, global power elites have increasingly been able to inject herds with particular madnesses.
The predominant one of these is the “war on terror.” [2]
In a sane world a question widely and repeatedly posed would be whether there is such a phenomenon as the “war on terror” as presented (for instance in newspaper headlines, TV news, speeches by “leaders,” most Continue reading

False Flags Part 1 – secrecy, cover-ups, and crafted perceptions

aerial 911 collapse - NYPD lightened 1

Darwin saw what everyone saw, but thought what nobody thought. – Author unknown1

False flags revisedThis is the first part in Barrie Zwicker’s series on false flag operations. The next installment is Maximum Illusion Time.
Part 1: An Introduction
Everyone has seen a False Flag Operation, but few have recognized one. The classic example is 9/11, seen by millions on TV but not recognized for what it really was – a treasonous inside job.
Unlike 9/11 and the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin “attack” (that never took place) and the 1933 torching of the Reichstag, the German parliament building, by Hitler (but which he blamed on “the communists”) not all False Flags are both large and brazen. In this series I will try to give some idea of the dizzying array of forms that False Flags take: false flag events, false flag pseudo-events, false flag front organizations and false flag operators. You can barely open a newspaper without seeing the telltale markings of a False Flag – if you know what these markings are.
What all False Flags have in common is that they are deceptions, a category of phenomena too Continue reading

Truth and Shadows launches exclusive Barrie Zwicker series on false flags, the most destructive of deceptions

By Craig McKee
It was suggested to me some months ago by a reader that the name of the 9/11 Truth movement should be changed to the False Flag Awareness movement.
While I didn’t think the suggestion was very practical (how do you go about changing the name of a movement?), the idea of putting 9/11 in the larger context of false flags stayed with me. Not only would it help people to understand what the event was really all about, but it also would show how 9/11 is not unique but instead part of a continuum that goes back centuries.
It makes sense to me that we should work to raise awareness that events like 9/11 are not isolated or outside of the normal pattern of manipulation and control by the powerful over the powerless, they are business as Continue reading