By Craig McKee
Sometimes it really pays to be persistent.
That’s what Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth found out this week when the organization achieved something truly remarkable. It succeeded in getting a commitment from the largest association of architects in the U.S. to debate and vote on a resolution supporting an investigation into the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 on Sept. 11, 2001.
The vote will take place at the annual convention of the American Institute of Architects, May 14-16, in Atlanta, GA. (If you’re not sure how much of a big deal this convention is, the keynote Continue reading
Tag Archives: Richard Gage
Instant Karma: network that called truthers ‘hate mongers’ goes bust
By Craig McKee
Canada’s Sun News Network – often referred to as “Fox News North” – will not be calling 9/11 researchers delusional purveyors of hate speech anymore.
That is because the racist, Islamaphobic, fear-mongering network that loved to ridicule “conspiracy theorists” closed its doors for good earlier this month when it became clear that it would never become financially viable and that it would never be embraced by the Canadian public.
Quebecor Media, the media chain that owns the network, had hoped that Sun’s far-right perspective would find favor with the Conservative government of Stephen Harper. This, they Continue reading
10 things about 9/11 deserve more attention – and 5 deserve less
October 2, 2014
By Craig McKee
Let’s face it: the 9/11 Truth Movement is all over the place. But that’s not surprising – nor necessarily bad.
When you have an official story that is so clearly false in so many ways, there are going to be a multitude of valid angles from which to examine and expose the deception. There are also going to be many directions the movement can take to advance the cause and to awaken the uninitiated.
But all these ways are not created equal. When you have many thoughtful and intelligent truthers, some not-so-intelligent and not-so-thoughtful truthers, and an undetermined number of outright disinformation agents, you’re bound to get a “diversity of opinion” that would make Cass Sunstein very happy indeed.
So how do we decide what is important and was is not? How do we know where our efforts are best directed? It’s clear that we must keep our focus on things that will Continue reading
CNN launches cartoonish assault on AE911Truth over alternative 9/11 museum pamphlets
I was invited this week to write a commentary on a recent episode of CNN’s The Lead for the web site of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. The substance of that article has been incorporated into this one, but new material has also been added.
May 24, 2014
By Craig McKee
The 9/11 Truth movement is under attack once again – but this time there’s more good news than bad.
It seems that Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s decision to distribute “alternative” pamphlets at the site of the new National September 11 Memorial and Museum in New York City has pushed the media into a flurry of hysterical attacks against “truthers” (they call us “so-called truthers”) and what the media love to Continue reading
Educators, Holocaust group join Sept. 11 museum in 'teaching' children official 9/11 lies
By Craig McKee
The 9/11 official story is rooted in deception, distortion, and misdirection. Now all of its lies have been dressed up and put on display in an expensive federally funded monument for paying customers.
The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, slated to open May 21 (the outdoor memorial has been open since 2011), is more of a walk-in indoctrination center than a tribute to the victims of 9/11. It’s a piece of propaganda made of glass and steel that plays on emotions and on the sincere desire of people to honor those who sacrificed their lives in this false flag event.
The Memorial and Museum’s web site not only reiterates all the same lies, but it even explains a framework that educators will be using to indoctrinate children so they can grow up to be believers in the war on terror and the Continue reading
Sun News claims of free speech don’t cut it in attacks on Gage, 9/11 truthers: complaint 2 filed

Small words: Sun News host Ezra Levant leads the attack on the CBSC for being “Conservative-hating fools” and “bullies.”
By Craig McKee
This week, I filed a second complaint against Sun News and their truther-hating host Michael Coren for his accusation that AE911Truth’s Richard Gage and all who agree with him are anti-Semitic hate-mongers.
In my original complaint to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, I cited Coren’s March 21 installment of The Arena in which he accused Gage and all truthers of being insane, weak-minded, anti-Semitic losers. I hadn’t really planned on filing a complaint about Coren’s March 28 follow-up program (which was primarily a rehash), but a second viewing convinced me otherwise.
In that second show, Coren suggested that Gage is motivated by a hatred of Jews, even though there isn’t a shred of evidence to back this up. He said that most truthers believe that ALL the movers and shakers behind 9/11 were Jews, although he provides no basis for this contention. He also says he has talked to “some people” who claim ALL the Jews were told to stay away from the World Trade Center on 9/11. But, of course, he doesn’t tell us who those people are.
Here’s the line by Coren that led to me filing this second complaint: Continue reading
AE911Truth backs plan to form 9/11 Truth party in Canada
By Craig McKee
The planning process is under way to form a new political party to run on a 9/11 platform in Canada’s 2015 federal election.
Fifty potential candidates responded to an appeal to run in October of next year from AE911Truth’s Richard Gage on his recent cross-Canada Rethink 9/11 tour. Gage asked members of the audience at each tour stop whether they would be willing to put their names forward. At the Montreal presentation, I was one of four who did.
The only Canadian who has run for a major political party while supporting the 9/11 Truth movement is Bev Collins, who is co-ordinating this new effort. Collins ran in 2008 for the New Democratic Party (which is currently Canada’s Official Opposition, holding 99 of the country’s 308 seats in the House of Commons), and she finished a very respectable second in her British Columbia riding.
In an interview, Collins explained that she had been asked earlier this year by AE911Truth to consider running for Parliament again on a 9/11 Truth platform. She says she indicated at the time that she would much prefer that a team of candidates be put Continue reading
Complaint filed: host Michael Coren goes from ridiculing 9/11 Truth to calling it hate speech
By Craig McKee
What a week. First I filed a complaint March 26 against Sun News TV host Michael Coren for his horrifically biased and abusive report on Richard Gage’s Rethink 9/11 visit to Toronto the previous week. Two days later, Coren was calling me a “Jew-hating truther” based on an exchange we had on Twitter about the Gage tour.
During the exchange, I said nothing at all about Jews, negative or otherwise (you can read the full exchange at the bottom of this article or in the comments section of my previous post). Continue reading
Rethink 9/11 ads and Gage’s Canadian tour offer hope despite media attacks

Gage is interviewed in Toronto last week by Dan Dicks of Press for Truth.
Richard Gage will be appearing in Montreal on Wednesday night, March 26 at McGill University’s Leacock Building, room 132, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance online and $20 at the door. Gage’s cross-Canada tour winds up April 1 in Newfoundland. For more details about the tour, check out
By Craig McKee
The old adage that there is no such thing as bad publicity gets a real test when it comes to 9/11 Truth.
Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, who is currently on a cross-Canada tour, got a major dose of media ignorance and contempt during his visit to Toronto last week. Local hatchet man and supposed intellectual Michael Coren, host of the Sun News show The Arena, dropped by the Gage event long enough to spread some ridicule and truly nasty condescension with the help of some creative editing that often cut his subjects off in mid-sentence. He interviewed several who attended the event and then proceeded to show us “the worst of the worst.” But what he called the worst was really just people offering an assortment of thoughts on who might really have been behind the crimes of 9/11.
Continue reading
Debate scrapped, but DC 9/11 conference will still examine what happened at the Pentagon
By Craig McKee
It won’t be a debate, but the issue of what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 will still get a hearing at the “9/11: Advancing the Truth” conference, scheduled for Sept. 14-15 at the Sheraton Pentagon City in Arlington, VA.
Instead of the formal three-way debate that was planned, we’ll now see three one-hour presentations followed by either a 30- or 60-minute panel discussion that will feature questions from the audience, according to chief conference organizer Matt Sullivan of DC 9/11 Truth. He says that those invited to speak on the Pentagon raised concerns about the debate format, and this led to the decision to modify it.
Each presentation will cover one of three distinct positions: that no large plane hit the Pentagon; that a large Continue reading