Tag Archives: Pilots for 9/11 Truth

9/11 truthers must focus on destroying the official story, not splintering over dozens of theories

We must also resist those in our movement who want us to accept more and more of the official account

May 1, 2017

By Craig McKee

It’s a question you would think we would have answered long ago: How can we collectively pull the truth out of 9/11 if we are pulling in different directions?
As determined and sincere truth seekers, we continue to do what we can to open the eyes of people everywhere to the fact that they have been lied to about 9/11. But to be successful, we must also explain what those lies are. In other words, we have to show how the official story of this world-changing event cannot be true.
This raises another crucial question: does the 9/11 Truth Movement have a strong and coherent message—one that is understandable and potentially Continue reading

Going full debunker: Chandler devotes most of Pentagon talk to boosting 9/11 official story

Chandler thinks the Truth Movement will look ridiculous if we don’t agree with him about a large plane crashing at the Pentagon.

October 3, 2015

By Craig McKee (With Adam Syed and Adam Ruff)

With truthers like this, who needs debunkers?
David Chandler, who has received well-deserved praise for his research on the destruction of the World Trade Center, has once again turned his attention to muddying the waters of Pentagon research, delivering a presentation at the recent 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland, CA, ironically called “Going Beyond Speculation: A Scientific Look at the Pentagon Evidence.”
If the presentation was Chandler’s audition for a staff job at Popular Mechanics then I think he must have made a very good impression. But as a supposed attempt to resolve the contrived Continue reading

Doctored Pentagon video proves 9/11 cover-up and inside job



From the frames released in 2002: notice the wrong date and the helpful descriptions so you know what you’re seeing.

June 13, 2014

By Craig McKee

A single frame gives it away.
All but one frame of two sets of surveillance videos purporting to show the impact of Flight 77 into the western face of the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001 appear to show the same thing. But it’s that one frame that tells the tale. It shows that evidence was falsified and that a deliberate plan was carried out to fool the public into thinking that a plane hit the building when it did not.
This, combined with other key evidence (including the nature of the damage to the building, the lack of debris outside the building, and the on-camera accounts of credible witnesses who put the plane on a different flight path that the one Continue reading

Griffin’s ‘no 757’ Pentagon stance eclipses ‘consensus approach’

Griffin offers overwhelming evidence that no 757 hit the Pentagon.

By Craig McKee

The best argument I’ve found against David Ray Griffin’s new “consensus approach” to the Pentagon comes from a very reliable source – David Ray Griffin.
In his new book, 9/11 Ten Years After: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed, the dean of 9/11 Truth makes the strongest case yet that the U.S. government faked a plane crash at the Pentagon to deceive the world. He shows us that the strongest evidence by far shows Continue reading