Truthers gathered in Montreal at the World Social Forum in 2016. From left to right: Niels Harrit, Sean Sweeney, Elizabeth Woodworth, and Graeme MacQueen. (Photo: Craig McKee)
Broadcast council says yes to hate, Dawson’s disinfo about AE911Truth, Omar Khadr, and CIA in the movies
April 8, 2018
By Craig McKee
Since I began writing this blog in 2010, I’ve started dozens of articles that, for one reason or another, I never finished.
From time to time, I’ll get an idea and start writing it but then put it aside “just for the moment.” Perhaps I question whether I have enough substance for an entire piece. Sometimes I don’t push hard enough through any obstacles I’m encountering. Perfectionism can really slow things down. Or I’ll get distracted by something else – perhaps the sudden and unexpected appearance of a squirrel…
Some were false starts that deserved oblivion, and you won’t see anything of them here. Some are, I think, worth sharing, however Continue reading