By Craig McKee
It’s a challenge to interview someone you’d rather be debating. That was the case when I interviewed Canadian writer and journalist Jonathan Kay this week. Kay, an editor with the National Post, is the author of Among the Truthers, which attempts to examine and explain the world of conspiracy theorists. Why do these otherwise intelligent people believe the “bullshit” that they do, he wonders? He sees the 9/11 Truth movement as being ridiculous and based on arguments that “even an eight-year-old” would see through. I chose to try and cover as much ground in 45 minutes as I could rather than getting into an in-depth debate on any one point. I did find things in his arguments that cry out for further argument , and I will offer my analysis of his remarks in a subsequent post. I encourage readers to offer their own comments at the end of this article.
CM: What is the difference between a conspiracy theorist and someone who does legitimate research to unearth a real conspiracy?
JK: I define according to the method of argumentation of the people who advance the theory in question. I give the example of Iran/Contra, Teapot Dome, the Sponsorship Scandal or Watergate, which of course were real historical conspiracies. If you’re advancing something like this, one person will advance evidence and the other person will refute it, and by that method you Continue reading
Tag Archives: Afghanistan
Media uncritically swallows claim that bin Laden planned 9/11 sequel
By Craig McKee
When it comes to the 9/11 “terrorist attacks,” the mainstream media had very little credibility before May 2, 2011. Now they have none.
Over and over the media just repeat what U.S. officials say about 9/11, Osama bin Laden, and the “war on terror” without hesitation, and most of the time without any scepticism at all. Often, allegations made by the U.S. government are reported as if they are established facts. They might as well just print the damn press releases verbatim.
The bin Laden story becomes more and more unbelievable with every new development, and the media are eating it up without the slightest question.
Here’s how the legend goes now: After the most intensive manhunt in human history, evil mastermind Osama bin Laden is finally found and “taken out” in a heroic, Rambo-esque raid that could have been planned by Continue reading
Obama and media use bin Laden’s ‘death’ to further 9/11 lie
May 2, 2011
By Craig McKee
Buried at sea? I can’t believe people are buying this.
Around the world, misled individuals are celebrating the death of the man blamed for the 9/11 false-flag operation. Many are even thinking it will make a difference to the war on terror. It won’t, of course, because that phantom war will continue until it isn’t needed anymore by the global elite. And that won’t happen until another phony enemy is in place.
My optimistic side hopes that this lie is so obvious that even those who bought the idea that 9/11 was a terrorist attack might see through it. But that isn’t guaranteed, especially with all the major media in America marching in lockstep.
We’ve seen how the U.S. government turned 9/11 into two wars and an all-out assault on the Continue reading
Re-evaluating Michael Moore: his disappointing take on 9/11
By Craig McKee
From the first time I saw Roger and Me, I was hooked. Michael Moore was more than a breath of fresh air, he was a rare voice who found a way to get really progressive ideas into the mainstream in a big way. No small feat.
I never cared about criticisms from the right that his films sometimes let accuracy take a back seat to entertainment value. Those people were going to trash him no matter what. Everything they said about him just confirmed their own ignorance.
But even though my disgust for the right in America remains undiminished, a sense of disillusionment with Moore’s views has crept in to my thinking. As I began researching the events of Sept. 11, 2001 in more depth, his views about terror and terrorism began to be problematic. Worse, they began to seem like Continue reading
9/11 and the fake war on terror create massive profits, crush dissent
“The ideal set up by the Party was something huge, terrible, and glittering—a world of steel and concrete, of monstrous machines and terrifying weapons—a nation of warriors and fanatics, marching forward in perfect unity, all thinking the same thoughts and shouting the same slogans, perpetually working, fighting, triumphing, persecuting—three hundred million people all with the same face.”
– George Orwell’s 1984
By Craig McKee
Myth: War is something that we in the West don’t want, but to which we must resort at times to ensure our security and protect democracy.
Reality: War is a regular tactic of the criminal elite that truly runs our society. It allows them to steal resources from poor countries, make billions of dollars for themselves and their super rich friends, and keep all of us afraid, distracted, and compliant.
And it works. Over and over. These guys are good at what they do.
Instability, disunity, and disempowerment are the results. We cling to the illusion of democracy, but with the corporate media in the elite’s back pocket, it is very difficult for us to learn the truth. It can be done, but it takes work.
And the one remaining medium for the free, uncensored exchange of ideas is in serious danger of being snuffed out. The Internet is no longer free, and is under increasing attack. The justification is security once again. The entirely fake war on Continue reading
Both the U.S. and Canada must share the shame of the Omar Khadr case

Khadr pleads with Canadian interrogators in Guantanamo Bay to help him, says he was tortured by Americans.
October 22, 2010
By Craig McKee
Few things make me angry faster than talking about the case of Omar Khadr.
In the irrational aftermath of 9/11, freedom, due process, and the rule of law were casualties of a phony war on terror. While the real terrorists occupied seats of power in Washington, individual freedoms were discarded. And this happened while the American public was still traumatized by the unprecedented “terrorist” attacks.
So they could appear to be doing something about 9/11, the U.S. government rushed to apprehend hundreds of terror suspects from around the world. Just nine months after the destruction of the World Trade Center, a 15-year-old Canadian boy named Omar Khadr was arrested and blamed for the death of an American serviceman in Afghanistan. He remains the only Western inmate left in Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.
The fact that Khadr is now discussing a deal that would have him plead guilty to murder is sickening. Continue reading
Military wasn’t worried ‘campaign of terror’ secret would come out
By Craig McKee
A buddy of mine told me the other day that he could never believe that 9/11 was an inside job because it would be impossible to keep a secret that big.
I think this is how a lot of people feel. They might be able to accept that criminal elements in government could be ruthless enough to try it, but they just can’t believe they could keep it quiet.
But they haven’t kept it quiet – not really. If they had, we’d all be forcefully standing by the official 9/11 story. We’d all believe the myth that Muslim terrorists were behind the whole thing. But there are so many gaping holes in the government’s version of what happened that many don’t believe this. Continue reading
Knowing 9/11 was a false flag is not enough: we have to keep pressure up
In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell, 1984
September 10, 2010
By Craig McKee
It has now been nine years since the most elaborate “false flag” operation ever staged. Despite the thousands of lies we’ve been fed since Sept. 11, 2001, the fact becomes clearer with each passing year: 9/11 was an inside job.
But knowing this is not enough. The awareness of the role of unseen forces in the 9/11 attacks must further permeate the public consciousness. People have to begin to understand the implications of this atrocity, and they have to get mad.
It is vital that we continue to ask questions, apply pressure, and generally speak out. We can’t let the momentum ease for a second. The mainstream media is clearly not willing to help. The government certainly won’t. So it’s up to the public and the grassroots truth movement.
No one else will stand up for all the people who lost their lives that day – those who worked in the buildings and the firefighters and rescue workers who died trying to save them. And let’s not forget those Continue reading
The official story of 9/11 is the craziest conspiracy theory of all
All great truths begin as blasphemies. ~George Bernard Shaw, Annajanska, 1919
August 30, 2010
By Craig McKee
It’s an oft-repeated statement by politicians, military leaders, and commentators that the disaster of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September 2001 changed the world forever. I believe this is true, but not for the reasons the U.S. government would have us believe.
The official story of September 11, as told by the Bush administration and the major media, made it clear that America was now under siege from an increasingly bold and frightening enemy. A major attack had taken place on U.S. soil for the first time since the bombing of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and Americans were in shock.
They now had to come to terms with a world in which terror and death were no longer things you watched on TV. Now you could see them first hand, right in the heart of their largest and most iconic city. For the first time they could imagine a Continue reading