Why David Chandler’s renewed attack on CIT reveals the failings of his own Pentagon ‘methodology’

While the wing of the Navy Annex where Hemphill watched the plane has been torn down, this image shows approximately where he was when he saw what he describes as the plane flying over the Annex and the Citgo gas station.

December 29, 2017

He claims CIT’s ‘entire process’ is invalidated because of one interview – and he gets that spectacularly wrong

“Okay, well that makes, you know, I mean I don’t know it just makes whatever you say, like any, I don’t know how to say it, I guess that makes it, I don’t even know what to say, like from what you’re saying it could easily have hit the light poles and smashed into the Pentagon from where you saw it.” –CIT opponent Jeff Hill, who  receives gushing praise from Chandler, helping Albert Hemphill “clarify” what he saw on 9/11

By Craig McKee

Much of the supposed “division” about what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 involves research carried out by Citizen Investigation Team – or, more to the point, attacks on that research.

Some say this is because the research itself is “controversial.” But, by and large, for more than a decade now, it is the attacks on CIT that generate the controversy. The attackers then decry this result as being responsible for splitting the 9/11 Truth Movement.

David Chandler’s latest unwarranted assault on CIT illustrates this scenario and process. The article, called “Why the CIT Analysis of the Pentagon Event on 9/11 Should Be Rejected Continue reading

Stand with us: add your name to the ‘No 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11’ list!

While this graphic, including a composite image of the damaged Pentagon wall, isn’t precise, it does convey just how unbelievable it is that a 757 with a 124-foot wingspan could have entered the building without leaving some large pieces of wreckage outside.

December 11, 2017

There are now more than 1,100 from 54 countries and six continents stating that no 757 impact happened

(The list, which is regularly updated, appears below this article)

Those adding their names to the list below do so because they support a simple statement: No 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11. Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn’t matter which theory or theories they support, just that they can stand behind this fundamental position. They are not being asked to endorse anything in my article, which is simply an introduction to the list. The article reflects my personal views and no one else’s.–CM

By Craig McKee

It has been more than 16 years since 9/11, and no issue has done more to slow progress and inhibit unity in the fight to spread the truth than the Pentagon. Some think this is a reason to run from it. A few have written papers assuring us that the government’s impact scenario is essentially correct. While others have remained true to the conviction that there is one statement that best describes both the evidence and the position of the vast majority of truth activists:
“No 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11.”
We generally agree, and yet we have appeared divided for all Continue reading

Former Pentagon staffer: absence of engines, tail, wings show no 757 crashed at the Pentagon on 9/11

The Pentagon lawn shows no sign of a 757 impact with the building.

December 1, 2017

By John O’Malley (Special to Truth and Shadows)

At the Pentagon on 9/11, the plane did not fit the hole, there was no wreckage of a large plane outside the hole, and the lawn that should have been dug up by the engines was pristine. How stupid do they think we are?
My view of what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 is influenced by my background in aerospace and the fact that I used to work in the very part of the building that was destroyed. Fortunately for me, I was no longer working there on Continue reading

Why media go to great lengths to avoid the 9/11 ‘scoop of the century’

Self-preservation plays a part in media’s blindness. (Photo: Daily News, Sri Lanka)

Latest installment of Fran Shure’s series examines how compliant and fearful journalists perpetuate the cover-up

October 29, 2017

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

It’s telling that one of the finest critiques of journalism’s abject and historic failure to simply report what’s known about 9/11 comes from a non-journalist.
Frances T. Shure, a psychotherapist from Denver, Colorado, has just completed “The Role of the Media: Act I, Whatever Happened to Investigative Journalists?” which is Part 21 of a series of essays written for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth entitled “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?”
Thankfully, Part 21 ranges well beyond AE911Truth’s well-chosen but specific orbit. As Shure’s disclaimer states, AE911Truth sticks to its knitting, “does not speculate as to the identity or motives of Continue reading

Griffin on Bush, Cheney, and the ‘miraculous’ destruction of the WTC

President Bush makes remarks on the transition, Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, as Vice President Dick Cheney looks on. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)

October 2, 2017

On ruining America and the world: new book marks a return to 9/11 for Truth Movement’s most prolific author

By Craig McKee

It would have taken a miracle. A bunch of them, actually.
For the official story of 9/11 to be true, numerous physically impossible things would have to have taken place that day. This is the case made by prolific 9/11 researcher David Ray Griffin in his latest book, Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World. It is the 12th Griffin-penned volume that takes on the official government claims of what happened—and did not happen—on 9/11. It also marks his return to Continue reading

How can ‘journalists’ dismiss everything they are supposed to stand for when it comes to 9/11?

Anything that doesn’t fit with the official narrative will be attacked by mainstream journalists.

September 19, 2017

Dishonest attacks on Griffin like a blueprint for how the uninformed and intolerant defend the official story

Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. The state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking… – Leo Tolstoy

By Craig McKee

For the most part, I’m getting better at staying out of Facebook fights with idiots, trolls, and those who think the word “conspiracy” is their go-ahead to try stand-up comedy.
Better, not perfect.
On the 16th anniversary of 9/11 last week, I decided to spend the day sharing articles and memes I’d created about this massive and devastating false flag deception. I also dared to comment on a friend’s tongue-in-cheek Facebook post about 9/11, leading me into a somewhat predictable marathon Continue reading

Smokescreens and snake oil: Shermer uses sleight of mouth to pre-emptively undermine dissent

Shermer falsely claimed to be an Adjunct Professor at Claremont Graduate University.

July 3, 2017

Professional ‘skeptic’ ditches science when it comes to 9/11, sticks to glib dismissals of ‘conspiracy theories’

By Craig McKee

Let’s call it “the Shermer Doctrine.”
If you are even considering challenging any aspect of mainstream “reality,” Michael Shermer is already working hard to discredit you. In fact, he started assaulting the public mind with his brand of pre-emptive psychological warfare long before the dissenting idea even began to form in your mind.
Operating under the guise of “rationality,” he seeks to undermine anyone who dares to step outside of official Continue reading

Manufactured migrants are tools in U.S. Empire’s ‘grand chessboard’

Chaos from the mass migration is a deliberate strategy. (Photo: Janossy Gergely, Shutterstock)

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

The refugee crisis in Europe, the largest seen since World War 2, is no accident.
Former U.S. State Department official J. Michael Springmann addresses this verboten subject in his just-released second book Goodbye Europe? Hello, Chaos?: Merkel’s Migrant Bomb. He argues that these refugees and migrants were deliberately created by the American Empire to be used as political weapons.
The misery of asylees, Springmann writes, is one of the planned outcomes of horrendous and unlawful military Continue reading

Academic freedom and thought crime policing: Hall sues University of Lethbridge administration

Banned in New York! This paper was prepared for the “Thought Crimes” panel cancelled by the organizers of the Left Forum

This is the text of the presentation given today, June 4, 2017, at the “Left Out Forum,” which is made up of four panel discussions that were censored by the Left Forum because of supposed “complaints.” This text was submitted for publication by its author, Prof. Anthony James Hall. The details of the censorship of the Left Forum can be found in my article of May 29, 2017 here. You can read my original article about Prof. Hall’s suspension from the University of Lethbridge here.

By Anthony James Hall (Special to Truth and Shadows)

How ironic to be speaking on a panel devoted to the subject of “Thought Crimes” at an event whose original Left Forum hosts have shown themselves to be repressive thought crime cops disguised as progressive public intellectuals. As I understand it, this panel was initially conceived as a venue where all the presenters were to reflect on the recriminations we are facing due to our attempts to articulate interpretations of fundamental truths inconvenient to power.
Dr. Joy Karega originally agreed to be a member of this panel. Responding, however, to the first round of Left Forum thought policing, Dr. Karega chose to withdraw from this year’s extension of Continue reading

Left Forum caves to ‘pressure’: bans panels amid claims speakers are Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites

The four censored panels were all part of the “Deep State” track.

‘Thought crimes’ panel is the latest scrapped, just four days before event: ‘Left Out Forum’ created so banned speakers can be heard

May 29, 2017

By Craig McKee

Ironically, this year’s Left Forum is called “The Resistance.” But it seems that what America’s largest leftist conference is resistant to is free speech. And integrity.
This article was going to be about three “Deep State” panels, focusing in particular on 9/11 and false flag terrorism, being banned earlier this month because of just two letters of “complaint” that targeted individual speakers with ad hominem attacks, alleging the speakers to be “anti-Semitic,” “Holocaust Continue reading