Category Archives: Terrorism

Breaking the back of the official story: 9/11 Consensus Panel can’t be timid

Barrie Zwicker on the 9/11 Consensus Panel: truth is more important than unity.

By Craig McKee
There’s no going back now.
The recently announced 9/11 Consensus Panel has raised the stakes for the Truth movement. The panel cannot afford to fail because many of the most highly respected members of the Truth movement have lent their reputations to the effort – and none more than panel co-founder David Ray Griffin.
They simply have to get it right. And while a cautious start has been made, with 13 points achieving the required 85% support among the 22 voting members of the panel, this is only Continue reading

Journalists would be thrilled to break 9/11 'inside job' story, if there was one: Kay

Jonathan Kay would suggest that this man is delusional and has too much time on his hands.

By Craig McKee
Jonathan Kay lives in a truly wonderful world.
In this world, journalists are just dying to break any story that would show that 9/11 is an inside job. And any who did would surely be rewarded with wealth, fame, and maybe a Pulitzer Prize.
Too bad for them there isn’t a shred of evidence for this ridiculous “conspiracy theory.” If there were, we’d have hundreds of ambitious scribes fighting and scratching to find out who could get that April Gallop interview first. Somebody heard bombs going off in the towers before the planes hit? 60 Minutes would have been there. A big plane got sucked into an impossibly tiny Continue reading

Griffin challenged for ‘weak logic’, ignoring evidence on 9/11 'calls'

By Craig McKee

David Ray Griffin’s newest book is receiving criticism not so much from believers in the government’s official story as from his usual supporters within the 9/11 Truth movement.
In a new essay, Paul Zarembka – an economics professor, 9/11 researcher, and editor of The Hidden History of 9-11 – offers a critique of Griffin’s analysis of the subject of whether phone calls from the four allegedly hijacked airliners on Sept. 11, 2001 were faked. Zarembka challenges the conclusions reached in chapter five of Griffin’s new book, 9/11 Ten Years Later: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed.
“The internal logic of Griffin’s chapter rather surprised me for its weakness,” Zarembka writes in the Continue reading

Griffin’s ‘no 757’ Pentagon stance eclipses ‘consensus approach’

Griffin offers overwhelming evidence that no 757 hit the Pentagon.

By Craig McKee

The best argument I’ve found against David Ray Griffin’s new “consensus approach” to the Pentagon comes from a very reliable source – David Ray Griffin.
In his new book, 9/11 Ten Years After: When State Crimes Against Democracy Succeed, the dean of 9/11 Truth makes the strongest case yet that the U.S. government faked a plane crash at the Pentagon to deceive the world. He shows us that the strongest evidence by far shows Continue reading

Has credibility of Toronto 9/11 hearings been hurt by pressure?

This post requires an update. In it, I expressed outrage at the appearance that a change was being made to the roster of Toronto witnesses based on pressure from the group that regularly attacks Citizen Investigation Team and ridicules the idea that no 757 hit the Pentagon. It turns out that while pressure was certainly applied, this change was at the request of the person whose name was removed from the schedule (April Gallop). Despite the fact that I said people should be angry “if” she was removed due to pressure and didn’t state this as a fact, the impression left was unfair to the organizers of the hearings.Craig McKee

By Craig McKee

It appears that the organizers of the Toronto 9/11 hearings have utterly caved to pressure and thrown fairness and common sense under the bus in the process.
April Gallop, who was injured in the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001 along with her infant son, has been removed from the list of witnesses at the upcoming hearings (Sept. 8-11), to be replaced by an “unconfirmed” witness. If that replacement is assigned to make the case that a 757 did, in fact, hit the Continue reading

Eyes on the Pentagon: new Toronto event independent of 9/11 hearings

Witnesses in CIT film describe flight path to the north of the official one.

By Craig McKee

The Toronto 9/11 hearings are no longer the only game in town.
The 9/11 research group Citizen Investigation Team, which contends that no commercial airliner hit the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, has announced it will present a screening of its documentary National Security Alert on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in Toronto. The Sept. 11 event will also Continue reading

Pure fiction: Bigelow’s bin Laden chase film will reinforce 9/11 myths

Kathryn Bigelow plans new film on the chase for bin Laden.

By Craig McKee

I can see it now: Robert De Niro as Osama bin Laden, George Clooney, Matt Damon, and Brad Pitt as the handsome and fearless Navy SEALS, and Morgan Freeman as the “president.” Or Denzel Washington…
Okay, I might have the casting wrong, but the upcoming film Kill bin Laden by Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow (The Hurt Locker) is certain to be fascinating – and fictional. It will take its place alongside United 93 and World Trade Center – a sort of Continue reading

Toronto G20 a year later: when Canada became a police state

By Craig McKee

In true Orwellian fashion, masked rioters were allowed free reign to go on a destructive rampage while peaceful protesters were beaten, rounded up and denied any semblance of their civil rights.
The scene was Toronto, Canada’s largest city, and the event was the G20 Summit held June 26-27, 2010. The event – for which security cost in the vicinity of $1 billion – led to the largest mass arrest in Canadian history. It was an exercise in crushing dissent, and it left the impression that those in power are only willing to support free speech until people most need to exercise it.
While police were allowing the masked Black Bloc rioters to destroy anything they wanted, they weren’t shy about beating and arresting peaceful protestors. In fact, they arrested many who weren’t even protesting, but who were just trying to walk down the street. One journalist, despite identifying himself, was punched Continue reading

Will Toronto 9/11 Hearings ignore Pentagon to avoid ‘controversy’?

By Craig McKee

While most eyes will be on New York City on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in September, the real news could be made north of the border.
To coincide with the anniversary, the International Centre for 9/11 Studies is organizing The International Hearings on the Events of September 11, 2001 in Toronto, Canada. These hearings, to be held at Ryerson University Sept. 8-11, will address the evidence from 9/11 and will produce a final report that could become a very valuable document in getting the truth out to the world.
Some of the most prominent names in the 9/11 Truth movement will be participating. Notable are author David Ray Griffin (who has written more books on the subject that anyone), Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and physicist Steven Jones. Other familiar Truth movement names include Peter Dale Scott, David Chandler, Jonathan Cole, Kevin Ryan, and Niels Harrit. Check out their bios on the Hearings site here.
But there could be a problem. And that problem could arise because not everyone agrees on what constitutes the weakest link in the official government story of 9/11 – and what constitutes strong evidence. Continue reading

Obama on 60 Minutes: cheerleading interview a journalistic low

By Craig McKee

It might be the worst television news interview ever conducted. And that includes anything on Fox News.
After the alleged raid that supposedly resulted in the execution of Osama bin Laden, U.S. President Barack Obama agreed to an interview with Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes. He couldn’t have made a better choice. No tough questions, no demand for proof of anything the president was saying. Just pure PR. A state-controlled TV station in a fascist dictatorship couldn’t have conducted a more gushing and supportive interview.
These examples were typical of Kroft’s lobs:

  • Mr. President, was this the most satisfying week of your Presidency?
  • Was the decision to launch this attack the most difficult decision that you’ve made as Commander-In-Chief? Continue reading