Category Archives: 9/11

Operation Northwoods: Generals approved domestic terror ‘false flag’ that was a blueprint for 9/11

Kennedy: The man who said no to an attack by the U.S. government against its own citizens.

‘The most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government’James Bamford in Body of Secrets

February 4, 2017

By Craig McKee

A massive and spectacular terrorist attack.
Civilians killed on American soil. Explosives planted to simulate an assault from an external enemy. American cities attacked, including Washington, D.C. Military targets hit. Civil aircraft hijacked. Wreckage planted. Evidence manufactured.
You might assume I’m talking about 9/11, the most devastating false flag “terror attack” in history. But I’m not. I’m talking about Operation Northwoods, which you will hear barely anything about in the mainstream media.
The plan was approved by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and presented to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962 in a top secret memorandum. The idea of the plan was to launch a campaign of terror against American citizens to trick them into supporting an invasion of Cuba. The goal Continue reading

Bob McIlvaine on how his son’s death points to controlled demolition

This article is a lightly modified version of a piece I just wrote for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which you can read here. I thank the staff at AE911Truth for making it possible for me to speak with Bob McIlvaine and write this article.—CM

By Craig McKee

Bob McIlvaine and his family are not alone in having suffered a devastating personal loss on September 11, 2001. The loved ones of the nearly 3,000 victims of the destruction at the World Trade Center know what he has endured for the past 15 years.
But McIlvaine is different from most of these families in important ways. In addition to his unwavering and often lonely fight to expose the complicity of the U.S. government in this false flag attack, he has strong forensic evidence that his 26-year-old son, Bobby, was killed by a powerful explosion as he was about to enter the lobby of the North Tower. That evidence is corroborated by the accounts Continue reading

Cutting off the head of the snake: Ken O’Keefe on beating the bankers, Israeli brutality, and the 9/11 ‘gift’

“We don’t want war. But we have war – all the time. Why? Because the bankers run the world, and war is the best thing for them.” – Ken O’Keefe

By Craig McKee

He is passionate, fearless, charismatic, and very blunt.
To be sure, human rights activist and former U.S. Marine Ken O’Keefe says things some people don’t want to hear, things that jolt them from their complacency about the tyranny and deceptions that pervert our world. The message he has to offer is not an easy one to accept for so many who have had their perceptions molded by the mainstream media, mainstream entertainment, and mainstream politics.
Recently, O’Keefe concluded a North American speaking tour with appearances in Montreal (April 23) and Toronto (April 28 and 29) that both I and fellow Truth and Shadows contributor Barrie Zwicker attended. We also had the Continue reading

From those who were there: investigation reveals that at least 156 witnessed WTC explosions

Todd Heaney and Frank DiLeo of Engine 209 help an injured firefighter. (Photo: NY Daily News)

April 8, 2016

By Craig McKee

So much of the most important evidence the 9/11 Truth Movement has in its arsenal can be attributed to the work of researchers who went above and beyond what others were willing to do.
One who has made such a contribution is Canadian academic Graeme MacQueen. The retired university professor and author of The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy took on the daunting task of examining close to 12,000 pages of oral histories given by employees of the Fire Department of New York in the weeks and months after 9/11. These accounts reveal that many witnessed explosions in the World Trade Center that morning, supporting the position that Continue reading

Pentagon debates expose emptiness of large-plane-impact scenario

The work that Craig Ranke (of Citizen Investigation Team) has done on the witnesses for the north path is some of the most solid, irrefutable evidence that one could ever assemble on 9/11, period – Massimo Mazzucco, creator of September 11: The New Pearl Harbor
It was my understanding there would be no math ― Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford in 1976 presidential debate, Saturday Night Live
March 16, 2016

By Craig McKee

It’s like watching someone try to dance between raindrops while they accuse you of being all wet.
Those who are determined to push the impossible claim that a large plane really did hit the Pentagon on 9/11 – despite the absence of a plane at the “crash” site – go to incredible lengths to try and make their case. They speculate, hypothesize, assume, and concoct imaginative and “plausible” scenarios that they claim “fit the data” or are “consistent with an impact”. They focus on minor details as if they are conclusive, they mention the “witnesses” as if the word Continue reading

War on terror or war on democracy? The physical intimidation of legislatures

Powell anthrax

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell holding up vial of simulated anthrax at UN Security Council meeting as he makes the case for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

This is the text of a talk given by Graeme MacQueen at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, on Nov. 18, 2015. The text was edited by MacQueen for publication in Truth and Shadows. In addition to being a retired professor of Religious Studies and founder of McMaster’s Peace Studies program, MacQueen is the author of The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case For a Domestic Conspiracy.
February 28, 2016

By Graeme MacQueen (Special to Truth and Shadows)

Good evening. I have two sets of introductory comments.
First, my aim tonight is not to prove each of my assertions with a wealth of evidence but to survey four cases briefly in order to reveal a pattern. If you feel I may be on to something it will be up to you to look at these cases in more detail.
Secondly, as a Canadian addressing other Canadians, I want to note that I am aware of the taboos this talk is violating. I will be making claims, and pointing out patterns, that are unwelcome in mainstream society today in Canada. The taboos are held in place with heavy silence and with ridicule, and they are, in my opinion, crucial to the maintenance of the War on Terror.
The taboos are strong in the media, the universities, and in all sectors of government. Since my theme today has to do with legislatures, and since we have just experienced a federal Continue reading

New Pearl Harbor director turns to exposing the Apollo Moon hoax


Donate to Massimo Mazzucco’s American Moon.

January 30, 2016

By Craig McKee

I really want to see this film. But first it has to get made.
Investigative journalist Massimo Mazzucco, producer/director of the five-hour 9/11 documentary September 11: The New Pearl Harbor, is now applying his considerable talents to another of the great deceptions of our time. In a new film called American Moon he will examine all the evidence that the Apollo missions were frauds.
“If you realize what it means, that they were able to pull this hoax on the whole world in the 1960s, then you understand many more things they could be capable of, including 9/11,” Mazzucco said in an interview from his home in Italy.
“The Moon hoax is so much larger than anything that has ever Continue reading

To Ken Doc: You’re an anti-truther when you tell lies about truthers

(*This open letter is to Ken Doc, a self-described Canadian truther who is head administrator of the largest 9/11 Facebook forum, “9/11 Truth Movement.” It’s a digital place where civility, sincerity, and intelligence are frequent casualties. Doc devotes a page on his web site to calling me a “disinfo troll.” His supports for this nasty allegation—all of them—are provable lies. These same lies are being told by two others, Mike Collins and Seb Ménard, with whom Doc is well acquainted (for a thorough deconstruction of Collins’ disinformation playbook, see the article below this letter). More about them below. Once you read this letter, it should be crystal clear who is spreading disinformation. I’ve written about Doc’s forum before—about how it’s run like an immature high school clique.  In this cabal, the administrators pat each other on the back while applying absurd double standards to what is permissible behavior. These admins, except for one or two, are like the self-centered “popular kids” who shun and insult people they don’t like while hypocritically telling everyone else that insults are not allowed. The immediate casualty is the Truth Movement. The ultimate victim is truth itself.–Craig McKee)

A legend in his own galaxy: In this graphic from Ken Doc’s Facebook page, he is the hero with Richard Gage and David Chandler as supporting characters. I think that’s Mike Collins behind him in the black helmet.

January 1, 2016

TO: Ken Doc
Well, here we are again. I had hoped that after writing an article in January 2015 about how damaging your Facebook forum is to the 9/11 Truth Movement and how irresponsible you are in running it, I would never have to address you or the forum again. I thought that your banning me and several others who agree with me about what happened and did not happen at the Pentagon on 9/11 would be enough for you.  Evidently not.
I have no choice but to respond to a dishonest attack you’ve launched against me on your web site based on invented charges. You did this by creating an entire page devoted to libeling me with allegations you know are untrue. You included me with four others in the “disinfo trolls” part of your site. The others who have received the same treatment include Jim Fetzer, John Lear, Ace Baker, and no-plane supporter Norma Rae. To justify your claim that I am a troll, you introduce several easily provable lies.
I became aware of the page’s creation in the last couple of months, which leads me to think it may have been prompted by two articles I posted on Truth and Shadows in October criticizing public presentations on the Pentagon by David Chandler and Ken Jenkins. Both researchers are part of a team that pushes most of the Pentagon official story and accepts almost all of the government’s evidence as being genuine and persuasive.
Your position on the Pentagon seems to have changed since I wrote the article about your forum. Before it was published, you held the position that you didn’t know if a plane hit but that you thought it was pointless to discuss the subject because it always leads to fighting. We’ll just never know exactly what happened, you used to write, although you were open to the possibility of a plane impact.
But then your substantial ego got bruised, and after that you suddenly became 100% convinced that a plane hit. Suddenly it was obvious! It appears you changed your position out of spite. If you learned new information immediately after the article that led you to change your tune, please let us in on what it was.
Let’s get to the lies.
You say I support the theory that the World Trade Center towers were destroyed by “space beams.” This is a blatant falsehood on your part. You know I don’t believe this and that nowhere can a quote be found to Continue reading

How Hitler's 'big lie' led to 9/11 and the war on terror: Shure's part 19


Reichstag fire a game changer: Hitler was the supreme practitioner of the false flag operation.

November 23, 2015

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

9/11, Big Lies, Government Manipulation, Good People, and Silence. These are the key words and phrases in the 19th installment of psychotherapist Fran Shure’s insightful series of essays entitled “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?”
Truth and Shadows is critiquing this installment of the series for now and will review the entire series when it is published in book form by AE911Truth in mid-2016. The relevancy of Part 19 for this site and the increasingly unstable and dangerous state of the world are the reasons for posting this now.
Out of the gate on page 2 Shure boldly taunts the meme “The first person who mentions Hitler loses.” This is also known as the reductio ad Hitlerum rule.1 She wades fearlessly into Hitler and his Nazi regime, citing many chilling Continue reading

Harper's election failure creates cracks in the global war on terror


Trudeau’s victory showed failure of Harper’s Muslim bashing. (CBC photo)

November 12, 2015

By Anthony James Hall (Special to Truth and Shadows)

After taking his vow of office, Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau introduced his new cabinet. Canada’s triumphant leader rightfully boasted that the new face of his government authentically reflects Canada’s multicultural population.  Moreover half of his appointees are women. One of them, Jody Wilson-Raybould, is a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw First Nation as well as Canada’s first Aboriginal Minister of Justice.
Another striking appointment is that of Maryam Monsef. Age 30, Ms. Monsef is the youngest Minister as well as the first Muslim ever to hold a cabinet position in Canada’s executive branch. Monsef emigrated from Afghanistan when she was 11 years old. Trudeau assigned to the youthful Continue reading