Tag Archives: The New Jersey Holocaust Commission

Educators, Holocaust group join Sept. 11 museum in 'teaching' children official 9/11 lies

911 museum twin girders

These symbolic twin girders with tridents on top come from one of the World Trade Center towers.

By Craig McKee
The 9/11 official story is rooted in deception, distortion, and misdirection. Now all of its lies have been dressed up and put on display in an expensive federally funded monument for paying customers.
The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, slated to open May 21 (the outdoor memorial has been open since 2011), is more of a walk-in indoctrination center than a tribute to the victims of 9/11. It’s a piece of propaganda made of glass and steel that plays on emotions and on the sincere desire of people to honor those who sacrificed their lives in this false flag event.
The Memorial and Museum’s web site not only reiterates all the same lies, but it even explains a framework that educators will be using to indoctrinate children so they can grow up to be believers in the war on terror and the Continue reading