Tag Archives: Osama bin Laden

Are we all hard-wired not to question 9/11 official story?

I’m not into conspiracy theories, except the ones that are true or involve dentists. – Michael Moore

November 11, 2010

By Craig McKee

The human brain is a fascinating thing. It controls everything we perceive. It is the vehicle through which all information passes, the filter through which all external events are processed. We can use it to search for the truth, but it can also stop us from looking.
We believe that any opinion we might have is based simply on our understanding of the facts. Sure we all have our biases, but we’re aware of them, right?
Not necessarily. We may be aware of the obvious ones, but the subtle ways we resist facts presented to us often slip under the radar. The things that motivate us to defend what we Continue reading

‘Box cutter’ nuts and their wild theories: a gem of 9/11 satire

I came across this wickedly dry bit of conspiracy analysis from 2003 recently and really enjoyed it. Since the author offered it freely for reproduction (with credit given) I thought it would be worth including in this blog. Sadly, the author passed away from cancer earlier this year. He was just 51.
His piece goes to show that when the government and media offer an explanation of an event like 9/11, their story is never looked at as a theory. But it’s worth turning the tables occasionally – Craig McKee
November 7, 2010

Debunking conspiracy theorists: Paranoid fantasies about Sept. 11 distract from the real issues

By Gerard Holmgren (Copyright Gerard Holmgren, Jan. 9, 2003)

Astute observers of history are aware that for every notable event there will ususally be at least one ,often several wild conspiracy theories which spring up around it. “The CIA killed Hendrix” ” The Pope had John Lennon murdered “, “Hitler was half Werewolf”, “Space aliens replaced Nixon with a clone” etc,etc. The bigger the event, the more ridiculous and more numerous are the fanciful rantings which circulate in relation to it.
So it’s hardly surprising that the events of Sept 11 2001 have spawned their fair share of these ludicrous fairy tales. And as always, there is – sadly – a small but Continue reading

Both the U.S. and Canada must share the shame of the Omar Khadr case

Khadr pleads with Canadian interrogators in Guantanamo Bay to help him, says he was tortured by Americans.

October 22, 2010

By Craig McKee

Few things make me angry faster than talking about the case of Omar Khadr.
In the irrational aftermath of 9/11, freedom, due process, and the rule of law were casualties of a phony war on terror. While the real terrorists occupied seats of power in Washington, individual freedoms were discarded. And this happened while the American public was still traumatized by the unprecedented “terrorist” attacks.
So they could appear to be doing something about 9/11, the U.S. government rushed to apprehend hundreds of terror suspects from around the world. Just nine months after the destruction of the World Trade Center, a 15-year-old Canadian boy named Omar Khadr was arrested and blamed for the death of an American serviceman in Afghanistan. He remains the only Western inmate left in Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba.
The fact that Khadr is now discussing a deal that would have him plead guilty to murder is sickening. Continue reading

Who’s in charge? The unlikely travels of George Bush on 9/11

October 20, 2010

By Craig McKee

So we know that before 10 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, President George W. Bush behaved very suspiciously. He remained in a Florida classroom reading with students while disaster unfolded.
We know the Secret Service did not take steps to protect the president during the most catastrophic attack ever on American soil. He stayed at the school against all protocol, and no one made any effort to get him out of there. He might have been a terrorist target but he just sat there, endangering an entire school full of children.
We know that Chief of Staff Andrew Card told Bush that America was under attack while he sat with the children, but didn’t say any more and didn’t wait for any response from Bush.
And Bush made no move to say anything to anyone. No instructions, no questions. He didn’t Continue reading

Military wasn’t worried ‘campaign of terror’ secret would come out

October 11, 2010

By Craig McKee

A buddy of mine told me the other day that he could never believe that 9/11 was an inside job because it would be impossible to keep a secret that big.
I think this is how a lot of people feel. They might be able to accept that criminal elements in government could be ruthless enough to try it, but they just can’t believe they could keep it quiet.
But they haven’t kept it quiet – not really. If they had, we’d all be forcefully standing by the official 9/11 story. We’d all believe the myth that Muslim terrorists were behind the whole thing. But there are so many gaping holes in the government’s version of what happened that many don’t believe this. Continue reading

Think plausible conspiracy theories are easy to invent? Give it a try

October 7, 2010

By Craig McKee

So you think there’s a case for the official 9/11 story, eh? The conspiracy theorists are the kooks, and all the evidence supports what Bush and the media have been telling us all along.
If you think there is a case to be made for the government’s version of a “conspiracy theory” then I invite you to make it. Tell us how you know it happened just as the 9/11 Commission says. How do you know, other than because TV said so?
I can make this challenge very confidently because I know what’ll happen. If you’re open-minded, you’ll realize there is precious little to back up the official story. Each element of it can be dismantled relatively easily. If you’re not, you’ll just brush off anything that challenges you.
I’ve heard the sceptics say that you can take any event and make it seem like a conspiracy if you want. All you have to do is to twist a few facts and suppositions around and you can make it seem like a conspiracy took place. Continue reading

Talking to people about 9/11 is an exercise in frustration

Truth only reveals itself when we give up all preconceived ideas – Shoseki

October 5, 2010

By Craig McKee

Are you ever tempted to lose it because people don’t think exactly like you do?
Really? Never?
I get it, we’re civilized. We don’t behave that way. We celebrate the right of everyone to believe whatever they choose to. We respect everyone’s right to say what they want – and think what they want.
Well, if that’s true, why am I gritting my teeth as I write this? The truth is that sometimes all that polite “agree-to-disagree” crap makes me want to look into primal scream therapy.
As you can tell by the majority of articles posted on this blog over the past two months, I’m pretty interested in the subject of 9/11. No, not obsessed. Continue reading

The rush to judgment (part 2): deception on a grand scale

September 15, 2010

By Craig McKee

It’s all about sleight of hand.
The trick with getting people to accept a lie without question is to have them hear it amidst lots of action. Bombs are good. Noise helps. Fear is essential.
It was Adolf Hitler who said: “The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.” Why am I quoting the biggest mass murderer of the 20th century? Well, the man knew his propaganda.
Here’s another one: “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even Continue reading

The rush to judgment: a familiar pattern labels Oswald a killer

Oswald was silenced by Jack Ruby.
September 13, 2010

By Craig McKee

When I started this blog, 9/11 was just supposed to be one of the topics to be addressed. But in doing research on the subject, I found myself becoming more and more captivated. And more and more angry.
The story has so many angles, so many questions, so many lies, so many glaring omissions. When the attacks first happened I assumed, like most people, that Osama bin Laden was indeed responsible. I may have hated Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, but that didn’t make me question the official account.
The event was so huge, so destructive, so shocking that the idea that anyone other than Bush’s “evil doers” had been involved seemed unthinkable. I should have known better. As a firm believer that John Continue reading

The official story of 9/11 is the craziest conspiracy theory of all

All great truths begin as blasphemies.  ~George Bernard Shaw, Annajanska, 1919
August 30, 2010

By Craig McKee

It’s an oft-repeated statement by politicians, military leaders, and commentators that the disaster of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in September 2001 changed the world forever. I believe this is true, but not for the reasons the U.S. government would have us believe.
The official story of September 11, as told by the Bush administration and the major media, made it clear that America was now under siege from an increasingly bold and frightening enemy. A major attack had taken place on U.S. soil for the first time since the bombing of Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and Americans were in shock.
They now had to come to terms with a world in which terror and death were no longer things you watched on TV. Now you could see them first hand, right in the heart of their largest and most iconic city. For the first time they could imagine a Continue reading