Tag Archives: Osama bin Laden

Obama on 60 Minutes: cheerleading interview a journalistic low

By Craig McKee

It might be the worst television news interview ever conducted. And that includes anything on Fox News.
After the alleged raid that supposedly resulted in the execution of Osama bin Laden, U.S. President Barack Obama agreed to an interview with Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes. He couldn’t have made a better choice. No tough questions, no demand for proof of anything the president was saying. Just pure PR. A state-controlled TV station in a fascist dictatorship couldn’t have conducted a more gushing and supportive interview.
These examples were typical of Kroft’s lobs:

  • Mr. President, was this the most satisfying week of your Presidency?
  • Was the decision to launch this attack the most difficult decision that you’ve made as Commander-In-Chief? Continue reading

Media uncritically swallows claim that bin Laden planned 9/11 sequel

By Craig McKee

When it comes to the 9/11 “terrorist attacks,” the mainstream media had very little credibility before May 2, 2011. Now they have none.
Over and over the media just repeat what U.S. officials say about 9/11, Osama bin Laden, and the “war on terror” without hesitation, and most of the time without any scepticism at all. Often, allegations made by the U.S. government are reported as if they are established facts. They might as well just print the damn press releases verbatim.
The bin Laden story becomes more and more unbelievable with every new development, and the media are eating it up without the slightest question.
Here’s how the legend goes now: After the most intensive manhunt in human history, evil mastermind Osama bin Laden is finally found and “taken out” in a heroic, Rambo-esque raid that could have been planned by Continue reading

Obama and media use bin Laden’s ‘death’ to further 9/11 lie

May 2, 2011

By Craig McKee

Buried at sea? I can’t believe people are buying this.
Around the world, misled individuals are celebrating the death of the man blamed for the 9/11 false-flag operation. Many are even thinking it will make a difference to the war on terror. It won’t, of course, because that phantom war will continue until it isn’t needed anymore by the global elite. And that won’t happen until another phony enemy is in place.
My optimistic side hopes that this lie is so obvious that even those who bought the idea that 9/11 was a terrorist attack might see through it. But that isn’t guaranteed, especially with all the major media in America marching in lockstep.
We’ve seen how the U.S. government turned 9/11 into two wars and an all-out assault on the Continue reading

Insult to injury: court denies 9/11 appeal, threatens sanctions

April Gallop with fellow 9/11 Truth activist William Rodriguez.

By Craig McKee

April Gallop’s legal battle to expose the real perpetrators of 9/11 is over. And now the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit wants to turn the tables on the former U.S. Army specialist.
On Wednesday, the court dismissed Gallop’s appeal in a decision that came complete with sarcasm, conflict of interest, and obvious bias. The decision also came with a threat of sanctions on the basis that the case was frivolous and should never have been appealed in the first place.
Gallop launched her suit against former vice-president Dick Cheney, former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, and former of the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Richard Myers in 2008. She sought damages for injuries she and her son suffered during the alleged plane Continue reading

Richard Gage joins perplexing gang-up on Citizen Investigation Team

By Craig McKee

Mr. Gage, you’ve lost me.
In the past week, highly respected 9/11 researcher Richard Gage – founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, released a statement (http://911truthnews.com/richard-gage-completely-withdraws-support-from-cit/) withdrawing his support for Citizen Investigation Team, which champions the idea that an airliner flew over, not into, the Pentagon on 9/11.
Gage doesn’t like the investigative methods of CIT’s Craig Ranke and Aldo Marquis. He says that even though he initially supported CIT’s film National Security Alert, he has come to rethink its approach and its conclusions. Now, he seems to prefer the Bush administration version of the Pentagon story – that is to say the official story.
Unfortunately, Gage has jumped in with a group of people who frequently post at the now very exclusive 911Blogger.com, a site that has little tolerance for people who Continue reading

Re-evaluating Michael Moore: his disappointing take on 9/11

By Craig McKee

From the first time I saw Roger and Me, I was hooked. Michael Moore was more than a breath of fresh air, he was a rare voice who found a way to get really progressive ideas into the mainstream in a big way. No small feat.
I never cared about criticisms from the right that his films sometimes let accuracy take a back seat to entertainment value. Those people were going to trash him no matter what. Everything they said about him just confirmed their own ignorance.
But even though my disgust for the right in America remains undiminished, a sense of disillusionment with Moore’s views has crept in to my thinking. As I began researching the events of Sept. 11, 2001 in more depth, his views about terror and terrorism began to be problematic. Worse, they began to seem like Continue reading

FBI told Clinton prosecutor about details of 9/11 weeks in advance

By Craig McKee

If you’ve heard of David Philip Schippers at all, chances are you remember him going head to head with former president Bill Clinton.
Schippers, a Democrat, was the special prosecutor in the Clinton impeachment case in the late 1990s. He was also the former Chief Investigative Counsel for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. Not exactly an anti-establishment figure.
But when it comes to 9/11, Schippers has some things to say that shake the foundations of the official story.
Just two days after 9/11, Schippers went public with the explosive statement that he had been told by FBI agents months before 9/11 that there would be a massive terrorist attack targeting the financial arteries of lower Manhattan. The revelation came in an interview he did on WRRK in Pittsburgh.
These agents, who were reportedly from Illinois and Minnesota, confided in Schippers that they knew the location and date of the “impending attacks.” They even knew the names of the hijackers and the sources of their funding! Continue reading

The tilting south tower gives it away

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance – Albert Einstein
November 26, 2010

By Craig McKee

People who believe in the official government theory of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001 must find the laws of physics to be a real pain in the neck. They must hate it when these silly laws keep showing how their neat story of Islamic terrorism simply isn’t possible.
There are so many examples: the too-small hole in the Pentagon and lack of wreckage outside; the scattering of debris from Flight 93 over an area of several miles and virtually no wreckage at the crash scene; molten steel under the three World Trade Center towers that came down; the fact that fire was simply not hot enough to have brought down both of the twin towers; and that they couldn’t have been destroyed so quickly without explosives. And those are just the big ones.
There’s another aspect to the destruction of the twin towers that doesn’t get as much attention but that is huge when it comes to proving the fiction of the official theory.
When the destruction of the South Tower started at 9:59 a.m., just 56 minutes after it was hit, the top of the building began to tip over (as you can clearly see in the photo above). And, according to Sir Isaac Continue reading

Critical, open-minded thinking is in short supply in 9/11 debate

The goal of education is to replace an empty mind with an open mind – Malcolm Forbes
People are very open-minded about new things – as long as they’re exactly like the old ones – Charles Kettering
November 24, 2010

By Craig McKee

It’s all about assumptions – that immovable foundation of ideas we won’t compromise under any conditions even when those ideas are proven wrong. These are the dogmatic beliefs that block us from considering new possibilities.
We all have biases. We all operate with a set of core beliefs about how the world works. We all see things through the filter of our upbringing and our experiences. But truly wise people are those who realize the limiting effects of their biases, and who will consider new information even when it contradicts their existing beliefs.
The 9/11 Truth Movement was born as a result of people who were willing to look beyond the obvious. They didn’t take what they were told as unchallengeable truth; they used their brains to evaluate what they were told and what they saw. They tested the information critically.
Most people think they are completely open to new ideas and concepts; but they aren’t. They don’t apply the same criticism to the “official conspiracy theory” of 9/11 that they do to others they don’t like. Continue reading

Official 9/11 story depends on a 'perfect storm' of blunders

Somehow no fighters were able to intercept any of the four hijacked planes.

November 20, 2010

By Craig McKee

It’s a very tempting notion for a lot of people. Incompetence. Confusion. Bad luck.
For people who can’t bring themselves to believe that their own government would murder 3,000 people, it’s comforting instead to chalk up the attacks of 9/11 to a series of unfortunate mistakes. The Bush administration did not admit that catastrophic errors were made, but if 9/11 wasn’t an inside job, there’s no other explanation.
Somehow the idea that the terrorists were too fiendishly brilliant for anyone to be able to stop them just doesn’t cut it, even for “official story” believers. Claims by George W. Bush, Condoleeza Rice, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld that no one could have anticipated hijacked planes being flown into buildings have been discredited. We know for a fact that war games going on that very morning simulated this very scenario.
So that leaves people who don’t believe in official 9/11 complicity on the part of the government to settle on the idea that the country’s defences broke down inexplicably. It’s not a pretty theory if you believe in your government, but it has to do. The alternative, that the Bush administration planned the attacks, is unthinkable for many.
So how can someone make the case that it was a string of honest mistakes that allowed the attacks to succeed? Basically the scenario goes like this:

  • Law enforcement agencies like the FBI had their eyes on some of the future hijackers long before 9/11 but didn’t follow up or somehow lost track of them.
  • Airport security on 9/11 singled out the hijackers for additional screening but failed to Continue reading