Tag Archives: Flight 11

A novel idea: Rebekah Roth’s Methodical Illusion and what happened to the planes on 9-11

Rebekah Roth signs copies of her book Methodical Illusions.

Rebekah Roth signs copies of her book Methodical Illusion.

By Paul Zarembka (Special to Truth and Shadows)

Rebekah Roth’s 9-11 novel Methodical Illusion is getting a lot of attention.  It claims to provide proof that all four 9-11 planes took off, but did not go to targets and instead were landed in Westover Air Reserve Base in Massachusetts where cell phone calls were set-up to implicate Muslims [sentence added, May 13, 2015. P.Z.].
The author has done many interviews since the book was published in November 2014, with almost all interviewers receiving her novel enthusiastically. Many of the 230+ reviews of the book on Amazon have four- and five-star ratings, and even those who give the book a lower rating rarely contest the substance regarding 9-11.
While Roth’s claims about what may have happened on September 11, 2001 give us a lot to absorb, there Continue reading

War games: timing of 9/11 exercises offer too many coincidences

By Craig McKee

It was the first thing that made me suspicious.
At 8:21 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, it was clear that unknown parties had hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston to Los Angeles. Fighters were unable to intercept the plane before it crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center at 8:46. Seventeen minutes later, United Airlines Flight 175, also a Boston to Los Angeles run, hit the South Tower.
How could these planes reach their targets without encountering any opposition from the incredibly powerful and expensive U.S. military? Under normal circumstances, they couldn’t. But this day was anything but typical. In fact, nothing – from protocol to the laws of physics – operated as it should have on 9/11.
By the time the second tower had been hit, it was already known that American Airlines Flight 77 out of Washington D.C. had been hijacked. That flight, too, managed to fly around the northeast United States for more than 40 minutes before it allegedly flew into the Continue reading

Explosions BEFORE plane impact: the 9/11 account of William Rodriguez

When Bush shook hands with Rodriguez, he had no idea how damaging this WTC employee’s account of 9/11 would be.

November 30, 2010

By Craig McKee

It’s something you won’t hear about in the mainstream media. A loud, devastating explosion in the sub-basement of the World Trade Center’s North Tower BEFORE the impact of an airplane that hit between the 93rd and 99th floors.
That was the account of William Rodriguez, who was a 20-year employee of the World Trade Center when the towers were destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001. He was later hailed as a national hero for pulling people out of the buildings, saving a number of lives that morning. He was believed to be the last person to escape the North Tower before it fell. He was even photographed with President George W. Bush. Now, the government doesn’t want to hear anything he has to say.
No matter how well known he is within the 9/11 Truth movement (in fact he’s one of its best known figures), very few others have heard the things he has to say – things that make the purveyors of the official story very nervous.
That’s because if what he reports is true, then the official story can’t be. That official version contends that airplane impacts and the resulting fires were solely responsible for the collapse of the twin towers. But if his account of Continue reading