Tag Archives: Barrie Zwicker

Griffin, Zwicker support CIT’s ‘staged evidence’ Pentagon scenario

David Ray Griffin doesn’t support the idea that a 757 hit the Pentagon.

By Craig McKee

There are not two people who I respect more in the 9/11 Truth movement than David Ray Griffin and Barrie Zwicker.
Griffin has done the most thorough analysis of anyone in the movement of all the evidence from that terrible day. Without his work, and his unimpeachable reputation, it’s hard to imagine the movement would be as far ahead as it is. He has written numerous books about 9/11 examining things like the failures of the 9/11 Commission Report, the flimsy case made by “debunkers” like Popular Mechanics, Continue reading

Is science being used to reveal the truth about 9/11 or to conceal it?

By Craig McKee

Sometimes it seems like it takes more energy to understand the 9/11 Truth movement than it does to understand 9/11.
While you often see contentious and aggressive debates on line between truthers and those who support the official story, you’re just as likely to get such exchanges between two people who claim to believe 9/11 was an inside job.
Understandably, science is often touted by truthers and official-story-believers alike as being essential to evaluating 9/11 evidence. And this makes perfect sense. Why should we accept someone’s gut feeling when we can quantify something?
Looking at melting points, collapse times, and jet fighter velocities are what’s going to dazzle the millions of regular people who are just waiting to hear the latest 9/11 research. Right? We wouldn’t want to say anything that can’t be verified scientifically, Continue reading