Tag Archives: 9/11 truth

Former Pentagon staffer: absence of engines, tail, wings show no 757 crashed at the Pentagon on 9/11

The Pentagon lawn shows no sign of a 757 impact with the building.

December 1, 2017

By John O’Malley (Special to Truth and Shadows)

At the Pentagon on 9/11, the plane did not fit the hole, there was no wreckage of a large plane outside the hole, and the lawn that should have been dug up by the engines was pristine. How stupid do they think we are?
My view of what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11 is influenced by my background in aerospace and the fact that I used to work in the very part of the building that was destroyed. Fortunately for me, I was no longer working there on Continue reading

Why media go to great lengths to avoid the 9/11 ‘scoop of the century’

Self-preservation plays a part in media’s blindness. (Photo: Daily News, Sri Lanka)

Latest installment of Fran Shure’s series examines how compliant and fearful journalists perpetuate the cover-up

October 29, 2017

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

It’s telling that one of the finest critiques of journalism’s abject and historic failure to simply report what’s known about 9/11 comes from a non-journalist.
Frances T. Shure, a psychotherapist from Denver, Colorado, has just completed “The Role of the Media: Act I, Whatever Happened to Investigative Journalists?” which is Part 21 of a series of essays written for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth entitled “Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—About 9/11?”
Thankfully, Part 21 ranges well beyond AE911Truth’s well-chosen but specific orbit. As Shure’s disclaimer states, AE911Truth sticks to its knitting, “does not speculate as to the identity or motives of Continue reading

Griffin on Bush, Cheney, and the ‘miraculous’ destruction of the WTC

President Bush makes remarks on the transition, Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008, on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, as Vice President Dick Cheney looks on. (AP Photo/Ron Edmonds)

October 2, 2017

On ruining America and the world: new book marks a return to 9/11 for Truth Movement’s most prolific author

By Craig McKee

It would have taken a miracle. A bunch of them, actually.
For the official story of 9/11 to be true, numerous physically impossible things would have to have taken place that day. This is the case made by prolific 9/11 researcher David Ray Griffin in his latest book, Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World. It is the 12th Griffin-penned volume that takes on the official government claims of what happened—and did not happen—on 9/11. It also marks his return to Continue reading

How can ‘journalists’ dismiss everything they are supposed to stand for when it comes to 9/11?

Anything that doesn’t fit with the official narrative will be attacked by mainstream journalists.

September 19, 2017

Dishonest attacks on Griffin like a blueprint for how the uninformed and intolerant defend the official story

Freethinkers are those who are willing to use their minds without prejudice and without fearing to understand things that clash with their own customs, privileges, or beliefs. The state of mind is not common, but it is essential for right thinking… – Leo Tolstoy

By Craig McKee

For the most part, I’m getting better at staying out of Facebook fights with idiots, trolls, and those who think the word “conspiracy” is their go-ahead to try stand-up comedy.
Better, not perfect.
On the 16th anniversary of 9/11 last week, I decided to spend the day sharing articles and memes I’d created about this massive and devastating false flag deception. I also dared to comment on a friend’s tongue-in-cheek Facebook post about 9/11, leading me into a somewhat predictable marathon Continue reading

Smokescreens and snake oil: Shermer uses sleight of mouth to pre-emptively undermine dissent

Shermer falsely claimed to be an Adjunct Professor at Claremont Graduate University.

July 3, 2017

Professional ‘skeptic’ ditches science when it comes to 9/11, sticks to glib dismissals of ‘conspiracy theories’

By Craig McKee

Let’s call it “the Shermer Doctrine.”
If you are even considering challenging any aspect of mainstream “reality,” Michael Shermer is already working hard to discredit you. In fact, he started assaulting the public mind with his brand of pre-emptive psychological warfare long before the dissenting idea even began to form in your mind.
Operating under the guise of “rationality,” he seeks to undermine anyone who dares to step outside of official Continue reading

Left Forum caves to ‘pressure’: bans panels amid claims speakers are Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites

The four censored panels were all part of the “Deep State” track.

‘Thought crimes’ panel is the latest scrapped, just four days before event: ‘Left Out Forum’ created so banned speakers can be heard

May 29, 2017

By Craig McKee

Ironically, this year’s Left Forum is called “The Resistance.” But it seems that what America’s largest leftist conference is resistant to is free speech. And integrity.
This article was going to be about three “Deep State” panels, focusing in particular on 9/11 and false flag terrorism, being banned earlier this month because of just two letters of “complaint” that targeted individual speakers with ad hominem attacks, alleging the speakers to be “anti-Semitic,” “Holocaust Continue reading

How 9/11 lies continue to kill

Firefighters worked in highly toxic conditions at Ground Zero. (Andrea Booher/FEMA News Photo)

May 17, 2017

First responders were told the air was safe in the days after September 11, 2001: the result is a rising number of deaths and serious illnesses

By Craig McKee

Lies can kill. And few lies have killed more than those disguised as the “truth” about what happened on September 11, 2001.

Today, more than 15 years after 9/11, exposing those lies is as relevant and necessary as ever. Not only does the false official narrative about what brought the World Trade Center towers down continue to claim victims in the global “war on terror,” but the false claims about the air quality at Ground Zero on 9/11 and in the weeks and months that followed are still killing hundreds and making thousands of others seriously ill.
The numbers of first responders, recovery workers, and residents of lower Manhattan who are affected aren’t falling; they’re rising sharply. Even those exposed to the toxic dust and air at Ground Zero who have not become sick have no way of knowing whether that day is lying in wait.
It’s a grim and very sad picture. And it’s made worse by the fact that the public knows so little about what these people are facing. The media have consistently steered attention away from any challenges to the 9/11 official line offered by the government. And this has caused yet more death and pain for those who were there and for the victims’ families as they continue to fight to have their plight recognized.
Few of us are aware that more than 75,000 have registered for the World Trade Center Health Program and that about half of those have contracted a wide range of diseases, from asthma to pulmonary disease, from gastric reflux to psychological ailments like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As of the summer of 2016, more than 1,100 individuals who had inhaled the WTC dust had died from 9/11-related diseases.

Continue reading

9/11 truthers must focus on destroying the official story, not splintering over dozens of theories

We must also resist those in our movement who want us to accept more and more of the official account

May 1, 2017

By Craig McKee

It’s a question you would think we would have answered long ago: How can we collectively pull the truth out of 9/11 if we are pulling in different directions?
As determined and sincere truth seekers, we continue to do what we can to open the eyes of people everywhere to the fact that they have been lied to about 9/11. But to be successful, we must also explain what those lies are. In other words, we have to show how the official story of this world-changing event cannot be true.
This raises another crucial question: does the 9/11 Truth Movement have a strong and coherent message—one that is understandable and potentially Continue reading

AE911Truth report: molten metal under Iran high-rise supports controlled demolition hypothesis

February 23, 2017

By Craig McKee

The similarities to what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11 are undeniable.
At about 11:20 a.m. local time on Jan. 19, 2017, the 15-story Plasco Building in Tehran, Iran (17 stories if you include two floors underground), fell into a pile of rubble after being on fire for about three hours. Twenty-six died, including 16 firefighters, while 500 businesses lost much or all of their property and 3,000 employees were directly affected. (As is pointed out by an alert reader in the comments below, the date, Jan. 19, is the reverse of 911. I think it is very unlikely that this is a coincidence.)
There were reports of explosions in the building after firefighters believed they had extinguished the fire. These explosions can be clearly seen in videos. The Continue reading

Operation Northwoods: Generals approved domestic terror ‘false flag’ that was a blueprint for 9/11

Kennedy: The man who said no to an attack by the U.S. government against its own citizens.

‘The most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government’James Bamford in Body of Secrets

February 4, 2017

By Craig McKee

A massive and spectacular terrorist attack.
Civilians killed on American soil. Explosives planted to simulate an assault from an external enemy. American cities attacked, including Washington, D.C. Military targets hit. Civil aircraft hijacked. Wreckage planted. Evidence manufactured.
You might assume I’m talking about 9/11, the most devastating false flag “terror attack” in history. But I’m not. I’m talking about Operation Northwoods, which you will hear barely anything about in the mainstream media.
The plan was approved by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and presented to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962 in a top secret memorandum. The idea of the plan was to launch a campaign of terror against American citizens to trick them into supporting an invasion of Cuba. The goal Continue reading