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How 9/11 lies continue to kill

Firefighters worked in highly toxic conditions at Ground Zero. (Andrea Booher/FEMA News Photo)

May 17, 2017

First responders were told the air was safe in the days after September 11, 2001: the result is a rising number of deaths and serious illnesses

By Craig McKee

Lies can kill. And few lies have killed more than those disguised as the “truth” about what happened on September 11, 2001.

Today, more than 15 years after 9/11, exposing those lies is as relevant and necessary as ever. Not only does the false official narrative about what brought the World Trade Center towers down continue to claim victims in the global “war on terror,” but the false claims about the air quality at Ground Zero on 9/11 and in the weeks and months that followed are still killing hundreds and making thousands of others seriously ill.
The numbers of first responders, recovery workers, and residents of lower Manhattan who are affected aren’t falling; they’re rising sharply. Even those exposed to the toxic dust and air at Ground Zero who have not become sick have no way of knowing whether that day is lying in wait.
It’s a grim and very sad picture. And it’s made worse by the fact that the public knows so little about what these people are facing. The media have consistently steered attention away from any challenges to the 9/11 official line offered by the government. And this has caused yet more death and pain for those who were there and for the victims’ families as they continue to fight to have their plight recognized.
Few of us are aware that more than 75,000 have registered for the World Trade Center Health Program and that about half of those have contracted a wide range of diseases, from asthma to pulmonary disease, from gastric reflux to psychological ailments like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. As of the summer of 2016, more than 1,100 individuals who had inhaled the WTC dust had died from 9/11-related diseases.

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9/11 truthers must focus on destroying the official story, not splintering over dozens of theories

We must also resist those in our movement who want us to accept more and more of the official account

May 1, 2017

By Craig McKee

It’s a question you would think we would have answered long ago: How can we collectively pull the truth out of 9/11 if we are pulling in different directions?
As determined and sincere truth seekers, we continue to do what we can to open the eyes of people everywhere to the fact that they have been lied to about 9/11. But to be successful, we must also explain what those lies are. In other words, we have to show how the official story of this world-changing event cannot be true.
This raises another crucial question: does the 9/11 Truth Movement have a strong and coherent message—one that is understandable and potentially Continue reading

Beyond their wildest dreams: 9/11 and the American Left

Former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad challenged the official narrative at the “9/11 Revisited: Seeking the Truth” conference in Kuala Lumpur in 2012.

March 13, 2017

Dr. Graeme MacQueen is the former Director of the Centre for Peace Studies at McMaster University in Canada. He was an organizer of the Toronto Hearings on 9/11, is a member of the Consensus 9/11 Panel, and is a former co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies.

By Graeme MacQueen (Special to Truth and Shadows)

On November 23, 1963, the day after John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Fidel Castro gave a talk on Cuban radio and television.[1] He pulled together, as well as he could in the amount of time available to him, the evidence he had gathered from news media and other sources, and he reflected on this evidence.
The questions he posed were well chosen: they could serve as a template for those confronting complex acts of political violence.  Were there contradictions and absurdities in the story being promoted in the U.S. media? Who benefitted from the assassination? Were intelligence agencies claiming to know more than they could legitimately know? Was there Continue reading

AE911Truth report: molten metal under Iran high-rise supports controlled demolition hypothesis

February 23, 2017

By Craig McKee

The similarities to what happened at the World Trade Center on 9/11 are undeniable.
At about 11:20 a.m. local time on Jan. 19, 2017, the 15-story Plasco Building in Tehran, Iran (17 stories if you include two floors underground), fell into a pile of rubble after being on fire for about three hours. Twenty-six died, including 16 firefighters, while 500 businesses lost much or all of their property and 3,000 employees were directly affected. (As is pointed out by an alert reader in the comments below, the date, Jan. 19, is the reverse of 911. I think it is very unlikely that this is a coincidence.)
There were reports of explosions in the building after firefighters believed they had extinguished the fire. These explosions can be clearly seen in videos. The Continue reading

Operation Northwoods: Generals approved domestic terror ‘false flag’ that was a blueprint for 9/11

Kennedy: The man who said no to an attack by the U.S. government against its own citizens.

‘The most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government’James Bamford in Body of Secrets

February 4, 2017

By Craig McKee

A massive and spectacular terrorist attack.
Civilians killed on American soil. Explosives planted to simulate an assault from an external enemy. American cities attacked, including Washington, D.C. Military targets hit. Civil aircraft hijacked. Wreckage planted. Evidence manufactured.
You might assume I’m talking about 9/11, the most devastating false flag “terror attack” in history. But I’m not. I’m talking about Operation Northwoods, which you will hear barely anything about in the mainstream media.
The plan was approved by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff and presented to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara on March 13, 1962 in a top secret memorandum. The idea of the plan was to launch a campaign of terror against American citizens to trick them into supporting an invasion of Cuba. The goal Continue reading

Being a truther means ridicule, insults, and polite dismissals from those who grabbed the blue pill

January 24, 2017

By Craig McKee

Being a truther is not for the faint of heart.
Fighting for the truth in a sea of caution, comfortable complacency, and condescension can get to one eventually. It has been getting to me lately. I’ve become cranky and impatient with the childish level of political understanding around me. I think I will scream if I see one more Facebook post about how wonderful and classy Barack Obama and his family are. And watching the freak-out over Trump just makes me feel contempt for those who have not said a peep in eight years but who are now suddenly “political.” Of course, it is fair game to attack Trump for Continue reading

Michel Chossudovsky recalls his remarkable meeting with Castro

Chossudovsky meets with Castro in 2010.

Chossudovsky discussed the dangers of nuclear war with Castro in 2010.

Fidel Castro Ruz was acutely aware of the mechanisms of media disinformation and war propaganda

I cannot think of a better way to commemorate the life of Fidel Castro than to share this post from Global Research’s Michel Chossudovsky, who had the incredible opportunity in 2010 to sit down with the Cuban leader in his home in Havana to discuss the dangers of nuclear war, global capitalism, and other subjects.—Craig McKee

By Michel Chossudovsky (Reprinted from Global Research)

Today, November 25, 2016 Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. His legacy will live forever.
The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration in the relentless struggle against colonial domination and US imperialism.
Fidel Castro was the embodiment of these struggles against global capitalism, Continue reading

Mainstream newspaper prints op-ed questioning 2014 Ottawa shootings

Soldiers on the scene of Parliament Hill shooting in 2014.

Soldiers on the scene of Parliament Hill shooting in 2014.

Oct. 25, 2016

By Barrie Zwicker

For 15 years I was paid to mainly find fault with the media, while on occasion celebrating well-crafted reporting, excellent think pieces, and the advent of independent journalism. A recent opinion piece that is worth celebrating is Prof. Graeme MacQueen’s op-ed in the Hamilton Spectator published on October 21st.
In the article (reproduced in its entirety below), MacQueen raises a series of questions rarely posed in the media concerning the Parliament Hill shootings in Ottawa in October 2014. What is truly impressive is not just the considerable depth of research that went into compiling the questions Continue reading

B’nai Brith smear campaign against Anthony Hall reflects worsening threat to academic freedom


Hall on the campus of the University of Lethbridge shortly after learning of his suspension.

October 12, 2016

By Craig McKee

Over his long and impressive academic career, Professor Anthony Hall has helped us all better understand how crises can be manufactured to manipulate public perception of narratives that serve the interests of established power.
Now, he is the victim of one of those contrived crises.
In the latest of a growing list of glaring assaults on academic freedom, Hall has been suspended without pay from his tenured teaching position at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada where he has taught for 26 years. As the result of an obviously faked and planted Facebook post, he has become the focus of a Continue reading

Bob McIlvaine on how his son’s death points to controlled demolition

This article is a lightly modified version of a piece I just wrote for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which you can read here. I thank the staff at AE911Truth for making it possible for me to speak with Bob McIlvaine and write this article.—CM

By Craig McKee

Bob McIlvaine and his family are not alone in having suffered a devastating personal loss on September 11, 2001. The loved ones of the nearly 3,000 victims of the destruction at the World Trade Center know what he has endured for the past 15 years.
But McIlvaine is different from most of these families in important ways. In addition to his unwavering and often lonely fight to expose the complicity of the U.S. government in this false flag attack, he has strong forensic evidence that his 26-year-old son, Bobby, was killed by a powerful explosion as he was about to enter the lobby of the North Tower. That evidence is corroborated by the accounts Continue reading