Category Archives: 9/11

Griffin, Zwicker support CIT’s ‘staged evidence’ Pentagon scenario

David Ray Griffin doesn’t support the idea that a 757 hit the Pentagon.

By Craig McKee

There are not two people who I respect more in the 9/11 Truth movement than David Ray Griffin and Barrie Zwicker.
Griffin has done the most thorough analysis of anyone in the movement of all the evidence from that terrible day. Without his work, and his unimpeachable reputation, it’s hard to imagine the movement would be as far ahead as it is. He has written numerous books about 9/11 examining things like the failures of the 9/11 Commission Report, the flimsy case made by “debunkers” like Popular Mechanics, Continue reading

It’s time to face the cancer growing within the 9/11 Truth movement

By Craig McKee

In the 9/11 Truth movement, it seems nothing can be taken at face value. People who say they are part of the movement launch vicious attacks against others they should have common ground with. It’s over the top, and I don’t buy it.
Debate in the 9/11 Truth movement has gone well beyond being spirited – and even contentious. It’s now mean-spirited and destructive. There are clearly people who say they’re fighting for the cause who appear to have no interest in finding the truth. They are only concerned, it appears, with ripping the movement apart.
The question is whether genuine, sincere, and serious people are going to let it happen.
These individuals seem to focus their rage (real or contrived) on the work of Citizen Investigation Team (Craig Ranke and Aldo Marquis). They’ll also go animal on anyone who shows any openness to CIT’s position. This group attacks CIT and its supporters with such obsessive regularity that I no longer accept the sincerity of what they’re saying. Continue reading

Pentagon lied about having 9/11 video then refused to release it

March 2, 2011

By Craig McKee

It’s one of the largest and most secure buildings in the world. It is the nerve center for the U.S. military. It has hundreds of security cameras both inside and outside the building. But apparently you can fly an airliner into the side of it without being caught on tape.
That’s what I call a blind spot. But this is the story we are being asked to swallow about what happened at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. On a day of outrageous fabrications, this is one of the most absurd. What’s even more incredible is that some people – even some 9/11 truthers – accept it. (The plane hit the building, there are no videos, you are getting very sleepy…)
It wasn’t the first lie concerning the Pentagon “impact” and possible video evidence, however. Initially, the Pentagon denied having any video footage of the alleged impact of Flight 77. They would later change their tune and release five frames in 2002 taken from north of the alleged impact site.
The official story of 9/11 actually asks us to swallow a lot of impossible stuff: the collapse of the three towers because of “fire”; the failure of the military to intercept even one allegedly hijacked airliner; the burying of Flight 93 in a field in Pennsylvania; devout Muslims who take drugs and use prostitutes; a failed Continue reading

Dump ‘irrelevant’ Pentagon research on 9/11, stick to the Twin Towers: Chandler and Cole statement

Firefighting crews pump water into the Pentagon minutes after an airliner is alleged to have crashed into the building.

February 23, 2011

By Craig McKee

Researchers David Chandler and Jonathan Cole released a statement in February 2011 on the Pentagon that condemns the work of Citizen Investigation Team. And this statement should trouble everyone in the 9/11 Truth Movement.

CIT contends that the flight path reported by witnesses is inconsistent with the plane knocking over the five light poles that allegedly fell that day. They also believe the actual flight path would not fit with the plane hitting the building at all and that explosives had to have been planted inside Continue reading

Richard Gage joins perplexing gang-up on Citizen Investigation Team

By Craig McKee

Mr. Gage, you’ve lost me.
In the past week, highly respected 9/11 researcher Richard Gage – founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, released a statement ( withdrawing his support for Citizen Investigation Team, which champions the idea that an airliner flew over, not into, the Pentagon on 9/11.
Gage doesn’t like the investigative methods of CIT’s Craig Ranke and Aldo Marquis. He says that even though he initially supported CIT’s film National Security Alert, he has come to rethink its approach and its conclusions. Now, he seems to prefer the Bush administration version of the Pentagon story – that is to say the official story.
Unfortunately, Gage has jumped in with a group of people who frequently post at the now very exclusive, a site that has little tolerance for people who Continue reading

Is science being used to reveal the truth about 9/11 or to conceal it?

By Craig McKee

Sometimes it seems like it takes more energy to understand the 9/11 Truth movement than it does to understand 9/11.
While you often see contentious and aggressive debates on line between truthers and those who support the official story, you’re just as likely to get such exchanges between two people who claim to believe 9/11 was an inside job.
Understandably, science is often touted by truthers and official-story-believers alike as being essential to evaluating 9/11 evidence. And this makes perfect sense. Why should we accept someone’s gut feeling when we can quantify something?
Looking at melting points, collapse times, and jet fighter velocities are what’s going to dazzle the millions of regular people who are just waiting to hear the latest 9/11 research. Right? We wouldn’t want to say anything that can’t be verified scientifically, Continue reading

The assault on CIT: Who is really undermining 9/11 truth?

Where’s the plane? Why do some “truthers” say a 757 crashed into the Pentagon?

February 6, 2011

By Craig McKee

A lot of people think they know what’s good for the 9/11 Truth movement. Many of the same people think they also know what’s bad for it. And virtually everyone claims they really want to find the truth about what happened on Sept. 11, 2001.
But how many of them really do?
If you depend on the web site – the supposed gold standard of 9/11 sites – you’d think that the greatest obstacle to finding the truth is two guys from California named Craig Ranke and Aldo Marquis. Under the name Citizen Investigation Team, they’ve spent several years analyzing what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11.
As the result of their research, Ranke and Marquis believe that a commercial airliner did approach the Pentagon shortly after 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 11 but on a different flight path than the official story contends. They have conducted video Continue reading

Giuliani knew twin towers would collapse, firefighters not warned

By Craig McKee

Truth and perception can be polar opposites.
Rudy Giuliani, the mayor of New York City in 2001, was hailed by many as a 9/11 hero who guided the city and the nation through its most horrifying day. But, instead of being hailed as a hero for his actions on and after 9/11, he could have been seen as untruthful and suspiciously evasive. He was certainly unconcerned about the dangers to residents and employees who spent time at Ground Zero in the weeks that followed.
Giuliani said in 2001 that he had been told the twin towers would collapse on the morning of 9/11. If that’s true, why didn’t he warn the firefighters who were climbing the two towers to get people out? And why did he change his story six years later?
According to an interview he did with Peter Jennings of ABC News at 1 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2001, Giuliani said he had been told by officials in his own Office of Emergency Management that the Continue reading

Re-evaluating Michael Moore: his disappointing take on 9/11

By Craig McKee

From the first time I saw Roger and Me, I was hooked. Michael Moore was more than a breath of fresh air, he was a rare voice who found a way to get really progressive ideas into the mainstream in a big way. No small feat.
I never cared about criticisms from the right that his films sometimes let accuracy take a back seat to entertainment value. Those people were going to trash him no matter what. Everything they said about him just confirmed their own ignorance.
But even though my disgust for the right in America remains undiminished, a sense of disillusionment with Moore’s views has crept in to my thinking. As I began researching the events of Sept. 11, 2001 in more depth, his views about terror and terrorism began to be problematic. Worse, they began to seem like Continue reading

10 ways I got sucked into believing the fabricated 9/11 cover story

By Craig McKee

On Sept. 11, 2001, I was part of the majority. I believed that Osama bin Laden had led a group of Islamic fundamentalists to crash planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
There were many things that made me accept this, but mostly it was because I believed what I saw on TV. Sure I was cynical about the media then, but to believe that they got it so wrong would be to believe they were complicit in the cover-up.
I believed that the attacks – while reprehensible – were a logical result of America’s imperialist policies around the world. It was the typical “liberal” reaction, which unfortunately still dominates how the left sees 9/11. We were all so sure that Uncle Sam was screwing everyone that the idea that someone would want revenge seemed reasonable – even inevitable.
This made me and people who agreed with me valuable dupes for the real criminals. We helped establish our view as the “left” end of the spectrum of 9/11 opinion. The “right” believed Bush’s claim that the “evil-doers” had attacked America because they hated Continue reading