Author Archives: Craig McKee

Staging the scene: Lloyde England’s tall Pentagon tale – Part 1 of 2

England brought Ranke and Marquis to see the damaged cab.

England says 9/11 was an inside job, but his claims about how his taxi was ‘damaged’ by a large pole don’t add up

March 20, 2019

This is the first of a two-part report on the story of Lloyde England, the taxi driver who alleges that a light pole hit his car after being knocked over by the plane that the official story says “hit” the Pentagon. In this part I look at what the evidence shows and what England has said. In the second part I will look at the troubling attempts by certain members of the Truth Movement to convince us that the England story is true and that it supports the official claim of a 757 impact with the Pentagon.

“Never have we accused Lloyde England of willingly being involved in this operation because we don’t know that, and we can’t prove it. He could, in fact, be a victim who was coerced on some level or manipulated on some level, which would in essence make him a victim who was forced to be involved in this event.” – Craig Ranke

“‘Accusing’ cab driver Lloyde England is a misnomer; England accuses himself through the massive internal and external contradictions in his testimony.” – Kevin Barrett

“Unless something happened that I’m not familiar with, something I don’t understand about physics, a plane couldn’t go in that hole.” – Lloyde England

By Craig McKee

Taxi driver Lloyde England says that early in his work day on September 11, 2001, he was told by two customers that the Twin Towers in New York City had been hit by planes, and he decided he should go home so he wouldn’t be in the middle of “what was happening.”1

But England’s decision put him right in the middle of what was about to happen at the Pentagon. As he describes it, he was driving south on Route 27 when he glimpsed a low-flying plane crossing the Continue reading

Why I choose to stand up to the most persistent threat to 9/11 truth

A 9/11 mystery: why a minority of truthers want to claim that this is the scene of plane crash.

‘Propaganda team’ uses deceptive spin and private pressure to attack evidence that no 757 hit the Pentagon

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. The biggest people with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest people with the smallest minds. Think big anyway. Give the world the best you have and you’ll be kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway. – Selected lines from Anyway by Kent M. Keith

February 13, 2019

By Craig McKee

Usually the discussion is about how 9/11 was done. Or why it was done.  Or who did it.

But we in the 9/11 Truth Movement don’t talk as much about why we choose to fight for truth in the way we do. Which elements do we focus on? Which do we stay away from? Do we take a dry academic approach or that of a passionate activist or journalist? Do we advocate for theories that we can’t prove or do we focus on proving the official story false? And how far do we dare go in condemning actions by “respectable” researchers who we think are undermining what we’re trying to accomplish?

The answers to these questions depend on who we are, what we have learned, and how open we are to seeing through subtle and not-so-subtle attempts to deceive us. This is why I am writing this article – to offer some insight into the reasons for the choices I have made – and the ones I continue to make. Continue reading

Thought crimes: Truth and Shadows returns from free speech purgatory

January 9, 2019

By Craig McKee

These are tough times for truth.

YouTube accounts, Facebook pages, and websites are being deleted for no more reason than they deviate from the mainstream construction of reality. Google algorithms now make it much more difficult to find content that offers alternative analysis of political crimes like 9/11 and the war on terror. Whether Google considers a site to be credible and reliable is now determined by how closely its content mimics what mainstream media sites publish. If you challenge what the MSM says about anything, you are, by their definition, “fake news.”

The more courageous a person is and the more risks they are prepared to take to speak unpopular truths, the more they will be attacked and even silenced. “Thought crimes” are being Continue reading