Orlando officer winks and grins through police press conference on “shooting.” (See video at the bottom of this article.)
By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
The speed is admirable. Barely seven weeks after the murky events of June 12th in Florida’s Pulse gay nightclub, Kevin Barrett’s latest instant false flag exposé is already providing valuable insights and perspectives. In fact, Orlando False Flag: The Clash of Histories has just gone up for sale at amazon.com and is also available at createspace.
The speed is important because the urgency is great. False flag operations remain the prime drivers of the maximum illusion “war on terror” and ongoing aggressive actions against Russia, China, Syria and others by the imperial American Empire, its allies and vassals—all masked as “the West.” World War III is not out of the question. The path to unimaginable destruction is being paved with the most sophisticated and far-reaching fear campaign of all time, founded on the destabilizing delusion of the “extremist jihadist threat.”
As early as the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, false flag events have unfailingly enabled “rule by crisis.” The pulpits of the Church of England were the media of that day, spreading the King James Version of the event. In his acceptance speech of July 21st Donald Trump followed history’s script. As the July 22nd headline in the Toronto Star reported: “For a United States ‘in crisis,’ Trump presents himself as the only solution.” He would have had a much harder time selling his odious self that way, without the “war on terror,” without Nice, without San Bernardino, without a “terror plot” uncovered at the Rio Olympics. And without Orlando.
In today’s infosphere it’s the combined electronic propaganda pulpits of the mainstream media that instantly reach and preach the false flag official narratives to gulled populations, even while diligently censoring suspicious anomalies and utterly failing to investigate—or even report.
Just one recent example: the North American media blackout of the incredibly arrogant demand by the French anti-terrorist branch (SDAT) for the erasure of footage from 140 of Nice’s 1,000 municipal video cameras, for a 24-hour period from before the beginning of the Nice “terrorist attack” the night of July 14—a demand unprecedented in French history.
As Craig McKee wrote here on August 1st in “Surreal Summer of ‘Terror:’ Fight to Destroy Nice Video, Creepy Orlando Musical Numbers, and a Killer Robot,” North American media he searched have been blatantly gatekeeping on that stunning kill-the-video development (covered, by the way, by Le Figaro, whose story headline translates to, “Nice attack: the city refuses to destroy 24 hours of CCTV images.” My own instant search the afternoon of 25 July of the websites of The Globe and Mail and The Toronto Star likewise turned up nothing.
Le Figaro has in the past been used as a source quite a few times by these papers. Suddenly Le Figaro has become not quotable on a “man bites dog” development. The stench is overwhelming. It’s as if all the security and “anti-terror” police farted at once, and the media can’t smell a thing.
Because of Barrett’s timeliness, he’s been able to include Nice and the damning video destruction demand, in his Afterword, a masterful identification of false flag ops as history’s deadliest deceits and current blockers of human evolution. His further identification of Israel’s prime role in many false flag ops seems irrefutable.
The psychopathic perps behind the globalization of Operation Gladio are concussing the human mind, creating a false consciousness, an all-encompassing bogus reality.
This is taken for granted in Orlando False Flag: The Clash of Histories. As Barrett writes early on: “…cutting against the grain of mainstream propaganda in one way or another…is the most important intellectual task of our age.”
This is why it’s so important that the anomalies and absurdities and impossibilities of each latest one be revealed, somewhere, as early as possible. Barrett has undertaken this challenge. Shortly after the Charlie Hebdo events he published (in April 2015) We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo!: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11. Then shortly after San Bernardino he published (in January 2016) ANOTHER French False Flag?: Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernardino.
The new book is divided into three parts. Part 1 is “What Really Happened in Orlando?” Part 2 is “Historical Context: Contesting the Narrative.” Part 3 is “Islam, homosexuality, and Cultural Politics.”
To me the strongest chapters in Orlando are the two longest ones. They’re long because both offer historical context, a somewhat global overview and much supporting evidence. The first, in Part 1, is Robert David Steele’s “The Orlando Mass Casualty Event: A False Flag Drama, Atrocity, or Hybrid?” The other, in Part 2, is Joachim Hagopian’s “Orlando’s Geopolitical Context: The Empire’s Post-9/11 Hegelian-Style Warfare Against Both the World and American Citizens.”
Steele, a veteran of the CIA who outgrew it to become a leading proponent of an “open source world,” lists 70 Orlando anomalies. Like most if not all lists, his includes some overlappings and a couple that IMHO don’t belong.
But 65 or so keepers nail Orlando as fake. For instance: no abandoned cars at the club, no ambulances, non-existent doctors, the laughing winking cop, the high fives, and crisis actors taking “victims” toward, rather than away, from the nightclub. The surreal fakery being determined, the remaining questions suggested in his chapter’s title, are large.
One of the most intriguing ideas for me is in his point 18: “Media-Based Evidence of Complicity & Cover-Up?” He suggests the mantra “love is stronger than hate”—highlighted just three days after the events by the biggest names in Broadway—may be one appropriated to serve the NWO agenda: essentially “Don’t rebel, stay submissive.” Steele urges viewing the video.
Hagopian at the outset offers, as his prime analytical tool, Hegel’s formula of problem-reaction-solution, successfully exploited repeatedly by typically deceptive rulers to consolidate power. He reintroduces the formula at the beginning of his insightful and heavily footnoted analyses of, for instance, “9/11 Enemy Islam,” “Enemy Senator Paul Wellstone,” “Enemy Russia,” “Enemy China,” “Enemy Iran,” and “Enemy the American People.” (Full disclosure: Barrett sent me a pdf file of the next-to-last version of the book, asking me for a blurb. After reading the book I obliged and then suggested to Craig McKee that I write this review. Barrett then asked me to provide an opinion on the Hagopian chapter. A colleague of his had recommended killing it. I found the colleague’s objections unfair and suggested Hagopian’s chapter might well lead off the book.)
The Hegelian formula, while a powerful template, is not a be-all and end-all. Especially it becomes shaky when outcomes are confused with “solutions.” Hagopian falls prey to this confusion.
Nevertheless the sweep and detail of the context for Orlando that he provides is like a “Worldview for Dummies” that can be applied to all the major false flag ops mounted by the Anglo-American-Israeli nexus starting with 9/11.
Worthy of special mention:
—The last two pages of Feroze Mithiborwala’s “Orlando: A False Flag Attack on Muhammad Ali’s Islam?” He writes: “The Orlando terror attack once again lays bare the imperial neo-conservative strategy of ‘controlled chaos,’ leading to a perpetual state of fear, confusions, visceral hatred and divisions, whereby the masses are more pliant to control under the unchallengeable slogan of ‘national security.’”
Mithiborwala is the only author who poses and answers the difficult but exceedingly important question: What to do? He answers it this way:
A slow-motion World War III is unfolding before our very eyes. Even as the world hurtles towards a precipice, more people than ever before are aware of the nefarious plots of the globalist cabal and the challenges that confront us. But how do we resist and expose this gargantuan monster?
The answer lies in reaching out to each other as human beings, across religions and cultures, across nations, sharing information and insights, speaking out with courage, asking questions, seeking answers. We must continue stating the truth in accordance with our individual conscience, in the “still small voice” that Mahatma Gandhi referred to as our best hope in times of great distress, holding fast to belief in our collective humanity and the common destiny that awaits us all.
—James Petras’s “Massacres: Where Have All the Islamists Gone?” for his homing in on the history and meaning of the “distinctly US phenomenon” of mass shootings.
— Christopher Black’s “Terrorism: A Matrix of Lies and Deceit” for his sharp focus on the absolute centrality of language.
—Rafik’s “Tell the Government the Gay Community is Nobody’s Psy-Op Pawn: The Petition I Didn’t Receive After the Orlando Attack” for his critique of “well-intentioned” organizations ostensibly on the left, including gay ones, for their fatal acceptance of the official Orlando narrative. “None of their [communications] reflect the false flag history,” he writes.
Best quotes include:
“I have finally understood that we live in a two-party tyranny that works for Wall Street, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Vatican and Organized Crime, in that order.”—Robert David Steele
“Since 1945, more than a third of the membership of the United Nations—69 countries—have suffered some or all of the following at the hands of America’s modern fascism: they have been invaded, their governments overthrown, their popular movements suppressed, their elections subverted, their people bombed and their economies stripped of all protection, their societies subjected to a crippling siege known as ‘sanctions.”—John Pilger quoted by Hagopian.
”The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”—Theodore Hook.
The best phrases new to me are “Radical West” and “Westernism.” They appear in Dr. Javid Jamil’s chapter entitled “Mr. Trump, the Radical West Has Given the Muslim World 10 Orlandos Every Day for the Last 15 Years.” Gordon Duff’s characterization, in “Terrrorism Privatized,” of the technicians behind false flag ops as being “event planners” is tellingly appropriate.
The trade mark of Orlando False Flag is instant variety—the variety of worldviews, viewpoints, opinions and disparate facts between the covers. The very instantaneity of any instant book carries a price, however. By its nature such a book does not feature “sober second thought.” Reading it reminded me of an East Indian friend’s comment that “too much hurry” is right up there with “too much worry” and “too much curry.”
Inadvertently the book illustrates how careful we must be in the matter of acceptance of “facts” we’re presented with by mainstream media (as well as so-called “alternative” media). A number of the contributors accept various (and contradictory) details in mainstream media accounts of June 12th. Their acceptance is confirmed by the lack of modifiers such as “alleged,” “apparently,” and “stated,” although there are a few instances of “we are told.”
So paradoxically, in a book founded on questioning, there still isn’t enough questioning—in the form of self-interrogation by some of the authors as to whether “facts” they report really are facts. Accordingly, the implied promise of the title of Part 1, “What Really Happened at Orlando?” cannot be fully delivered.
But the book as a whole resoundingly delivers an answer to a somewhat different question: “Can We Trust to the Tiniest Degree Any Official or Media Accounts of what Happened at Orlando?” A chapter with that title would be the shortest chapter in publishing history. It would consist of “No!”
There’s an important lesson for all of us in this paradox over facts. We should constantly practice the approach recommended by British philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russell who counseled “critical acceptance”—habitually practicing the trick of being genuinely open-minded while thinking critically. We may also chew gum if we wish.
Arguably Part 2, “Historical Context: Contesting the Narrative” doesn’t live up to the promise of its title either, in the sense that none of its chapters attempt to lay out the history of Islam and compare it to a history of Christianity or “Christian civilization,” as Samuel Huntington ostensibly did in his Clash of Civilizations tome. Granted this is a tall order.
Lawrence Davidson in “This Was Not About Islam: Getting it Wrong About the Orlando Massacre” does lay it out somewhat about the U.S. Christian right. And about associated double standards. Such as no one “[is expecting] the American Christian community to start taking responsibility for shooters coming from [its] ranks…” He continues: “After all, they account for most of these kinds of slaughters” and adds “What is truly bizarre is the attempt to conflate Mateen’s insanity with the entire religion of 1.6 billion mostly law-abiding Muslims.”
But this is not the same as saying “broadly ‘the West’ believes a, b and c, whereas broadly “Islam” believes e, f and g, and ‘These are the competing narratives we must deal with.’”
While variety is the spice of this book a surprisingly disappointing version of variety is Thierry Meyssan’s chapter entitled “ISIS and Homosexuality.” It’s cryptic and near indecipherable.
All this book’s shortcomings combined are, however, a small price to pay for a restless focus on false flag operations and the media’s crimes of informational complicity in covering up the growing body of blatant evidence that all of us are hostages. We’ve been trapped in a theatre that specializes in staging manipulations of the public mind.
James Tracy wrote in Global Research May 1st, 2014 that false flag operation is a rapidly spreading meme, especially in the Middle East “where journalists and the broader public routinely witness inexplicable terror attacks on civilian populations.”
The acceptance of “false flag” as a language tool, as a denoter of a concept and a history, reflects vital, even revolutionary, understandings by its users.
Tracy writes also that the phrase and the concept it encapsulates remains stillborn in “the West,” particularly the USA. He writes “…much like the taboo topic of ‘conspiracy theories,’ US news media broadly reject the subject of false flag terror as the stuff delusion or otherwise perceive it as being mainly restricted to fictional narratives.”
Orlando underscores the prices to be paid by blindly accepting official versions of “terror” events. The prices include more fear, fewer liberties, and the eventual loss of everything.
To again quote Robert David Steele: “The truth at any cost lowers all other costs.”
Just one question — “Mateen’s insanity?” Are you stepping off something here? You’re talking about how we cannot take anything stated by the media or “authorities” as truth. What proof is there of Mateen’s insanity?
Personally, I think none. This is a quote of contributor to Barrett’s book Lawrence Davidson, a quote to which my critique of various contributors accepting as fact what may not be fact applies.
The reason the quote is in the review is because (apart from the issue of factuality), Davidson’s main point is the unfair projection so widely seen regarding Muslims. His point applies whether he—and others—have their facts right or wrong.
Or Mateen’s existence ?
thanks for orlanda email…the orlando cop looks like Sandyhook smiling cop… CATH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl0m2J9ZUmI rom: Truth and Shadows Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2016 To: unwin41@bigpond.com Subject: [New post] Barrett anthology thumbs nose at contradictory Orlando narrative
Craig McKee posted: ” By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows) The speed is admirable. Barely seven weeks after the murky events of June 12th in Florida’s Pulse gay nightclub, Kevin Barrett’s latest instant false flag exposé is already providing valuable insight”
I said minutes after it came on, where are all the cars of the people in the club (200 to 300) zilch, zero, none. This was the most BS false flag in history, 1 point behind 911, 2 behind Nice, and we won’t even go to Sandy hook. AIPAC is getting to cocky, what with owning the MSM and all.
Pray that 2016 marks the year when state-sponsored terrorism of any kind became exposed, rejected, litigated, then rightfully made extinct.
That wont happen Jerry, they control the “Judicial System”. Besides you can’t get the people to work together. The leader of one group has a perception that disagrees with the perception of the leaders in other groups.
They are doing a marvelous job of getting the populous to hate Arabs. The Media will tell you so.
It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better and it is very bad now. What’s ironic about all of this is no-one is paying any attention to Fukashima and what the radiation is doing to the Pacific. But the Media will keep you up to date…. right?
Thanks Craig for providing an unique, non partisan website, where ideas can be freely aired, and even the most entrenched, lunatic, mainstream/ conspiracy theory propaganda and directed hate-lies, are fearlessly laid bare of the gangster-tribalist- anti-human, emotional packaging, and subjected to the wise analysis of clear-headed, anti-haters, who daily tear away the false, and fragile- foil-hatted idiot, hate-stories. Can be exposed for the hate- inspired/ anti-white/ warmongering/ genocidal lies they are. Being non religious, and a realist. I wonder that you have survived the usual- ‘heart attack’ / ‘Car accident’/ ‘plane crash’= \traditionally allotted by the ‘powers –that- shouldn’t- be’ to their opponents. But wish
So the Gunpowder Treason Plot was a false flag attack?
Wow. This gives a whole new meaning to the Guy Fawkes Mask.
Nice article by the way. Hopefully I can find time to read the book someday.
Wow indeed. But don’t fret that you’ve just become aware of the Gunpowder Plot—there was a plot—being a false flag event of the LIHOP type. I for one didn’t find out until late in my life that it was. And November 5th (Guy Fawkes Day, aka Gunpowder Day) is my birthday!
So along with literally almost everyone in the world I was fooled for more than four centuries about arguably this mother of all false flag ops. (Well, I wasn’t fooled for four centuries, only most of my life.)
For a condensed look at the Gunpowder Plot, see my article published Nov, 5th, 2005, the 400th anniversary of this false flag op that laid the foundation for the British Empire.
That empire’s depredations foul the international scene to this day, helping continue the blockade against world peace. One instance is Israel’s continued oppression of the Palestinian people. Arguably Israel would not have been created (at least where it is) on occupied land were it not for the British Empire’s promotion of the Balfour Declaration.
This blog has dealt with the Gunpowder Plot more than once. An especially interesting side discussion concerns the movie V for Vendetta, that has made the Guy Fawkes mask a cultural icon. The movie, about deception, is itself deceptive. See Craig McKee’s deconstruction of it, entitled V FOR VENDETTA: TRULY REVOLUTIONARY OR JUST DESIGNED TO LOOK THAT WAY?, at https://truthandshadows.wordpress.com/2015/11/05/v-for-vendetta/
As with the historical events themselves, I was partly deceived initially by V for Vendetta. But the movie does highlight vast government deceptions (e.g., false flag ops). I for one hope that this has been the main takeaway of many if not most viewers. Viewing this movie critically is another exercise in the never-ending larger exercise of understanding our world today and in history. The exercise, however, must lead to enough actions by enough people to change history for the better, especially away from fundamental deceptions, from here on in.
Despite the shortcomings of the very entertaining V for Vendetta, the popularity of the mask featured in it—and the layers of meaning the mast now conveys—may be counted a positive outcome for the 9/11 and other truth movements, as well as for Time Warner. As Craig notes, that corporation collects a royalty on the sale of each mask.
I’d have killed the “fart” paragraph, which stinks up the rest of this otherwise excellent article.
I liked this part the best:
“But how do we resist and expose this gargantuan monster?
The answer lies in reaching out to each other as human beings, across religions and cultures, across nations, sharing information and insights, speaking out with courage, asking questions, seeking answers. We must continue stating the truth in accordance with our individual conscience, in the “still small voice” that Mahatma Gandhi referred to as our best hope in times of great distress, holding fast to belief in our collective humanity and the common destiny that awaits us all.”
Barrie, upon what basis do you feel that such an approach will be effective? Any predictions re the chances of success if we continue as you suggest? Any relevant precedent for this type of approach actually working?
Thanks, Dennis, for your most germane question. It’s one for the ages. Well, one precedent is, of course, Gandhi. At the time he began leading the non-violent movement against the salt laws it appeared he could not succeed; the British were supreme and untouchable (in a far different way than lowest-caste Indians of the time were called untouchables).
The British and their empire were unaccountable to anyone but themselves and in turn their untouchable dedication to their empire. It didn’t all come apart but the sun certainly did begin to set on the British Empire. It then became subsumed within the American-Zio (or the Zio-American) Empire, but that’s a bit clunky so let’s stick with American Empire. Its communications power might well continue to be called AmProp, a term Henry Luce and his wife used routinely to describe their promotion of capitalism and American imperialism through their control of Time Magazine and more.
The best article I’ve seen on Ghandi’s legacy is at…
The whole article should be read but for the moment I’ll just paste in the final paragraph:
“As Martin Luther King Jr. would in Birmingham some three decades later, Gandhi accepted a settlement that had limited instrumental value but that allowed the movement to claim a symbolic win and to emerge in a position of strength. Gandhi’s victory in 1931 was not a final one, nor was King’s in 1963. Social movements today continue to fight struggles against racism, discrimination, economic exploitation and imperial aggression. But, if they choose, they can do so aided by the powerful example of forebears who converted moral victory into lasting change.”
Lasting change, what a concept. I’d settle for something more immediate, whether it’s long-lasting. The American Empire? It will fail—is failing—one way or another. The question is how long will it take to resemble the sands around Ozymandius. The prognosis I see isn’t very promising, considering how pressing are the desperate multi-faceted challenges are that face humankind and the whole planetary ecosystem. And tens of trillions are squandered on the implements of war.
In a thoughtful article about Donald Trump that transcends him (this is one great by-product of Trumpism; he’s making people think who didn’t think before and he’s making thinking people think again) Marcus Gee writes (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/donald-trump-and-the-power-of-negative-thinking/article31388109/):
“In a recent article in Foreign Affairs titled The Once and Future Superpower: Why China Won’t Overtake the United States, authors Stephen Brooks and William Wohlforth of Dartmouth College argue that “everyone should start getting used to a world in which the United States remains the sole superpower for decades to come.” Harvard foreign policy scholar Joseph Nye comes to a similar conclusion in his 2015 book, Is the American Century Over? “America has many problems, but it is not in absolute decline, and even in relative terms, it is likely to remain more powerful than any single state in the coming several decades.”
To me that’s depressing. To think that when I die the U.S. Empire will continue for decades means I will not be able to die in peace, except that I’ll know I’d have done my best.
That is my short answer to your question. A shorter one is that you never know your luck. I’m hoping that a combination of real crises (as opposed to false flag crises, which taken together of course are a pestilential crisis in themselves) will overshadow the manufactured ones, and that somehow a critical mass of people will be seized with a will to act and a new zeitgeist to act within.
Take that to the bank and see what they give you in return.
To lighten the mood here, in reply to your criticism of the “fart” paragraph I’m crestfallen. I thought it was the best thing in my review. Which just goes to show us that just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, smell is in the nose of the beholder. If I made a stink remember it was in the cause of a better-smelling world. 🙂
Thanks Barrie, for the thoughtful reply. I will read the words at the links you sent.
I am a BIG fan of Gandhi, also his teachings have impacted me negatively on occasion with his ‘Truth above all’ approach. Specifically:
My date: “Do I look fat in this dress?”
Me: “Yes, you do.”
My date: “Please leave!”
I honor the request.
Door slams.
End of date.
As for the flatulence passage, I’d be willing to compromise. Just ask Craig to kill the last sentence of that paragraph. If Craig does so, the surrounding letters, sentences, passages and nuances of your otherwise excellent article will rejoice in the departure, and celebrate in the clean, fresh air that will emerge. Guaranteed, or your money back.
Saw you on the the Kevin Barrett show–quite enjoyable.
Thanks for the offer of a solution, Dennis. But I’m afraid that until the air clears, in respect of the media having anesthetized olfactory organs–as well as no balls–that sentence or something very much like it, is needed and justified. Here’s an opening for you: find a replacement to express the thought/observation.
Thanks for considering, Barrie. My solution remais: just kill that sentence. If I were your editor (and I am a managing editor by trade) that is what I would do. It would be a deal breaker issue, if I had any say. But I don’t, so…whatever works for you and Craig.
I think Ali’s death, funeral, and world wide sympathy for Islam was a motivator for those who do these theatrical productions.