Category Archives: eyewitness accounts

Aerial illusion: facts support 757 flying over, not into the Pentagon

By Craig McKee

You have to admire the creativity. And you have to admire the sheer scale of the deception.
One of the largest examples of misdirection ever attempted has, for the most part, worked. But that’s only because people haven’t looked closely at the evidence.
It seems clear that a large airliner did fly towards the Pentagon just after 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001 (I’ll get to how we know this momentarily). It is also clear that there was a large explosion that rocked the outer ring of the building as the plane arrived at its supposed target. But there’s one more thing that is clear: the plane didn’t hit the building and didn’t cause the explosion.
American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757, was supposedly flown into the Pentagon at 530 miles per hour by an incompetent pilot who was denied permission to rent a Cessna the month before because of his poor flying skills. After negotiating an incredible 330-degree spiral descent, alleged hijacker Hani Hanjour is supposed to have flown just a few feet above the ground, hitting five light poles before crashing into the ground floor of a newly renovated section of the Pentagon.
There are two main reasons why the evidence supports the conclusion that the plane the witnesses saw never hit the building – and that it flew over. One is that the Flight Data Continue reading

Giuliani among witnesses who confirm 'impossible' molten metal

December 8, 2010

By Craig McKee

It’s one of the most inconvenient truths of 9/11: molten metal.
Those who support the official government conspiracy theory brush off the question of why there were large pools of molten metal under the World Trade Center for months after the attacks. They won’t give you an answer because there isn’t an answer that fits with their “official story.”
Not one explanation that makes any sense has been given to explain what many eyewitnesses reported.
In the comment streams of this blog and others I’ve seen, doubt has been raised about whether we really know that this molten metal was even there. One person in particular has thrown around ideas like the pools being made up of molten aluminum from the planes. If someone thinks that hypothesis is worth their time to analyze, be my guest. I don’t. On top of not being supported by any evidence at all, it doesn’t work because Building 7, which collapsed even though it wasn’t hit by a plane, also had molten metal pools under it. The source for this is NASA Continue reading

More impossible 9/11 ‘eyewitness’ accounts: Renaud and McIntyre

November 5, 2010

By Craig McKee

One of the most bizarre and unbelievable accounts given by anyone with TV network connections on Sept. 11, 2001 was that of Theresa Renaud, described as the wife of CBS Early Show producer Jack Renaud.
Her account is available on the Internet and was presented in the film September Clues, which alleges that video we saw on and after Sept. 11 was tampered with to deceive the public.
Renaud was recounting live on CBS how she had been at her window and had heard the North Tower explosion. While telling the story, she sees the second alleged impact. Her account of that, live, was very revealing.
Before that second impact, she explained to host Bryant Gumbel that her office building in Chelsea looked “directly on to” the towers (even though it was several miles north). She described how her building was the tallest in the area, giving her a good view of the World Trade Center.
Renaud described the first impact this way: “I would say that approximately 10 minutes ago there was a major explosion from, probably it looks like from the 80th floor, it looks like it’s affected probably four to eight floors, major flames are coming out of the, let’s see, the north side and also the east side of the building, yes.”
Gumbel then asks her if she heard the explosion. She continues: “Oh yes, yes we did as a matter of fact, in fact we did hear because I was standing there pretty much standing looking out the window. I didn’t see what caused it or if there was an impact.” Continue reading

Why did some media personalities lie about what they saw on 9/11?

November 3, 2010

By Craig McKee

One of the most disturbing aspects of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 is the strange and sometimes suspicious behavior of the media.
We have seen journalists who reversed their stories, stories that were reported on 9/11 but never after that, and huge questions that were never even asked by the media. And we have witnessed what can only be seen as intentional deception on the part of some media professionals or those connected to the media.
As the attacks were unfolding that morning, there was an apparent army of TV network executives and news staff who just happened to be near the World Trade Center or the Pentagon and were ready to report on what was going on within Continue reading