Truth and Shadows
Following the white rabbit
9/11 Pentagon
Why do we tolerate a ‘truther’ cabal that constantly props up almost all of the 9/11 Pentagon official story?
Why David Chandler’s renewed attack on CIT reveals the failings of his own Pentagon ‘methodology’
Stand with us: add your name to the ‘No 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11’ list!
Why I choose to stand up to the most persistent threat to 9/11 truth
Going full debunker: Chandler devotes most of Pentagon talk to boosting 9/11 official story
Jenkins misleads by linking Pentagon plane impact theory to AE911Truth
‘Propaganda team’ uses contrived fight to derail 9/11 Truth movement
Pentagon debates expose emptiness of large-plane-impact scenario
Win converts using these ‘plane-hit-the-Pentagon’ talking points: just keep repeating, ‘It’s so divisive!’
Doctored Pentagon video proves 9/11 cover-up and inside job
Former Pentagon staffer: absence of engines, tail, wings show no 757 crashed at the Pentagon on 9/11
9/11 general
Not a shred of evidence that any 9/11 ‘hijackers’ boarded any planes
The world ‘knows’ bin Laden did 9/11 — so why isn’t there any evidence?
10 irrefutable, devastating 9/11 facts
AE911Truth report: molten metal under Iran high-rise supports controlled demolition hypothesis
Griffin on Bush, Cheney, and the ‘miraculous’ destruction of the WTC
How 9/11 lies continue to kill
From those who were there: investigation reveals that at least 156 witnessed WTC explosions
Tragedy and awakening: 16 years after losing his mother on 9/11, Drew DePalma is ready to speak out
Bob McIlvaine on how his son’s death points to controlled demolition
False Flags
Operation Northwoods: Generals approved domestic terror ‘false flag’ that was a blueprint for 9/11
Justice denied: Tsarnaev’s own lawyer ignores evidence he is innocent of Boston bombing
MacQueen book exposes failure of 2001 false flag ‘Anthrax attacks’
What we should have learned from Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty
Orlando suspicions: Multiple shooters, multiple ‘motives’ and a siege that just doesn’t add up
Surreal summer of ‘terror’: fight to destroy Nice video, creepy Orlando musical numbers, and a killer robot
Dzhokhar’s boat ‘confession’ the most unbelievable part yet of Boston bombing psyop
Multiple suspects, a profusion of weapons, and arrests suppressed in Sandy Hook shooting story
Explosion of interest in Sandy Hook anomalies polarizes, prompts nasty media backlash
Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot, and how false flags have shaped history
Lone-nut scenario implanted in Colorado shooting, Holmes convicted by media
Canada’s false flag terror: fingerprints of U.S. involvement
Lies are how America justifies war
Cutting off the head of the snake: Ken O’Keefe on beating the bankers, Israeli brutality, and the 9/11 ‘gift’
The American exceptionalism myth and the selling of U.S. domination
Betrayed by the CIA: the framing, kidnapping, and imprisoning of an agent who just wanted out
Manufactured migrants are tools in U.S. Empire’s ‘grand chessboard’
War on terror or war on democracy? The physical intimidation of legislatures
U.S. imperialism and the wanton destruction of cultures: an open letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei
How Hitler’s ‘big lie’ led to 9/11 and the war on terror: Shure’s part 19
Is Trump a fascist? It’s much worse. Followers are morphing into Nazis in the still-emerging fourth reich
Thought control
Zombies and doomsday viruses: what is Hollywood really telling us?
CIA memo leads entire culture to mock ‘conspiracy theories’ in defense of any official story
Contrived ridicule of conspiracy theories really means ‘Stop questioning, stop thinking’
Smokescreens and snake oil: Shermer uses sleight of mouth to pre-emptively undermine dissent
B’nai Brith smear campaign against Anthony Hall reflects worsening threat to academic freedom
How can ‘journalists’ dismiss everything they are supposed to stand for when it comes to 9/11?
Thought crimes: Truth and Shadows returns from free speech purgatory
Left Forum caves to ‘pressure’: bans panels amid claims speakers are Holocaust deniers, anti-Semites
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Monthly Archives: January 2025
McKee presentation – debate with Coste on Lloyde England
McKee slides – England debate Jan. 2025
McKee slides – England debate Jan. 2025