Monthly Archives: August 2014

Why Ferguson, Boston bombing, OKC, and 9/11 are part of the same plan for domestic control

Ferguson as war zone 7

By Craig McKee

The sight of police in camouflage uniforms with assault rifles, grenade launchers, and mine-resistant armored vehicles advancing on protesters in Ferguson, Missouri has shocked a lot of people.

But it shouldn’t have.

Those paying attention know that law enforcement across America has been undergoing a transformation over the past two decades with the process accelerating noticeably since 9/11. This is thanks to the Pentagon and its “1033 program” (section 1033 of the National Defense Authorization Act), which allows it to transfer surplus military equipment to law enforcement agencies across the country.

The result is police forces being turned into small armies, officers into soldiers, and citizens into potential enemy combatants. The emphasis is no longer on protecting and serving – it’s now about controlling and intimidating. Meanwhile, dozens of movies and Continue reading

Dismantle Gaza and relocate 'non-belligerent Arabs': Israel Institute for Strategic Studies

This photo comes from

This photo comes from

By Craig McKee
Israel is losing the war.
I don’t mean the one being fought with missiles, bombs and bullets in Gaza. (That’s not a war anyway – it’s a massacre with 1,800 Palestinians killed so far). I mean the propaganda war – the worldwide fight over public opinion.
Thanks to the Internet and social media, people around the world, especially younger people, are coming to understand better than ever what is being done to the Palestinian people in Israel and the occupied territories. This latest slaughter is causing people to seek out more information about the history of the region and the history of this conflict.’s David Palumbo-Liu put it this way: “Israel is in fact risking losing the narrative war altogether, as more and more of the global Continue reading