Author Archives: oqihlweb

Explosion of interest in Sandy Hook anomalies polarizes, prompts nasty media backlash

An aerial shot of the school parking lot and the black Honda allegedly driven by Adam Lanza.

The school parking lot and the black Honda allegedly driven by Adam Lanza.

January 23, 2013

By Craig McKee

It’s like a conspiracy theory on steroids.
Everything about the Sandy Hook shooting is more emotional, more perplexing, and more polarizing than any single “conspiracy” event in recent memory. Questions, theories, and challenges to what we’ve been told by authorities and the media are coming up faster and more frequently than we’ve seen in just about any other similar circumstance.
Confirmed facts are in short supply while emotion rules the day. Children are involved, so convincing people to question the facts is even more difficult than it would otherwise be. It seems that questioning potential conspiracies is something you can do as long as you keep your doubts in good taste. It’s hard to meet that standard when you’re questioning whether the mass shooting of children was actually a staged event (or at Continue reading

Multiple suspects, a profusion of weapons, and arrests suppressed in Sandy Hook shooting story

Robbie Parker smiles right before getting into character at briefing.

December 31, 2012

By Craig McKee

It’s a story we’ve been fed before.
A horrific and violent mass shooting takes place. Innocent people die, a community mourns, and the world feels even less safe than before. People struggle to make sense of what appears to be a random event, the work of a disturbed lone killer.
The mainstream media present us with a narrative that leans heavily on emotion and the need for “healing.” In the early going, facts that don’t fit this story may be floating around, but they are soon trimmed as if they never existed. And once the narrative is set, it almost certainly stays that way.
Whether it’s bogus “terrorist attacks” like 9/11 or mass killings pinned on “lone gunmen” like we just saw at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, the mainstream media fail to – or refuse to – point out the gaping holes in the official story. Often, they appear to Continue reading

Exploring the ‘darker mechanisms of reality’: prologue to new 9/11 book hits home

the Matrix

By Craig McKee

There is a reason why so many conspiracy “enthusiasts” connect with the concept behind The Matrix.
It shows us a world that most accept as being real. People have jobs, have friends, have lives, and they don’t ask questions. But Thomas Anderson/Neo has a different future ahead of him. We follow him as he takes the red pill, and we all find out “just how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
I’m currently reading a provocative new book that looks at 9/11 from a vantage point in the deepest recesses of the rabbit hole. The book is called The Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual by S.K. Bain. I’ve got an interview lined up with the author as soon as I have finished; reading the book.
But in the meantime, I was particularly struck by the prologue of the book, entitled “Knock, knock” and written by Peter Levenda, author of Sinister Forces. Levenda offers more than just an introduction to Bain’s book, Continue reading

Lessons of war: an aging peacenik reflects on Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day 1

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

As we have almost every year for many years, my wife and I this past November 11th attended the Remembrance Day commemoration at Toronto’s Old City Hall. We’ve seen the crowds grow ever larger
This year we and our daughter had to leave our homes more than an hour and a half before the eleventh hour in order to secure what would have been a good view, had not a solid bank of camerapersons’ backsides all but obstructed it.
Our main reason for joining the commemoration is that Jeanie’s father, Charles, who volunteered and served in the Canadian Army in the Second World War, was killed in the final days of the war in Holland. The reverberations from his death continue, as do the family reverberations for all those killed Continue reading

Angry words exchanged as 9/11 feature collapses: Sheen and Harrelson never signed contracts

This version of the poster features several actors who had never agreed to appear. Used in accordance with Section 107 (Fair Use) of U.S. Copyright Law.

By Craig McKee
Just a month after it was announced to the world, the 9/11 feature film September Morn, based on a script from first-time screenwriter Howard Cohen, is dead.
At least in its current form.
The project fell apart over the past couple of weeks after Cohen’s partners in the production, Fleur de Lis Film Studios, announced on Oct. 16 that the film would go ahead with stars Woody Harrelson and Martin Sheen even though neither had formally committed themselves to the project (The announcement received considerable media attention, including an article in The Huffington Post).
In fact, a full cast was announced even though some actor Continue reading

Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot, and how false flags have shaped history

A portrait of Guy Fawkes, who was executed for ‘the gunpowder plot.’

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why the gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
-Old English folk rhyme (anonymous)

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

Today, November 5th, is Guy Fawkes Day, also known as Gunpowder Day. In 2012 it’s the 407th anniversary of The Gunpowder Plot or Gunpowder Treason, as it was first called.
It also happens to be my 78th birthday. So I’ve been more aware of Guy Fawkes Day than most. I’m especially happy about how ubiquitous the Guy Fawkes mask has become. Continue reading

Last-minute donation keeps hope alive for 9/11 widow’s appeal

Mariani: next stop Supreme Court.

By Craig McKee
With a week to go, things didn’t look good. But what a difference a few days can make.
Ellen Mariani, whose husband died on 9/11, will have her request for an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court considered after all. A fundraising effort was launched in September to raise the $11,000 needed to file the application to appeal – and the effort has succeeded.
With just a few days to go to the Nov. 1 deadline, the fund had barely reached the halfway point, but an article on the web site of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth brought an increase in donations,
Continue reading

Egypt’s president a 9/11 truther: less America-centrism offers hope for Truth movement

Morsi suspects there is a much more to the crimes of Sept. 11, 2001 than we’ve been told.

I’m extremely pleased that media critic and journalist Barrie Zwicker, one of the most respected names in the 9/11 Truth movement, has accepted my invitation to write an article specifically for Truth and Shadows. -Craig McKee
By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

In Canada, mainly because of the generality of mass media output, it’s hard to avoid being sucked into America-centrism. For instance the world pretty well has to grind to a halt every four years in deference to the ever more delusional U.S. election circus. For my part I confess to having watched two of the U.S. TV debates. An old friend, upon learning this, rightly admonished me: “Migawd man, you’ll never get back those 180 minutes!”
In a more ongoing way, many of us in the 9/11Truth movement in North America may be too involved with 9/11Truth in an America-centric way. Again, I do not exempt myself. Most of my Truther friends are American, Continue reading

Ventura, Asner, AE film, and a legal heavyweight provide good news for 9/11 truth

By Craig McKee
Is the glass somewhat empty or partly full?
With the 9/11 Truth movement, it can be hard to tell at times.
Sometimes the outlook can seem bleak as the mainstream media continues to freeze out all perspectives that don’t fit the official narrative while corrupt courts smother the truth before it can ever … not be reported.
The frustration is such that truthers can’t be faulted for wondering whether it’s all worth it. It’s understandable that doubts exist about whether the many cracks in the official lie will ever widen to the point that the whole thing falls to pieces. It’s a choice that people have to make for Continue reading

‘Official’ 9/11 propaganda embraced by truthers who say that a plane hit the Pentagon

Anybody see a stray wing lying around? Firefight says it’s around somewhere.

This is a guest article by 9/11 Truth activist and frequent Truth and Shadows contributor Adam Syed. In his piece, Syed looks at how an officially approved whitewash of the 9/11 Pentagon “attack” is given support by some in the movement who are determined to ridicule the view that no large plane hit the building.

By Adam Syed (Special to Truth and Shadows)

You know it supports the official story when you can buy it in the 9/11 Memorial Store.
And yet, Firefight: Inside the Battle to Save the Pentagon, is also embraced by some in the Truth movement. The question is why?
You don’t have to look far to find out. This piece of shameless propaganda has an official endorsement because it supports the minority view within the movement that Flight 77 actually hit the Pentagon.
These truthers don’t seem to have a problem that the book also tells us that one of the wings broke apart outside the Continue reading