Tag Archives: Remembrance Day

Lessons of war: an aging peacenik reflects on Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day 1

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

As we have almost every year for many years, my wife and I this past November 11th attended the Remembrance Day commemoration at Toronto’s Old City Hall. We’ve seen the crowds grow ever larger
This year we and our daughter had to leave our homes more than an hour and a half before the eleventh hour in order to secure what would have been a good view, had not a solid bank of camerapersons’ backsides all but obstructed it.
Our main reason for joining the commemoration is that Jeanie’s father, Charles, who volunteered and served in the Canadian Army in the Second World War, was killed in the final days of the war in Holland. The reverberations from his death continue, as do the family reverberations for all those killed Continue reading