*We got the very sad news today, Nov. 22, 2015, that Dave McGowan passed away from cancer at 12:47 p.m. The article below was originally posted on May 23, 2015 when we got the news that Dave was very ill.
This post features the full text of an article Dave McGowan wrote on Sept. 12, 2001, questioning the official story of the “terrorist attacks” 9/11. This is preceded by introductions from me and from Truth and Shadows contributor Sheila Casey.
** Since the publication of this article, it has come to my attention that Dave McGowan is in desperate need of funds so that he can cope with the effects of his illness. His brother Craig wrote on Facebook:
“As far as the donations, most of you know that dave has been struggling financially the last 8 months and made less than 5 grand total on the book “Weird Scenes.” Our family is, for no better term, poor, or, in the lower middle class realm, if that even is a class…Like David, I have a very difficult time asking for financial help from others so I’m not going to ask anyone here. Does david need the help? yes. Will he mention it? absolutely not.”
You can donate to Dave via his
web site, which has a donate button at the top.(CM)

McGowan: insight and courage.
Craig McKee: We received some terrible news yesterday that Dave McGowan, one of the most important and engaging researchers in the “conspiracy” field, is seriously ill. He has a very aggressive and advanced form of cancer – affecting his lungs, liver, and bones – and has a very small chance of recovery.
I thought it appropriate to honor Dave and his continuing contribution to truth seeking and to let people know just how valuable a writer he is, by reprinting a piece below that he wrote just a day after 9/11. He knew right away that the official story we were being fed about the so-called “terrorist attacks” did not add up. It doesn’t have all the answers, but it makes an excellent start on asking the right questions.
The first thing I read from McGowan was his series on the Apollo Moon missions called “Wagging the Moondoggie.” This amazing 14-part series is what finally Continue reading →