Category Archives: War on terror

We Are Not Charlie Hebdo: Deep State fraud triggers phony outpouring

Kevin Barrett

Barrett says victims of the Paris shooting were not killed by Muslim extremists but by agents of the Deep State. (Image, Press TV)

July 1, 2015
By Barrie Zwicker and Graeme MacQueen (Special to Truth and Shadows)
Despite his being an international outlaw, Kevin Barrett of Wisconsin has been able to turn out a prodigious number of truth-oriented radio programs, articles and published books, including his latest, the anthology We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo! Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11.
Oh, right, that’s why he’s an international outlaw. His status was confirmed, at least north of the Canada-U.S. border, by Canada’s hard right Harper government. At the end of May the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) turned Barrett back at the border in a hostile manner, preventing him from fulfilling a Toronto speaking engagement.
Barrett might not have had much more luck entering France or Israel, considering that We are not Charlie Hebdomany of the 22 contributors to We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo! provide evidence that those massacred in Paris did NOT die at the hands of jihadist Muslims but under orders from the Deep State, in a false flag operation with heavy Israeli involvement.
One can only hope that Barrett’s mistreatment at the hands of the politicized CBSA will spur sales of this important book.
Why is the book important? In part, because it’s a successful experiment—a rapidly-produced substantial response to a lethal state propaganda action.
Vincent Salandria, one of the first critics of the official narrative of the JFK assassination, wrote: Continue reading

Whistle blower reveals secret U.S. program to recruit, train, and provide visas to 'terrorists'

June 19, 2015
By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)Springmann cover
IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW how sausages are made, don’t start reading Visas for Al Qaeda: CIA Handouts That Rocked the World by Michael Springmann. The sausages in this case: the string of too-easily-swallowed accounts of bloody events in the “global war on terror,” served up daily with relish by the mainstream media. In reality these sausages are filled with tainted meat that’s making everyone sick.
Springmann is a brave whistle blower living in Washington, D.C. He’s written an accessible book, safe to digest, highlighting details of the corruption of the American Empire (and its accomplices, including Canada) as he experienced them from the inside during his years with the U.S. State Department.
While he served as a visa officer in the U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for instance, he was obliged under threat of dismissal to issue Continue reading

New docs probe elaborate cons behind the war on terror 'mirage'

(T) ERROR shows how FBI creates 'terror plots' then 'twarts' them.

(T) ERROR shows how FBI creates ‘terror plots’ then ‘thwarts’ them.

War of Lies, 89 minutes, directed by Matthias Bittner; North American premiere at Toronto’s Hot Docs film festival April 29th, 2015
(T)ERROR, 84 minutes, directed by Lyric Cabral and David Felix Sutcliffe; 84 minutes; international premiere at Toronto’s Hot Docs film festival May 3rd 2015
By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
Before the screening of War of Lies, the film’s German director, Matthias Bittner, was called to the stage and introduced. He said very little, mainly cryptically that “in Germany this film will never be broadcast in a festival – even a student festival – or in a cinema.”
Someone in the audience asked: “Why?”
Bittner didn’t answer. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and quickly left the stage, pointedly looking at the audience, as if to say: “You decide – after you see the film.”
What the audience saw is that War of Lies exposes, from the inside, that the war on Iraq was Continue reading

Not a shred of evidence that any 9/11 ‘hijackers’ boarded any planes

Atta and al-Omari in Portland: note two different time stamps.

Atta and al-Omari in Portland: note two different time stamps.

March 19, 2015

By Craig McKee

To believe the official story of 9/11 you have to swallow an awful lot. You have to believe the laws of physics can be suspended for a day, that planes can disappear after crashing, and that Muslims accused of being suicide hijackers can still be alive after the deed is done.
About that last one. Essential to the deception was the premise that 19 Muslim extremists hijacked four domestic flights on the morning of September 11, 2001 with the intention of flying them into predetermined targets.
But do we really know who these alleged hijackers were? Do we know they carried out any hijackings? Do we know they were even at the scenes of the crimes? In fact, as researcher Elias Davidsson demonstrates in his recent book Hijacking America’s Mind on 9/11: Counterfeiting Evidence, there is not one shred of authenticated evidence that any of the 19 men Continue reading

MacQueen book exposes failure of 2001 false flag ‘Anthrax attacks’

Nov. 27, 2014

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

The “anthrax attacks” that followed on the heels of the “9/11 attacks” have receded into memory for most people, even including those of us who were extremely skeptical about alleged al-Qaeda biowarfare at the time.
Prof. Graeme MacQueen, in his latest book, The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case for a Domestic Conspiracy, [1] sheds light on why most of us have all but forgotten the sensational “anthrax attacks.” They’ve been dropped down the memory hole as a touchstone to justify the “war on terror” because the “anthrax attacks” fraud fell apart.
In his tight (just 214 pages) but definitive account, MacQueen proves beyond doubt that the “anthrax attacks” were a false flag operation. Those who need to be persuaded need look no further than this overdue book.
The “anthrax attacks” were intended as a powerful evil twin of the 9/11 terror fraud. Taken together these ops were to be a one-two punch that would launch the “war on terror,” while simultaneously justifying the illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The invasion of Continue reading

Canada’s false flag terror: fingerprints of U.S. involvement

1029 spec memorial 373.JPG

Ottawa police guard war memorial. Ottawa Citizen photo.

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
THE “TERRORIST” EVENTS of Wednesday October 22nd in Ottawa and two days earlier in St-Jean-sur-Richelieu bear all the hallmarks of a coordinated cross-border one-two punch false flag operation.
The first, the left jab hit-and-run killing of a Canadian soldier, would be the psychological softening up for the follow-up right cross, the killing of another Canadian soldier in Ottawa. Together they dazed the public to an extent that even the ostentatiously-iconic murder at the National War Memorial alone might not have achieved.
The context was within the intensification of the so-called “global war on terror” and in concert with the pro-military Stephen Harper government’s deployment of Continue reading

10 things about 9/11 deserve more attention – and 5 deserve less

People need to know just how absurd the official story of the Shanksville "crash" is.

People need to know just how absurd the official story of the Shanksville “crash” is.

October 2, 2014
By Craig McKee
Let’s face it: the 9/11 Truth Movement is all over the place. But that’s not surprising – nor necessarily bad.
When you have an official story that is so clearly false in so many ways, there are going to be a multitude of valid angles from which to examine and expose the deception. There are also going to be many directions the movement can take to advance the cause and to awaken the uninitiated.
But all these ways are not created equal. When you have many thoughtful and intelligent truthers, some not-so-intelligent and not-so-thoughtful truthers, and an undetermined number of outright disinformation agents, you’re bound to get a “diversity of opinion” that would make Cass Sunstein very happy indeed.
So how do we decide what is important and was is not? How do we know where our efforts are best directed? It’s clear that we must keep our focus on things that will Continue reading

Doctored Pentagon video proves 9/11 cover-up and inside job



From the frames released in 2002: notice the wrong date and the helpful descriptions so you know what you’re seeing.

June 13, 2014

By Craig McKee

A single frame gives it away.
All but one frame of two sets of surveillance videos purporting to show the impact of Flight 77 into the western face of the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001 appear to show the same thing. But it’s that one frame that tells the tale. It shows that evidence was falsified and that a deliberate plan was carried out to fool the public into thinking that a plane hit the building when it did not.
This, combined with other key evidence (including the nature of the damage to the building, the lack of debris outside the building, and the on-camera accounts of credible witnesses who put the plane on a different flight path that the one Continue reading

Educators, Holocaust group join Sept. 11 museum in 'teaching' children official 9/11 lies

911 museum twin girders

These symbolic twin girders with tridents on top come from one of the World Trade Center towers.

By Craig McKee
The 9/11 official story is rooted in deception, distortion, and misdirection. Now all of its lies have been dressed up and put on display in an expensive federally funded monument for paying customers.
The National September 11 Memorial and Museum, slated to open May 21 (the outdoor memorial has been open since 2011), is more of a walk-in indoctrination center than a tribute to the victims of 9/11. It’s a piece of propaganda made of glass and steel that plays on emotions and on the sincere desire of people to honor those who sacrificed their lives in this false flag event.
The Memorial and Museum’s web site not only reiterates all the same lies, but it even explains a framework that educators will be using to indoctrinate children so they can grow up to be believers in the war on terror and the Continue reading

Sun News claims of free speech don’t cut it in attacks on Gage, 9/11 truthers: complaint 2 filed

Sun News host Ezra Levant leads the attack on the CBSC for being "stupid."

Small words: Sun News host Ezra Levant leads the attack on the CBSC for being “Conservative-hating fools” and “bullies.”

By Craig McKee
This week, I filed a second complaint against Sun News and their truther-hating host Michael Coren for his accusation that AE911Truth’s Richard Gage and all who agree with him are anti-Semitic hate-mongers.
In my original complaint to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, I cited Coren’s March 21 installment of The Arena in which he accused Gage and all truthers of being insane, weak-minded, anti-Semitic losers. I hadn’t really planned on filing a complaint about Coren’s March 28 follow-up program (which was primarily a rehash), but a second viewing convinced me otherwise.
In that second show, Coren suggested that Gage is motivated by a hatred of Jews, even though there isn’t a shred of evidence to back this up. He said that most truthers believe that ALL the movers and shakers behind 9/11 were Jews, although he provides no basis for this contention. He also says he has talked to “some people” who claim ALL the Jews were told to stay away from the World Trade Center on 9/11. But, of course, he doesn’t tell us who those people are.
Here’s the line by Coren that led to me filing this second complaint: Continue reading