Category Archives: surveillance state

Surreal summer of ‘terror’: fight to destroy Nice video, creepy Orlando musical numbers, and a killer robot

No blood on the Nice truck and a curious absence of bullet hole right were the driver would have been sitting.

No blood on the Nice truck and a curious absence of bullet holes right were the driver would have been sitting.

August 1, 2016

By Craig McKee

This summer season of contrived “terror” and “rage” has left many wondering whether the world has gone completely mad and whether chaos is the new normal.
I would say it has – and it is – but not for the same reasons our media and authorities would have us believe.
There have been so many “terrorist” attacks – or apparent ones – in the past couple of months in the U.S., France, Germany, and Japan that it’s hard to keep up (and we’re not even counting the serious violence in Syria, Iraq, Bangladesh, and other countries we’re conditioned not to care much Continue reading

War on terror or war on democracy? The physical intimidation of legislatures

Powell anthrax

U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell holding up vial of simulated anthrax at UN Security Council meeting as he makes the case for the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

This is the text of a talk given by Graeme MacQueen at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, on Nov. 18, 2015. The text was edited by MacQueen for publication in Truth and Shadows. In addition to being a retired professor of Religious Studies and founder of McMaster’s Peace Studies program, MacQueen is the author of The 2001 Anthrax Deception: The Case For a Domestic Conspiracy.
February 28, 2016

By Graeme MacQueen (Special to Truth and Shadows)

Good evening. I have two sets of introductory comments.
First, my aim tonight is not to prove each of my assertions with a wealth of evidence but to survey four cases briefly in order to reveal a pattern. If you feel I may be on to something it will be up to you to look at these cases in more detail.
Secondly, as a Canadian addressing other Canadians, I want to note that I am aware of the taboos this talk is violating. I will be making claims, and pointing out patterns, that are unwelcome in mainstream society today in Canada. The taboos are held in place with heavy silence and with ridicule, and they are, in my opinion, crucial to the maintenance of the War on Terror.
The taboos are strong in the media, the universities, and in all sectors of government. Since my theme today has to do with legislatures, and since we have just experienced a federal Continue reading

Red pills and white rabbits: Truth and Shadows turns five

August 18, 2015

By Craig McKee

Five years ago, I stopped peeking down the rabbit hole and jumped in. Well, climbed in.
On this date in 2010, Truth and Shadows published its first article. The one you are reading now is number 172. Over the course of those years, I have learned more about how the world is run than in any comparable period in my life—or in all periods put together. But more than that, I’ve learned that there is so much more to know.
The central focus of this blog from the beginning has been the so-called “terrorist attacks” of Sept. 11, 2001—the greatest deception of our time. Today I am more Continue reading

We Are Not Charlie Hebdo: Deep State fraud triggers phony outpouring

Kevin Barrett

Barrett says victims of the Paris shooting were not killed by Muslim extremists but by agents of the Deep State. (Image, Press TV)

July 1, 2015
By Barrie Zwicker and Graeme MacQueen (Special to Truth and Shadows)
Despite his being an international outlaw, Kevin Barrett of Wisconsin has been able to turn out a prodigious number of truth-oriented radio programs, articles and published books, including his latest, the anthology We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo! Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11.
Oh, right, that’s why he’s an international outlaw. His status was confirmed, at least north of the Canada-U.S. border, by Canada’s hard right Harper government. At the end of May the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) turned Barrett back at the border in a hostile manner, preventing him from fulfilling a Toronto speaking engagement.
Barrett might not have had much more luck entering France or Israel, considering that We are not Charlie Hebdomany of the 22 contributors to We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo! provide evidence that those massacred in Paris did NOT die at the hands of jihadist Muslims but under orders from the Deep State, in a false flag operation with heavy Israeli involvement.
One can only hope that Barrett’s mistreatment at the hands of the politicized CBSA will spur sales of this important book.
Why is the book important? In part, because it’s a successful experiment—a rapidly-produced substantial response to a lethal state propaganda action.
Vincent Salandria, one of the first critics of the official narrative of the JFK assassination, wrote: Continue reading

10 things about 9/11 deserve more attention – and 5 deserve less

People need to know just how absurd the official story of the Shanksville "crash" is.

People need to know just how absurd the official story of the Shanksville “crash” is.

October 2, 2014
By Craig McKee
Let’s face it: the 9/11 Truth Movement is all over the place. But that’s not surprising – nor necessarily bad.
When you have an official story that is so clearly false in so many ways, there are going to be a multitude of valid angles from which to examine and expose the deception. There are also going to be many directions the movement can take to advance the cause and to awaken the uninitiated.
But all these ways are not created equal. When you have many thoughtful and intelligent truthers, some not-so-intelligent and not-so-thoughtful truthers, and an undetermined number of outright disinformation agents, you’re bound to get a “diversity of opinion” that would make Cass Sunstein very happy indeed.
So how do we decide what is important and was is not? How do we know where our efforts are best directed? It’s clear that we must keep our focus on things that will Continue reading

The science of mind control and loving our own slavery: Richard Grove on State of Mind

Richard Grove in State of Mind

Richard Grove: powerful elites seek to control us us by extinguishing free thought.

By Craig McKee
It’s one thing to be controlled through force. Force is visible and its implications are evident: go against those in power and you could be ostracized, imprisoned, or killed.
But according to filmmaker and forensic historian Richard Grove, a co-writer of the recently released documentary State of Mind: The Psychology of Control, there is a more insidious form of control at work in our society, one that powerful elites have employed throughout history without most of us even realizing it. The target of this form of control is our minds. And what is under siege is our ability and willingness to think critically, to challenge what we Continue reading

Only months remain to stop global surveillance machine: conference of civil libertarians


Attempts to rein in the power of the NSA will have to originate outside the U.S.A.: Ben Wizner.

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
We know massive surveillance has nothing to do with actual terrorism – that it is all about control and eliminating dissent.We know that the surveillance state knows more about us than we ourselves know.
But do we know how long may be the window of opportunity to achieve some real curbs on runaway surveillance, before a New Dark Ages is entrenched beyond all resistance?
It could be only “a few months” in the opinion of Professor Andrew Clement of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information.
“If we don’t do something now,” Clement warns, “the opportunity will be missed, and we’ll regret it for a long Continue reading