Category Archives: 9/11

Jenkins misleads by linking Pentagon plane impact theory to AE911Truth

Jenkins cut Pentagon section out of September 11: The New Pearl Harbor without permission.

October 19, 2015

By Craig McKee

In my last post, I deconstructed David Chandler’s very disturbing Pentagon presentation at last month’s 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland, CA. But as troubling as his reinforcement of most of the official story was, it wasn’t the only talk at the festival given by a member of his “Team” of researchers.
Festival organizer Ken Jenkins—who along with Chandler wants the rest of the Truth Movement to believe a large plane actually hit the Pentagon as the official story claims—tried in his brief Continue reading

Going full debunker: Chandler devotes most of Pentagon talk to boosting 9/11 official story

Chandler thinks the Truth Movement will look ridiculous if we don’t agree with him about a large plane crashing at the Pentagon.

October 3, 2015

By Craig McKee (With Adam Syed and Adam Ruff)

With truthers like this, who needs debunkers?
David Chandler, who has received well-deserved praise for his research on the destruction of the World Trade Center, has once again turned his attention to muddying the waters of Pentagon research, delivering a presentation at the recent 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland, CA, ironically called “Going Beyond Speculation: A Scientific Look at the Pentagon Evidence.”
If the presentation was Chandler’s audition for a staff job at Popular Mechanics then I think he must have made a very good impression. But as a supposed attempt to resolve the contrived Continue reading

28 pages of misdirection

Former Senator Bob Graham has been pushing for the declassification of the 28 pages.

Former Senator Bob Graham has been pushing for the declassification of the 28 pages.

September 18, 2015
By Dick Atlee, Ken Freeland, and Cheryl Curtiss (Special to Truth and Shadows)
For years the 9/11 Truth movement has been vainly pleading with mainstream media – and the “alternative” 9/11-Truth-rejecting media (which we’ll include for our purposes as mainstream) to cover any of the endless, obvious problems with any of the Official 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (OCT) tales we’ve been told. Now, all of a sudden, these same mainstream media, echoing prestigious players like former US Senator Bob Graham, are on the rampage about a “9/11 cover-up,” and are pushing for the Continue reading

Red pills and white rabbits: Truth and Shadows turns five

August 18, 2015

By Craig McKee

Five years ago, I stopped peeking down the rabbit hole and jumped in. Well, climbed in.
On this date in 2010, Truth and Shadows published its first article. The one you are reading now is number 172. Over the course of those years, I have learned more about how the world is run than in any comparable period in my life—or in all periods put together. But more than that, I’ve learned that there is so much more to know.
The central focus of this blog from the beginning has been the so-called “terrorist attacks” of Sept. 11, 2001—the greatest deception of our time. Today I am more Continue reading

Zombies and doomsday viruses: what is Hollywood really telling us?

August 2, 2015

By Craig McKee

Be afraid. Be very afraid. Of what may come. Of each other.
If movies and television in the last few years are any indication, we have so much more to fear in this world than losing a job or a relationship or our health. Our “entertainment” is telling us that a terrifying future could arrive at any time in the form of a doomsday virus that threatens to wipe out civilization and all of us with it.
Over the past decade, the sheer number of movies and television shows that have focused on killer contagions that threaten humanity with death or some kind of horrible transformation is reaching—forgive me for this—epidemic proportions. And there are more being made all the time. There are so many that it has become impossible to see these shows and movies as being made simply because the topic is “popular.” Something else is going on. It’s downright weird.
These entertainment vehicles seem to be telling us that the things that hold our civilization Continue reading

Win converts using these ‘plane-hit-the-Pentagon’ talking points: just keep repeating, ‘It’s so divisive!’

If someone says they think this is an actual aerial photograph, don’t correct them. This way you retain plausible deniability.

If someone says they think this is an actual aerial photograph, don’t correct them. This way you retain plausible deniability.

Is this satire? If you aren’t sure, we have a lot of work to do

June 10, 2015

By Craig McKee

You feel your eyes getting heavy … your breathing is becoming slow and regular … you are becoming sleepy, so sleepy … you will accept what I am about to tell you without question … you will repeat this to others over and over and over until everyone assumes it must be true.
Now that you’re feeling relaxed, we are ready to begin looking at the best ways to steer the 9/11 Truth Movement away from the strongest evidence that the event was an inside job – what happened at the Pentagon. The first thing is to adopt this basic list of talking points. The fact that the points are untrue should not deter you.
Slip these into 9/11 conversations whenever possible:

  • “The Pentagon is so divisive.”
  • “Discussing it always causes infighting.”
  • “It is tearing the 9/11 Truth Movement apart!”
  • “Science tells us that a plane hit the Pentagon.”
  • “Yes, this part of the official story is true.”
  • “We’ll never know because the government has all the evidence.”

The key is to get the overwhelming evidence that no plane hit the Pentagon off the table while seeming like you really Continue reading

Dave McGowan battling aggressive cancer: wrote 9/11 was a lie on 9/12

*We got the very sad news today, Nov. 22, 2015, that Dave McGowan passed away from cancer at 12:47 p.m. The article below was originally posted on May 23, 2015 when we got the news that Dave was very ill.
This post features the full text of an article Dave McGowan wrote on Sept. 12, 2001, questioning the official story of the “terrorist attacks” 9/11. This is preceded by introductions from me and from Truth and Shadows contributor Sheila Casey.
** Since the publication of this article, it has come to my attention that Dave McGowan is in desperate need of funds so that he can cope with the effects of his illness. His brother Craig wrote on Facebook: 

As far as the donations, most of you know that dave has been struggling financially the last 8 months and made less than 5 grand total on the book “Weird Scenes.” Our family is, for no better term, poor, or, in the lower middle class realm, if that even is a class…Like David, I have a very difficult time asking for financial help from others so I’m not going to ask anyone here. Does david need the help? yes. Will he mention it? absolutely not.”
You can donate to Dave via his web site, which has a donate button at the top.(CM)
McGowan: insight and courage.

McGowan: insight and courage.

Craig McKee: We received some terrible news yesterday that Dave McGowan, one of the most important and engaging researchers in the “conspiracy” field, is seriously ill. He has a very aggressive and advanced form of cancer – affecting his lungs, liver, and bones – and has a very small chance of recovery.
I thought it appropriate to honor Dave and his continuing contribution to truth seeking and to let people know just how valuable a writer he is, by reprinting a piece below that he wrote just a day after 9/11. He knew right away that the official story we were being fed about the so-called “terrorist attacks” did not add up. It doesn’t have all the answers, but it makes an excellent start on asking the right questions.
The first thing I read from McGowan was his series on the Apollo Moon missions called “Wagging the Moondoggie.” This amazing 14-part series is what finally Continue reading

New docs probe elaborate cons behind the war on terror 'mirage'

(T) ERROR shows how FBI creates 'terror plots' then 'twarts' them.

(T) ERROR shows how FBI creates ‘terror plots’ then ‘thwarts’ them.

War of Lies, 89 minutes, directed by Matthias Bittner; North American premiere at Toronto’s Hot Docs film festival April 29th, 2015
(T)ERROR, 84 minutes, directed by Lyric Cabral and David Felix Sutcliffe; 84 minutes; international premiere at Toronto’s Hot Docs film festival May 3rd 2015
By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
Before the screening of War of Lies, the film’s German director, Matthias Bittner, was called to the stage and introduced. He said very little, mainly cryptically that “in Germany this film will never be broadcast in a festival – even a student festival – or in a cinema.”
Someone in the audience asked: “Why?”
Bittner didn’t answer. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and quickly left the stage, pointedly looking at the audience, as if to say: “You decide – after you see the film.”
What the audience saw is that War of Lies exposes, from the inside, that the war on Iraq was Continue reading

A novel idea: Rebekah Roth’s Methodical Illusion and what happened to the planes on 9-11

Rebekah Roth signs copies of her book Methodical Illusions.

Rebekah Roth signs copies of her book Methodical Illusion.

By Paul Zarembka (Special to Truth and Shadows)

Rebekah Roth’s 9-11 novel Methodical Illusion is getting a lot of attention.  It claims to provide proof that all four 9-11 planes took off, but did not go to targets and instead were landed in Westover Air Reserve Base in Massachusetts where cell phone calls were set-up to implicate Muslims [sentence added, May 13, 2015. P.Z.].
The author has done many interviews since the book was published in November 2014, with almost all interviewers receiving her novel enthusiastically. Many of the 230+ reviews of the book on Amazon have four- and five-star ratings, and even those who give the book a lower rating rarely contest the substance regarding 9-11.
While Roth’s claims about what may have happened on September 11, 2001 give us a lot to absorb, there Continue reading

Smithsonian supports 9/11 official story but calls NIST ‘fatally flawed’

The aluminum/water explosion theory  ignores forensic evidence.

The aluminum/water explosion theory ignores forensic evidence.

By Craig McKee
The theory is untenable. It defies science and common sense.
No wonder mainstream television (the Smithsonian Channel, owned by CBS) has happily offered it as an explanation for how the Twin Towers could come down without the use of explosives on 9/11. But this theory comes with a twist – it rejects both the official story and the notion that 9/11 was an inside job.
The theory, posited by chemist Frank Greening and metallurgist Christian Simensen in the “Twin Towers” episode of Conspiracy: The Missing Evidence, is that fires from ignited jet fuel melted the aluminum airplanes and that the resulting molten aluminum came into contact with water from the Continue reading