Author Archives: oqihlweb

Rethink 9/11 ads and Gage’s Canadian tour offer hope despite media attacks

Richard Gage at Toronto event

Gage is interviewed in Toronto last week by Dan Dicks of Press for Truth.

Richard Gage will be appearing in Montreal on Wednesday night, March 26 at McGill University’s Leacock Building, room 132, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance online and $20 at the door. Gage’s cross-Canada tour winds up April 1 in Newfoundland. For more details about the tour, check out
By Craig McKee
The old adage that there is no such thing as bad publicity gets a real test when it comes to 9/11 Truth.
Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, who is currently on a cross-Canada tour, got a major dose of media ignorance and contempt during his visit to Toronto last week. Local hatchet man and supposed intellectual Michael Coren, host of the Sun News show The Arena, dropped by the Gage event long enough to spread some ridicule and truly nasty condescension with the help of some creative editing that often cut his subjects off in mid-sentence. He interviewed several who attended the event and then proceeded to show us “the worst of the worst.” But what he called the worst was really just people offering an assortment of thoughts on who might really have been behind the crimes of 9/11.
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NYC CAN chooses new angle to force city to investigate Building 7 ‘collapse’

High Rise Safety Initiative cropped
By Craig McKee
Many in the 9/11 Truth movement feel that demanding a new investigation into the crimes of 9/11 is doomed to fail.
We’ve seen numerous legal efforts to break through on 9/11 run head on into a combined brick wall of officialdom and the mainstream media. We saw Ellen Mariani’s legal case end in disappointment with the judicial deck stacked against her, not to mention any other victims’ family members who wanted their day in Continue reading

9/11 film reaches beyond the choir: 50 questions that blow 'debunkers' away

September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor
By Craig McKee
The questions have been debated since the very beginnings of the 9/11 Truth movement.
How do we get people who believe the official story of 9/11 to consider the possibility that what they’ve been told is false? How do we go beyond preaching to the choir? And at what point is it necessary, or desirable, to simplify and/or soften some of the truth to avoid scaring people off?
The question is being asked again (well, at least by me) following the recent release of Massimo Mazzucco’s impressive five-hour, three-part documentary September 11: The New Pearl Harbor. The film brings together evidence from dozens of sources (particularly documentaries and TV programs) on 9/11. It ties this evidence together very nicely and makes it clear and easily understandable, particularly for those who are Continue reading

The science of mind control and loving our own slavery: Richard Grove on State of Mind

Richard Grove in State of Mind

Richard Grove: powerful elites seek to control us us by extinguishing free thought.

By Craig McKee
It’s one thing to be controlled through force. Force is visible and its implications are evident: go against those in power and you could be ostracized, imprisoned, or killed.
But according to filmmaker and forensic historian Richard Grove, a co-writer of the recently released documentary State of Mind: The Psychology of Control, there is a more insidious form of control at work in our society, one that powerful elites have employed throughout history without most of us even realizing it. The target of this form of control is our minds. And what is under siege is our ability and willingness to think critically, to challenge what we Continue reading

The alleged faking of the Zapruder film and the 'magic bullet' theory

JFK and Jackie
By Craig McKee
Josiah “Tink” Thompson, the author of Six Seconds in Dallas and a believer that Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shot that killed John F. Kennedy, says that the key evidence in the assassination is the photographic record, because “it authenticates itself.” 
You know, because you can see it; that means it has to be real. Just like we know that Sam Neill and Laura Dern have almost been eaten by dinosaurs on several occasions.
But wait. Is it possible that sometimes visual evidence is not authentic? Can we question what our own eyes have seen?
Veteran JFK researcher Jim Fetzer, in a Truth and Shadows interview, says this is absolutely what we must do to get Continue reading

Evolution of a truther: JFK and 9/11 bear the same CIA fingerprints

Shelton F. Lankford is a retired Lt. Col. with the United States Marine Corps. He is a prominent figure in the 9/11 Truth movement (as a member of Pilots for 9/11 Truth) as well as with the JFK research community. Knowing of Shelton’s long-time involvement in JFK research, I asked him if he would be willing to contribute a piece to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the assassination. I’m delighted that he accepted my invitation. In the days ahead there will be other articles dealing with the Kennedy anniversary.-Craig McKee
By Shelton F. Lankford (Special to Truth and Shadows)

As I stepped off the bus, the first words I heard from our welcoming group were “President Kennedy has been shot.”
I was arriving in Raleigh, N.C. with a group of students from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill along with our counterparts from the University of Toronto in Canada. It was my first introduction to an event of such worldwide significance. And it was the first event for which the term “truther” would take on personal meaning. It would not be the last.
The next several days were a period of mourning for someone who had little experience of much of anything, Continue reading

The Barbara Honegger Show: DC 9/11 conference spun as new consensus

Pentagon panel: From left, Deets, Honegger, Sullivan, and Barrett.

October 27, 2013

By Craig McKee

Barbara Honegger calls last month’s “9/11: Advancing the Truth” conference “historic” and a “major triumph for the movement.”
More than that, she thinks it’s a huge step towards that elusive “consensus” about the Pentagon that so many of us have thought was neither possible nor particularly desirable.
But who can blame Honegger for her enthusiasm? It was clearly her show. Not only was she part of the organizing committee for the conference, but she spoke both on Saturday and on Sunday. The latter talk went on for nearly two hours – longer than the other two Pentagon speakers combined (I’ll return Continue reading

Only months remain to stop global surveillance machine: conference of civil libertarians


Attempts to rein in the power of the NSA will have to originate outside the U.S.A.: Ben Wizner.

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)
We know massive surveillance has nothing to do with actual terrorism – that it is all about control and eliminating dissent.We know that the surveillance state knows more about us than we ourselves know.
But do we know how long may be the window of opportunity to achieve some real curbs on runaway surveillance, before a New Dark Ages is entrenched beyond all resistance?
It could be only “a few months” in the opinion of Professor Andrew Clement of the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Information.
“If we don’t do something now,” Clement warns, “the opportunity will be missed, and we’ll regret it for a long Continue reading

Rethink 9/11 ads being ‘reviewed’ in Ottawa are protected: Supreme Court


The centerpiece of the Rethink 9/11 campaign is this billboard in Times Square.

By Craig McKee
Rethink 9/11 ads on Ottawa buses are staying right where they are.
A 2009 Supreme Court of Canada ruling affirms that the content of transit system ads are protected as free expression under section 2(b) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. (The case involved multiple parties, including the Greater Vancouver Transit Authority, British Columbia Transit, the Canadian Federation of Students, and the B.C. Civil Liberties Association.)
The Rethink 9/11 campaign, sponsored by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, bypasses the mainstream media and exposes people to the case for 9/11 Truth Continue reading

Pentagon session at DC 9/11 conference buys into false premise

The view from the Sheraton Pentagon City, where the conference will be held Sept. 14-15.

August 19, 2013

By Craig McKee

It was supposed to be the centerpiece of the “9/11: Advancing the Truth” conference taking place near Washington D.C. in September.
A three-way debate about what happened at the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001 would offer members of 9/11 Truth movement the opportunity to watch as conflicting positions were presented and contrasted by leading advocates of those positions.
It hasn’t worked out that way.
As someone who believes that the evidence showing that no large plane hit the building is conclusive, I thought a debate on the subject might be helpful to make that clear to more people, especially those who have been misled into thinking that the question is unresolved.
I knew there would be a trade-off, of course, which is that it could appear to elevate the importance of the Continue reading