Tag Archives: Gaza

What we should have learned from Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty


This article, posted originally on Truth and Shadows in June 2016, has been updated for the 50th anniversary of the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty (June 8, 2017).

By Craig McKee

It is one of the greatest lies that most Americans – in fact most people around the world – have never heard of. And it reveals much about the true relationship between the United States and one of its “closest allies,” the State of Israel.
This was an act of war — a false flag attack, a mass execution, a war crime, a gross betrayal, and the beginning of an exercise in deception and propaganda that continues to this day.
It was 50 years ago that Israel launched a shocking and brutal attack on an American intelligence ship, the USS Liberty, as it cruised in international waters Continue reading

Dismantle Gaza and relocate 'non-belligerent Arabs': Israel Institute for Strategic Studies

This photo comes from newsobserver.com.

This photo comes from newsobserver.com.

By Craig McKee
Israel is losing the war.
I don’t mean the one being fought with missiles, bombs and bullets in Gaza. (That’s not a war anyway – it’s a massacre with 1,800 Palestinians killed so far). I mean the propaganda war – the worldwide fight over public opinion.
Thanks to the Internet and social media, people around the world, especially younger people, are coming to understand better than ever what is being done to the Palestinian people in Israel and the occupied territories. This latest slaughter is causing people to seek out more information about the history of the region and the history of this conflict.
Salon.com’s David Palumbo-Liu put it this way: “Israel is in fact risking losing the narrative war altogether, as more and more of the global Continue reading

Lie becomes truth: Palestinians blamed for being oppressed, killed, and robbed of their land

Gaza smoke
By Craig McKee
That’s how I can best describe in a single word the perpetual propaganda war that accompanies the oppression and repeated slaughters of Palestinian civilians by Israel. The victims are painted as terrorists; the oppressors are painted as victims who are just defending themselves.
Yes, I get it: Hamas is firing homemade rockets into Israel. This practice has killed 28 Israeli civilians since 2001. But how many Palestinians have the Israeli armed forces killed over those 13 years? How about the past 13 days?
Each Israeli death is a tragedy for those killed and their families. And I feel for those who are traumatized by the rocket attacks – however unlikely it is that they’ll actually be hurt by them. But stress felt by Israelis over these rockets is hardly comparable to massacres unleashed on the Palestinians in Gaza three times in the past five years not to mention the theft of land and denial of basic rights they have endured for the Continue reading