Tag Archives: Syria

Lies are how America justifies war

The 2003 Iraq invasion has destroyed that country. (Photo: Aljazeera)

The U.S. has bombed, invaded, assassinated leaders, overthrown governments, and killed millions since WW2

October 8, 2018

By Geoffrey O’Neill (Special to Truth and Shadows)

If most of us knew the real motives for the use of American military force around the world, we would never put up with it. And that’s why they don’t tell us.
The U.S. has been at war for 224 out of 242 years since the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, an astounding 93 per cent of the time. And since World War 2 in particular, every instance of American aggression – by Continue reading

The American exceptionalism myth and the selling of U.S. domination

I believe in American exceptionalism with every fiber of my being. – Barack Obama, 2015.
America is a nation with a mission. Our aim is a democratic peace—a peace founded upon the dignity and rights of every man and woman on this earth. – George W. Bush, 2001
America remains the indispensable nation, and there are times when America and only America, can make a difference between war and peace, between freedom and oppression. – Bill Clinton, 1996
May 27, 2018

By Geoffrey O’Neill (Special to Truth and Shadows)

Americans are expected from birth to believe in the notion of U.S. superiority over other peoples in other nations. The daily school ritual of pledging allegiance to the flag and playing the national anthem at sporting events—whether the Super Bowl or a neighborhood swim meet—is a given. Americans are taught that they are intellectually, socially, economically, and morally superior to Continue reading

Manufactured migrants are tools in U.S. Empire’s ‘grand chessboard’

Chaos from the mass migration is a deliberate strategy. (Photo: Janossy Gergely, Shutterstock)

By Barrie Zwicker (Special to Truth and Shadows)

The refugee crisis in Europe, the largest seen since World War 2, is no accident.
Former U.S. State Department official J. Michael Springmann addresses this verboten subject in his just-released second book Goodbye Europe? Hello, Chaos?: Merkel’s Migrant Bomb. He argues that these refugees and migrants were deliberately created by the American Empire to be used as political weapons.
The misery of asylees, Springmann writes, is one of the planned outcomes of horrendous and unlawful military Continue reading

U.S. imperialism and the wanton destruction of cultures: an open letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei

“The real aim of the invaders in the 9/11 wars is not to fight Islamic terror. It is rather to continue the process of toppling governments and whole societies slated for destruction by those vying for monopolistic domination. Those pushing forward the new incarnations of the Global War on Terror often project onto those they say they are fighting the very qualities that they themselves epitomize.”—Anthony James Hall
December 12, 2015
Above is an online conference on false flags and Islamaphobia held yesterday, Dec. 13, in Paris. It featured a number of guests and was hosted by the author of the letter below, Anthony James Hall, and Arabist/Islamologist and radio host Kevin Barrett. Below is an open letter to Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei from Hall that was written originally for an Iranian audience. The letter, which is reproduced here in agreement with the author, is a response to the second letter written by Iran’s Supreme Leader to the youth of the West (Dated Nov. 29, 2015). The first was released in January of 2015 and was prompted by the Charlie Hebdo event in Paris. As well as being a 9/11 truth activist, Hall is professor of globalization studies at the University of Lethbridge in Calgary, Alberta, and is the author of two critically acclaimed books: The American Empire and the Fourth World (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003) and Earth Into Property: Colonization, Decolonization and Capitalism (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010).—Craig McKee
By Anthony James Hall (Special to Truth and Shadows)
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Dear Supreme Leader;
Thank you for your second letter addressed To the Youth of Western Continue reading