Tag Archives: New world order

Media and the 9/11 cover-up: BBC accused of breaking its own fairness rules

By Craig McKee
The first time I walked into the offices of my university newspaper to offer my services, I noticed a slogan on the wall that read: “Don’t cover the news, UNcover it.”
That distinction appealed to every idealistic bone in my body. There were 206 of them then, give or take. Things have settled a bit since, but I’m still idealistic to a fault. Even so, my expectations of the mainstream media – at least when it comes to the big picture items – can’t get much lower.
Instead of uncovering the news, now I’d settle for: “Don’t cover it up.” Continue reading

‘Propaganda team’ uses contrived fight to derail 9/11 Truth movement

Ryan, Chandler, Legge and the rest would have us believe this is a picture of a plane crash.

May 21, 2012

By Craig McKee

It has been a very good year for the small but relentless group that wants evidence of a faked plane crash at the Pentagon on 9/11 taken off the table.
The group has scored a series of victories in recent months that have hurt the Truth movement and created a “lowest-common-denominator” approach to evidence and to building the case against the official story.
The clique in question includes Kevin Ryan, David Chandler, Jonathan Cole, Frank Legge, Jim Hoffman, Victoria Ashley, Chris Sarns, Justin Keogh, Michael Wolsey, Gregg Roberts, Erik Larson, and several others who have become “respectable” members of the movement (we know they are because they regularly endorse each other and cite each other’s “research”).
For a decade, we’ve seen an orchestrated and determined effort by this small clique to steer the 9/11 Truth Continue reading

A Noble Lie exposes Oklahoma City bombing as gov’t black-op

Evidence shows there were explosives planted in the building.

February 27, 2012

By Craig McKee

The official narrative is simple: A right-wing extremist and his accomplice struck a blow against the American government by setting off a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, April 19, 1995.
The result was 168 dead, including 19 children, and more than 800 injured. The bombing left the American people fearing a new “terrorist” enemy: the home-grown, militia-loving, anti-government extremist.
Good story. Not true.
The truth about Oklahoma City involved not only a terrible human tragedy but also a Continue reading

Sanctions in Gallop 9/11 lawsuit send a message: seek justice at your own risk

By Craig McKee
The message is loud and clear. Go after justice for 9/11 in the courts, and not only will you lose, you’ll be punished.
That’s what April Gallop and her lawyer, William Veale, found out as their lawsuit against former vice-president Dick Cheney, former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, and former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Richard Myers concluded with a final slap in the face. This came in the form of a $15,000 fine levied against Veale for filing a “frivolous” appeal (the appeal had already been turned down in April of last year).
The decision was handed down by a three-judge panel headed by Justice John M. Walker, who just happens to be George W. Bush’s cousin – proving that the American justice system has a twisted sense of humour at times. Continue reading

Make planning a false flag attack a high felony: lawyer and 9/11 activist

In order to bring a nation to support the burdens of maintaining great military establishments, it is necessary to create an emotional state akin to war psychology. There must be the portrayal of external menace.–John Foster Dulles secretary of state in the Eisenhower administration.
By Craig McKee
False flag operations are already illegal – aren’t they?
After all, you can’t legally kill people or destroy property, and then falsely implicate someone else in the crime. But Florida lawyer David Petrano, a member of Lawyers for 9/11 Truth, thinks that a false flag operation is a different and more destructive animal altogether. This is why he’s proposing that Congress pass a False Flag Terrorism Prohibition Act.
“People want a line in the sand now,” Petrano said in a phone interview this week.
Petrano, whose work on the wording is in its early stages, acknowledges that it is highly unlikely Continue reading

The 9 biggest 9/11 stories of 2011: old fights and new directions

By Craig McKee
Paul Simon stepped to the microphone at Ground Zero and something amazing happened.
The legendary singer/songwriter had been asked to sing the non-threatening Bridge Over Troubled Waters at the ceremony for 9/11’s 10th anniversary ceremonies in New York, but he didn’t. Instead, he launched into a haunting version of another classic that begins, “Hello darkness, my old friend.” Simon had decided that the most appropriate statement for this occasion would come from Continue reading

Breaking the back of the official story: 9/11 Consensus Panel can’t be timid

Barrie Zwicker on the 9/11 Consensus Panel: truth is more important than unity.

By Craig McKee
There’s no going back now.
The recently announced 9/11 Consensus Panel has raised the stakes for the Truth movement. The panel cannot afford to fail because many of the most highly respected members of the Truth movement have lent their reputations to the effort – and none more than panel co-founder David Ray Griffin.
They simply have to get it right. And while a cautious start has been made, with 13 points achieving the required 85% support among the 22 voting members of the panel, this is only Continue reading

Eyes on the Pentagon: new Toronto event independent of 9/11 hearings

Witnesses in CIT film describe flight path to the north of the official one.

By Craig McKee

The Toronto 9/11 hearings are no longer the only game in town.
The 9/11 research group Citizen Investigation Team, which contends that no commercial airliner hit the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, has announced it will present a screening of its documentary National Security Alert on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in Toronto. The Sept. 11 event will also Continue reading

9/11 Blogger condemned for banning opponents, blocking truth

By Craig McKee

The largest web site in the world devoted to discussing truth behind the so-called terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 has been condemned for its unwarranted and destructive banning of contributors.
The site, 911Blogger.com – which has banned a long list of 9/11 Truthers from contributing to its site – was condemned in the form of a resolution passed by the 911 Truth Teleconference, a group of prominent 9/11 activists that holds a virtual meeting each month to discuss issues related to the Truth movement.
In particular, 911 Blogger has banned many activists who are sympathetic to the position of Citizen Investigation Team, which contends that no commercial airliner hit the Pentagon on Sept. 11. Blogger also permits persistent and vicious attacks against CIT and their supporters while denying those being attacked the opportunity to defend themselves.
It enthusiastically encourages support for the official government story of 9/11 as it pertains to the “attack” against the Pentagon. The idea that the evidence doesn’t support the notion that a 757 hit the building is ridiculed by many of the favoured contributors of 911 Blogger. Continue reading

Obama and media use bin Laden’s ‘death’ to further 9/11 lie

May 2, 2011

By Craig McKee

Buried at sea? I can’t believe people are buying this.
Around the world, misled individuals are celebrating the death of the man blamed for the 9/11 false-flag operation. Many are even thinking it will make a difference to the war on terror. It won’t, of course, because that phantom war will continue until it isn’t needed anymore by the global elite. And that won’t happen until another phony enemy is in place.
My optimistic side hopes that this lie is so obvious that even those who bought the idea that 9/11 was a terrorist attack might see through it. But that isn’t guaranteed, especially with all the major media in America marching in lockstep.
We’ve seen how the U.S. government turned 9/11 into two wars and an all-out assault on the Continue reading