Monthly Archives: September 2012

‘Official’ 9/11 propaganda embraced by truthers who say that a plane hit the Pentagon

Anybody see a stray wing lying around? Firefight says it’s around somewhere.

This is a guest article by 9/11 Truth activist and frequent Truth and Shadows contributor Adam Syed. In his piece, Syed looks at how an officially approved whitewash of the 9/11 Pentagon “attack” is given support by some in the movement who are determined to ridicule the view that no large plane hit the building.

By Adam Syed (Special to Truth and Shadows)

You know it supports the official story when you can buy it in the 9/11 Memorial Store.
And yet, Firefight: Inside the Battle to Save the Pentagon, is also embraced by some in the Truth movement. The question is why?
You don’t have to look far to find out. This piece of shameless propaganda has an official endorsement because it supports the minority view within the movement that Flight 77 actually hit the Pentagon.
These truthers don’t seem to have a problem that the book also tells us that one of the wings broke apart outside the Continue reading

And then there was one: Supreme Court is the last hope for 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani

An 11-year fight for truth: Ellen Mariani and her husband, Neil.

By Craig McKee
They set it up perfectly.
A government “compensation fund” would pay off most families of 9/11 victims, preventing them from ever suing anyone for what happened to their loved ones.
And those who didn’t take the money would be pressured into accepting out-of-court settlements. Everyone would be kept quiet with gag orders and non-disclosure clauses, and the truth about 9/11 would never come out in a courtroom. Brilliant.
And it worked perfectly – except for Ellen Mariani. Continue reading

Ignorance trumps ideas during annual 9/11 ‘discussions’: a reluctant rant

All truth passes through three stages. First it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third it is accepted as being self-evident.-Arthur Schoepenhauer
By Craig McKee
Why is it that ignorance and unjustified pride seem to go so well together?
Over the past two days, I’ve been knocking a few ideas around with some fellow Facebook enthusiasts concerning the 11th anniversary of everyone’s favorite fake terrorist attack. From the brilliant quote above, I got the ridicule and the violent opposition, but that was it.
Thanks to the wonderful anonymity of this “social” media site, I had the chance to trade insults with people I have never even met! Talk about progress. When you know people, it’s harder to dislike them. But when you only know them from their moronic put-downs on Facebook, there’s Continue reading