Tag Archives: Lee Harvey Oswald

Journalists would be thrilled to break 9/11 'inside job' story, if there was one: Kay

Jonathan Kay would suggest that this man is delusional and has too much time on his hands.

By Craig McKee
Jonathan Kay lives in a truly wonderful world.
In this world, journalists are just dying to break any story that would show that 9/11 is an inside job. And any who did would surely be rewarded with wealth, fame, and maybe a Pulitzer Prize.
Too bad for them there isn’t a shred of evidence for this ridiculous “conspiracy theory.” If there were, we’d have hundreds of ambitious scribes fighting and scratching to find out who could get that April Gallop interview first. Somebody heard bombs going off in the towers before the planes hit? 60 Minutes would have been there. A big plane got sucked into an impossibly tiny Continue reading

Teach kids conspiracy theories are ‘bad for society’: an interview with Jonathan Kay

By Craig McKee
It’s a challenge to interview someone you’d rather be debating. That was the case when I interviewed Canadian writer and journalist Jonathan Kay this week. Kay, an editor with the National Post, is the author of Among the Truthers, which attempts to examine and explain the world of conspiracy theorists. Why do these otherwise intelligent people believe the “bullshit” that they do, he wonders? He sees the 9/11 Truth movement as being ridiculous and based on arguments that “even an eight-year-old” would see through. I chose to try and cover as much ground in 45 minutes as I could rather than getting into an in-depth debate on any one point. I did find things in his arguments that cry out for further argument , and I will offer my analysis of his remarks in a subsequent post. I encourage readers to offer their own comments at the end of this article.
CM: What is the difference between a conspiracy theorist and someone who does legitimate research to unearth a real conspiracy?
JK: I define according to the method of argumentation of the people who advance the theory in question. I give the example of Iran/Contra, Teapot Dome, the Sponsorship Scandal or Watergate, which of course were real historical conspiracies. If you’re advancing something like this, one person will advance evidence and the other person will refute it, and by that method you Continue reading

Obama and media use bin Laden’s ‘death’ to further 9/11 lie

May 2, 2011

By Craig McKee

Buried at sea? I can’t believe people are buying this.
Around the world, misled individuals are celebrating the death of the man blamed for the 9/11 false-flag operation. Many are even thinking it will make a difference to the war on terror. It won’t, of course, because that phantom war will continue until it isn’t needed anymore by the global elite. And that won’t happen until another phony enemy is in place.
My optimistic side hopes that this lie is so obvious that even those who bought the idea that 9/11 was a terrorist attack might see through it. But that isn’t guaranteed, especially with all the major media in America marching in lockstep.
We’ve seen how the U.S. government turned 9/11 into two wars and an all-out assault on the Continue reading

London 7/7 bombings follow 'successful' Kennedy, 9/11 playbooks

By Craig McKee

When something works, why change?
The price of not scrutinizing the evidence in horrifying acts of destruction, terrorism, and murder is that they just keep happening. If the perpetrators get away with it once, there’s no reason they wouldn’t keep going to the same formula that has worked in the past.
With the help of the mainstream media, we keep believing the lies we’re fed. And we keep paying a terrible price.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 by his own government, and we believed the flimsy scenario that a lone nut named Lee Harvey Oswald did it. Although the evidence overwhelmingly shows that Oswald was a patsy who was set up to take the fall, our newspapers and television programs still refer to him as the man who shot JFK. No trial, no proof. No matter.
We know that Franklin D. Roosevelt provoked and allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to take place to create public support for getting into World War II. The wishes of the people were not to be listened to, they were to be manufactured. While America was officially outraged at the brutal invasions of the Nazis, American corporations were enthusiastically doing business with them, helping to keep the war machine humming.
JFK wanted to pull soldiers out of Vietnam. He also wanted the U.S. government to start printing its own money for the first time since the private Federal Reserve came into existence in 1913. Both bad news for the power elite that is used to Continue reading

FBI told Clinton prosecutor about details of 9/11 weeks in advance

By Craig McKee

If you’ve heard of David Philip Schippers at all, chances are you remember him going head to head with former president Bill Clinton.
Schippers, a Democrat, was the special prosecutor in the Clinton impeachment case in the late 1990s. He was also the former Chief Investigative Counsel for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee. Not exactly an anti-establishment figure.
But when it comes to 9/11, Schippers has some things to say that shake the foundations of the official story.
Just two days after 9/11, Schippers went public with the explosive statement that he had been told by FBI agents months before 9/11 that there would be a massive terrorist attack targeting the financial arteries of lower Manhattan. The revelation came in an interview he did on WRRK in Pittsburgh.
These agents, who were reportedly from Illinois and Minnesota, confided in Schippers that they knew the location and date of the “impending attacks.” They even knew the names of the hijackers and the sources of their funding! Continue reading

Critical, open-minded thinking is in short supply in 9/11 debate

The goal of education is to replace an empty mind with an open mind – Malcolm Forbes
People are very open-minded about new things – as long as they’re exactly like the old ones – Charles Kettering
November 24, 2010

By Craig McKee

It’s all about assumptions – that immovable foundation of ideas we won’t compromise under any conditions even when those ideas are proven wrong. These are the dogmatic beliefs that block us from considering new possibilities.
We all have biases. We all operate with a set of core beliefs about how the world works. We all see things through the filter of our upbringing and our experiences. But truly wise people are those who realize the limiting effects of their biases, and who will consider new information even when it contradicts their existing beliefs.
The 9/11 Truth Movement was born as a result of people who were willing to look beyond the obvious. They didn’t take what they were told as unchallengeable truth; they used their brains to evaluate what they were told and what they saw. They tested the information critically.
Most people think they are completely open to new ideas and concepts; but they aren’t. They don’t apply the same criticism to the “official conspiracy theory” of 9/11 that they do to others they don’t like. Continue reading

Having fun with the bizarre Kennedy/Lincoln coincidences

September 20, 2010

By Craig McKee

Are you one of those people who reads all kinds of things into coincidences?
I’ve done this at times, but I usually try to convince myself that you notice something when there’s a coincidence that you wouldn’t notice the rest of the time. In other words, these occurrences are really just chance.
A coincidence is defined by Dictionary.com as a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time, apparently by mere chance.
When I was a kid I remember hearing about the coincidences between the lives and deaths of U.S. presidents Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy. At the time, I thought it was very cool. The most Continue reading

People love conspiracies – at least they do when they're fictional

September 17, 2010

By Craig McKee

So are you evil, naive, crazy, or disloyal?
Based on how most people seem to react to the subject of conspiracies, you’d think we’d all fit into one of these categories.
Why evil? Well, if you take the position that anyone who refutes a conspiracy theory that you like must be part of the dark and powerful elite that wants to crush the truth and enslave the masses, then this might be the one that speaks to you. This goes with the “all or nothing” attitude. It`s kind of the reverse of George Bush`s “If you’re not with us, you’re with the terrorists.”
Naive can go both ways: one side thinks the other is naive to believe in either absolute. You’re either naive to think there would never be a hidden conspiracy, or you’re naive to think there’s one around every corner.
Crazy is pretty much exclusively what the anti-conspiracy people accuse the conspiracy theorists of Continue reading

The rush to judgment (part 2): deception on a grand scale

September 15, 2010

By Craig McKee

It’s all about sleight of hand.
The trick with getting people to accept a lie without question is to have them hear it amidst lots of action. Bombs are good. Noise helps. Fear is essential.
It was Adolf Hitler who said: “The great masses of the people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.” Why am I quoting the biggest mass murderer of the 20th century? Well, the man knew his propaganda.
Here’s another one: “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even Continue reading

The rush to judgment: a familiar pattern labels Oswald a killer

Oswald was silenced by Jack Ruby.
September 13, 2010

By Craig McKee

When I started this blog, 9/11 was just supposed to be one of the topics to be addressed. But in doing research on the subject, I found myself becoming more and more captivated. And more and more angry.
The story has so many angles, so many questions, so many lies, so many glaring omissions. When the attacks first happened I assumed, like most people, that Osama bin Laden was indeed responsible. I may have hated Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld, but that didn’t make me question the official account.
The event was so huge, so destructive, so shocking that the idea that anyone other than Bush’s “evil doers” had been involved seemed unthinkable. I should have known better. As a firm believer that John Continue reading